Mark Item Missing Wizard
The Mark Item Missing wizard is used to check out an item in the catalog to MISSING. You may decide that an item should be marked as missing if the item cannot be found or when the item has been charged to a patron and is long overdue. Marking the item as missing indicates that the item may not be lost. Charging the item to MISSING alerts staff and shadows (hides) the item from the public to prevent futile efforts to locate this item.
To mark an item as MISSING
Click the Mark Item Missing wizard. |
If the Item Search Helper is set in properties to display as the first step of the wizard, search for the item. Select the item from the resulting list and click Mark Item Missing. The Item ID box will be filled in with the ID you select using this helper, and item information will show in the header. |
When not using the Item Search helper, you will be prompted to scan the item ID. Once scanned, item information displays in the header.
Click Mark Item Missing. |
Repeat the previous steps until all missing items are marked. |
After the item has been marked as MISSING, select one of the following options:
Mark Item Missing to mark another item missing |
Close to exit the wizard |
Important Considerations When Using this Wizard
If the Current record button displays, the last item record displayed, modified, or added is retained. Click this button to select this item. |
Click the glossary links to display more detailed information. |
A MISSING user record and a MISSING Location policy must be created before you can use the Mark Item Missing wizard to mark an item as MISSING. A MISSING User Profile policy and a MISSING Circulation Map policy must also be created. For new installations, the MISSING user record, MISSING location, MISSING user profile, and MISSING circulation map policies are delivered. For more information about defining or modifying these policies, go to FAQs: Defining Missing and Lost Policies. |
Selecting the Proxy Checkout with Cancel Hold property in the Checkout wizard properties also causes the option to appear in the Mark Item Missing wizard. |
Related topics
Circulation Map Wizard
Location Wizard
Mark Item Missing Wizard Properties
User Profile Wizard
FAQs: Marking Items as MISSING