FAQs: Marking Items as MISSING

For information on defining policies to use with the Mark Item Missing wizard, see FAQs: Defining Lost and Missing Policies.

How do I mark an item as MISSING if the item is charged to a patron?

If an item is charged to a patron, you will keep the charge so that if the item is ultimately determined to be lost, you can bill the user for the item.

To mark a charged item as MISSING

If a list of items displays, select an item, and then click Mark Item Missing.

If the item is currently checked out, a message displays stating that the item was not discharged.

How do I mark an item as MISSING if the item has holds?

The Mark Item Missing wizard displays an override window when an item you want to mark as MISSING is found to have holds. When you enter the override code correctly, you can continue marking the item as MISSING.

Note: Selecting the Proxy Checkout with Cancel Hold property in the Checkout wizard properties also causes the option to appear in the Mark Item Missing wizard.

How do I mark an item as MISSING if the item has a hold and is in transit to another library?

When you attempt to mark an item with an active hold in transit as MISSING, a message displays that the item is in transit, and the hold is not canceled. You must take the item out of transit and cancel the hold before the item can be marked as MISSING.

To take an item out of transit and cancel a hold

When you locate the item, a message appears.

Because the item has a hold on it, a message appears.

Note: Note If your library is not the destination library for the item in transit, you are prompted twice to release the item from transit when you mark the item as MISSING. First, you are prompted to remove the item from transit. Because your library is not the destination library for the item in transit, WorkFlows requires an override code to release the item from transit and mark it as MISSING. If your library is the destination library for the item in transit, you are simply prompted to release the item from transit and mark it as MISSING.

What do I do if the user returns an item that was marked MISSING?

If a patron returns an item marked as MISSING, the staff member must discharge the item twice. The first discharge releases the item from the MISSING user ID. The second discharge removes the item from the user record of patron who checked it out.

To discharge the item from the MISSING user ID, then discharge it from the patron

The item is discharged from the MISSING or LOST user ID.

The patron may be billed for overdue charges.

If any of the attributes in the Charging of Items Already Charged policy (Circulation tab) in the Global Configuration wizard are set so that an item is automatically discharged from the patron before it is charged to the MISSING or LOST user ID, the staff member would only have to discharge the item once if it is returned. However, if the automatic discharge feature is available, the link to the user record of the patron who lost the item is removed. When the link to the user record is removed, it is not possible to automatically bill the patron for the missing or lost item.

How do I mark a circulation set as MISSING?

If the Circulation Sets feature is configured for your system, you can mark circulation sets missing using the Mark Item Missing wizard. When a set ID is scanned in the wizard, the wizard displays the list of items in set. In this list, you can select which items in the set are missing. The wizard will update each selected item’s current location to MISSING.

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