Modify Booking Due Date Wizard
The Modify Booking Due Date wizard is used to change the due date of an existing charged booking. It allows you to search for the booking record with user information.
To modify a booking due date
Click the Modify Booking Due Date wizard. |
User Search Helper allows you to search for a booking by user or select the Current user to view the last user record displayed, modified or added. If there is more than one user in your result, select the correct user record and click Modify Booking. Your search result displays the following fields: Title, Patron Booking Starts, Patron Booking Ends, Date Due, and Record Status. |
Use the Date gadget in the Date Due field of the booking charge record you wish to modify, and choose the new due date and time for the booking. Click Modify Booking Due Dates to save your changes. |
After modifying booking due dates, click one of the following options.
Review to review the changes you made |
Modify Another Booking Due Date to modify the due date for another booking record |
Close to exit the wizard |
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