Right-click Menus
Once in a right-click menu, you can click a circulation or print option, or use CTRL+ the underlined character to access an option.

User delinquency alerts do not display for the right-click options. If a user is blocked and the blocked status was not overridden in the parent wizard, the blocked override will display from the right-click options.
You can turn on the right-click menu options in the Global Configuration policy (for details, see Configure Context Menu Policy).
Some right-click menu options may not be available to you depending on your login access to certain wizards. For example, if your login does not have access to the Renew User wizard, then you will not have access to the “Renew As Seen” and “Renew As Unseen” right-click menu options.
Any right-click options that duplicate the function of the parent wizard will not be available. For example, the “Display User” right-click option will not be available from any list in the Display User wizard.
Some user lists will not appear depending on your settings for the “Configure Display Of User Transaction Lists” Global Configuration (for details, see Display Of User Transaction Lists In Circulation Wizards Policy).
The following table describes the different right-click options available in certain circulation wizards.
Option |
Wizards used in |
Description |
Bill User for Hold |
CheckOut Display Item Holds Display Title Holds Display User Display User Holds Paying Bills Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you bill a user for a hold on a selected item. For more information, see Bill a User Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Billing a User wizard. This option shares the following properties with the Billing a User wizard (for details, see Bill a User Wizard Properties). Behavior Properties:
Defaults Properties:
Bill User for Item |
CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display User Ephemeral Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you bill a user for a selected item. For more information, see Bill a User Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Billing a User wizard. This option shares the following properties with the Billing a User wizard (for details, see Bill a User Wizard Properties). Behavior Properties:
Defaults Properties:
Change Item ID |
Billing a User CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display User Fine Free Discharge Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you change a selected item’s ID (barcode). For more information, see Change Item ID Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Change Item ID wizard. |
Claims Returned |
CheckOut Display User Paying Bills Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you mark a selected item (or group of items) as claims returned. For more information, see User Claims Returned Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the User Claims Returned wizard. |
Create Booking |
Display User |
This option lets you create a booking for the selected item, or create a new booking for the user. For more information, see Create Bookings Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Create Bookings wizard. This option shares the following properties with the Create Bookings wizard (for details, see Create Bookings Wizard Properties). Behavior Properties:
Defaults Properties:
Helper Properties:
Create Reservations |
Display User |
This option lets you create a reservation for the selected item, or create a new reservation for the user. For more information, see Create Reservations Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Create Reservations wizard. This option shares the following properties with the Create Reservations wizard (for details, see Create Reservations Wizard Properties). Behavior Properties:
Defaults Properties:
Helper Properties:
Discharge |
CheckOut Display User Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you check in a selected item or group of items. For more information, see Discharge/Checkin Wizard. If you configure the Context Menu Policy to prompt for confirmation prior to executing a menu option, you will be prompted to verify that you want to perform this action. Choose OK to proceed, or Cancel to go back to the list. For details, see Configure Context Menu Policy. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Discharge/Checkin wizard. This option shares the following Behavior properties with the Discharge/Checkin wizard (for details, see Discharge/Checkin Wizard Properties).
Note: The “Display hold instructions” and “Display in transit instructions” configurations will always be used in the right-click menu option, regardless of the setting in the Discharge/Checkin wizard properties. |
Display Hold |
CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display User Fine Free Discharge Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you display the holds for a title. For more information, see Display Title Holds Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Display Title Holds wizard. |
Display Item |
Billing a User CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display Item Holds Display Title Holds Display User Display User Holds Ephemeral Fine Free Discharge Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User Suspend User Unsuspend User User Lost Card |
This option lets you display item information. For more information, see Item Search and Display Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Item Search and Display wizard. The tabs that display in the window depend on your Item Search and Display wizard properties settings (for details, see Item Search and Display Wizard Properties). |
Display User |
CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display Item Holds Display Title Holds Display User Holds Fine Free Discharge Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User |
This option lets you display a user record. For more information, see Display User Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Display User wizard. This option shares all the Behavior properties with the Display User wizard (for details, see Display User Wizard Properties). |
Edit Bill Note |
Billing a User CheckOut Display User Renew User Paying Bills Wizard User Lost Card |
This option lets you add a new note or edit an existing note for a selected bill record. For more information, see Display User Wizard Properties. You will not have access to this option if you have not configured the Note column to display for these wizards. For the Billing a User, Display User, and Paying Bills wizards and the Pay Bills helper, you can set the Note column configuration in each wizard's respective properties using the Show bill note property. The CheckOut, Renew User, and User Lost Card wizards and the Display User helper share the Show bill note property with the Display User wizard. |
Edit Item Note |
Billing a User CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display Item Holds Display Title Holds Display User Display User Holds Ephemeral Fine Free Discharge Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card Suspend User Unsuspend User |
This option lets you add a new note or edit an existing note for an item or group of items (such as a circulation note). For more information, see Edit Items Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Edit Items wizard. |
Edit Transaction Item |
Cash Management |
This option lets you edit attributes of a Cash Management transaction item. For more information, see the Cash Management Wizard Properties help topic. |
Mark Item Lost |
CheckOut Display User Paying Bills Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you mark an item or group of items as LOST. For more information, see Mark Item Lost Wizard. Note: The Mark Item Lost right-click option will not be available if you select an inactive charge. This option will also treat any selected item individually, even if the item is part of a circulation set. If you configure the Context Menu Policy to prompt for confirmation prior to executing a menu option, you will be prompted to verify that you want to perform this action. Choose OK to proceed, or Cancel to go back to the list. For details, see Configure Context Menu Policy. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Mark Item Lost wizard. This option shares the following Behavior properties with the Mark Item Lost wizard (for details, see Mark Item Lost Wizard Properties).
Mark Item Missing |
CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display User Fine Free Discharge Manage Hold Shelf Paying Bills Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you mark an item or group of items as MISSING. For more information, see Mark Item Missing Wizard. Note: The Mark Item Missing right-click option will not be available if you select an inactive charge. This option will also treat any selected item individually, even if the item is part of a circulation set. If you configure the Context Menu Policy to prompt for confirmation prior to executing a menu option, you will be prompted to verify that you want to perform this action. Choose OK to proceed, or Cancel to go back to the list. For details, see Configure Context Menu Policy. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Mark Item Missing wizard. This option shares the “User ID” Behavior property with the Mark Item Missing wizard (for details, see Mark Item Missing Wizard Properties). |
Mark Item Used |
Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Fine Free Discharge |
This option lets you mark an item for in-house use. For more information, see Mark Item Used Wizard. If you configure the Context Menu Policy to prompt for confirmation prior to executing a menu option, you will be prompted to verify that you want to perform this action. Choose OK to proceed, or Cancel to go back to the list. For details, see Configure Context Menu Policy. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Mark Item Used wizard. |
Modify Booking |
Display User |
This option lets you modify a selected booking. For more information, see Modify User Bookings Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Modify User Bookings wizard. This option shares the “Extend user’s library privilege” Behavior property with the Modify User Bookings wizard (for details, see Modify User Bookings Wizard Properties). |
Modify Booking Due Date |
Display User |
This option lets you modify a booking due date for a selected booking. For more information, see Modify Booking Due Date Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Modify Booking Due Date wizard. |
Modify Due Date |
CheckOut Display User Ephemeral Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you modify the due date for a selected item or group of items. For more information, see Modify Due Dates Wizard. Note: Do not use this option to modify a booking due date, as it will not update the associated booking record when the due date is modified. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Modify Due Dates wizard. This option shares the “Shorten loan periods that conflict with upcoming bookings or reservations” Behavior property with the Modify Due Dates wizard (for details, see Modify Due Dates Wizard Properties). |
Modify Hold |
Display Item Holds Display Title Holds Manage Hold Shelf |
This option lets you modify a hold for a selected item or group of items. For more information, see Modify Item Holds Wizard. Note: This option is not available for the blanket hold ID. You will not have access to modify a hold for items if you do not have access to the Modify Item Holds wizard. This option shares all behavior properties with the Modify Item Holds wizard (see Modify Item Holds Wizard Properties). |
Modify Hold |
CheckOut Display User Display User Hold Paying Bills Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you modify a hold for a selected user or group of users. For more information, see Modify User Holds Wizard. Note: This option is not available for the blanket hold ID. You will not have access to modify a hold for users if you do not have access to the Modify User Holds wizard. This option shares all behavior properties with the Modify User Holds wizard (see Modify User Holds Wizard Properties). |
Modify Reservations |
Display User |
This option lets you modify a reservation. For more information, see Modify Reservations Wizard. Note: This option is not available if a reservation is checked out. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Modify Reservations wizard. |
Pay Bill |
Billing a User CheckOut Display User Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you pay a user’s bill or group of bills. For more information, see Paying Bills Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Pay Bill wizard. This option shares the “Allow bills to be forgiven/cancelled” Behavior property with the Pay Bills helper (for details, see Pay Bills Helper). |
Place Hold |
Billing a User CheckOut Discharging Discharging Bookdrop Display Item Holds Display Title Holds Display User Display User Holds Fine Free Discharge Mail Item Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you place a hold for an item. For more information, see Place Hold Wizard. Note: This option is not available if the blanket hold ID is selected in the hold list. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Place Hold wizard. This option shares the following properties with the Place Hold wizard (for details, see Place Hold Wizard Properties). Behavior Properties:
Defaults Properties:
Helper Properties:
Print Checkout Slip |
CheckOut Display User Ephemeral Mail Items Paying Bills Renew Item Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you print a Checkout Slip for a selected item or group of items from a list of user checkouts. You must configure your WorkFlows preferences to make your receipt printer available (for more information, see FAQs: Printing Receipts and Slips). Important: If you do not set up this configuration, the Print Checkout Slip right-click option will not be available. For example, if you are printing from the Renew User wizard, the client will print using the Renew User receipt properties. If you print from any other wizard, the client will use the CheckOut wizard receipt properties. You must also configure the properties in the wizard you print from (for example, the Checkout wizard) to allow printing. (For more information, see the Properties help topic for the wizard you wish to configure for printing.) Note: If you try to print using the Print Checkout Slip right-click option without first having configured the wizard properties for printing, you will receive an error message that the receipt printing properties are not defined. |
Remove Booking |
Display User |
This option lets you remove the user’s booking(s) for a selected item. For more information, see Remove User Bookings Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Remove User Bookings wizard. |
Remove Hold |
Display Item Holds Display Title Holds |
This option lets you remove a hold for a selected item or group of items. For more information, see Remove Item Hold Wizard. Note: This option is not available for the blanket hold ID. You will not have access to remove a hold for items if you do not have access to the Remove Item Hold wizard. This option shares the following Behavior properties with the Remove Item Hold wizard (see Remove Item Hold Wizard Properties).
Remove Hold |
CheckOut Display User Display User Holds Manage Hold Shelf Paying Bills Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you remove a hold for a selected user or group of users. For more information, see Remove User Hold Wizard. Note: This option is not available for the blanket hold ID. You will not have access to remove a hold for users if you do not have access to the Remove User Hold wizard. This option shares the following Behavior properties with the Remove User Hold wizard (see Remove User Hold Wizard Properties).
Remove Reservations |
Display User |
This option lets you remove a reservation. For more information, see Remove User Reservations Wizard. Note: This option is not available if a reservation is checked out. You will not have access to remove a reservation for users if you do not have access to the Remove User Reservations wizard. |
Remove Transaction Item |
Cash Management |
This option lets you remove an item from the current Cash Management transaction. For more information, see the Cash Management Wizard Properties help topic. |
Renew As Seen |
CheckOut Display User Paying Bills User Lost Card |
This option lets you renew a selected item or group of items as “seen.” For more information, see Renew User Wizard. If you configure the Context Menu Policy to prompt for confirmation prior to executing a menu option, you will be prompted to verify that you want to perform this action. Choose OK to proceed, or Cancel to go back to the list. For details, see Configure Context Menu Policy. Note: You will not get a confirmation prompt if you have configured the “Review items before renewing” property to display. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Renew User wizard. This option shares the following Behavior properties with the Renew User wizard (see Remove User Wizard Properties).
Renew As Unseen |
CheckOut Display User Paying Bills User Lost Card |
This option lets you renew a selected item or group of items as “unseen.” For more information, see Renew User Wizard. If you configure the Context Menu Policy to prompt for confirmation prior to executing a menu option, you will be prompted to verify that you want to perform this action. Choose OK to proceed, or Cancel to go back to the list. For details, see Configure Context Menu Policy. Note: You will not get a confirmation prompt if you have configured the “Review items before renewing” property to display. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Renew User wizard. This option shares the following Behavior properties with the Renew User wizard (see Remove User Wizard Properties).
Reorder Hold Queue |
CheckOut Display Item Holds Display Title Holds Display User Display User Holds Paying Bills Renew User User Lost Card |
This option lets you reorder the hold queue for a selected item. For more information, see Reorder Hold Queue Wizard. Note: This option is not available for the blanket hold ID. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Reorder Hold Queue wizard. |
Trap Hold |
Onshelf Items |
This option lets you trap a selected hold or group of holds in the Onshelf Hold Items list. For more information, see Onshelf Items Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Onshelf Items wizard. |
Unfill Hold |
Onshelf Items |
This option lets you unfill a selected hold or group of holds in the Onshelf Hold Items list. For more information, see Onshelf Items Wizard. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Onshelf Items wizard. |
Unsuspend User |
CheckOut Display User Paying Bills Renew User Suspend User |
This option lets you unsuspend a user’s privilege. For more information, see Unsuspend User Wizard. Note: This option only appears for active suspensions. You will not have access to this option if you do not have access to the Unsuspend User wizard. This option shares the following properties with the Unsuspend User wizard (for details, see Unsuspend User Wizard Properties). Behavior Properties:
Defaults Properties:
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