User Profile Wizard

Each user in the system has an assigned User Profile policy. User Profiles are used to divide the library’s users into groups. The groupings can establish different categories of privileges in the system (juvenile vs. adult, or faculty vs. student) or provide identification for statistical purposes (graduates vs. undergraduates). A user profile can also protect each member of its group from being deleted. For example, the ADMIN user profile policy is protected so no member of that group can be deleted.

The User Profile wizard can be accessed from the User Configuration wizard group and the Access Control Configuration wizard group.

From List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the User Profile policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


If you select a User Profile policy and click one of the operation buttons, the following tabs appear.

General Tab


The name uniquely identifies the user profile. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used. Since each User Profile is referred to by its name, it is important to choose a meaningful one, such as ADULT, JUVENILE, STUDENT, or FACULTY. For internal use, there should always be a LIBRARYUSE User Profile. This policy may be named something different than LIBRARYUSE, and is configured by SirsiDynix at the time of delivery.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.


If the system is configured to embed access attributes as part of the User Profile policy instead of displaying them as fields as the user record, the Location attribute is included as part of the User Profile policy. The Location attribute must contain one of the policy names defined in the Location policy. Whenever an item is charged to a user, the item is shown to be at that user’s assigned location name. Special users, such as the library and library departments, would have locations such as CATALOGING, BINDERY, and BOOKMOBILE. Other users might have the location CHECKEDOUT. The Location Policy helper (Location Wizard) is available for you to create new locations or modify existing ones if needed.


The Billable attribute indicates whether users with a particular User Profile may be billed automatically by SirsiDynix Symphony as a consequence of some fee-based circulation activity. To suspend a user’s privilege, this option must be selected.

For example, if a library wanted to exempt its own staff from incurring overdue fines, then the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator would create a User Profile just for staff and clear the Billable attribute. When anyone else turned in overdue library items, SirsiDynix Symphony would automatically attach a bill for the overdue fine to that user’s record. But if library staff turned in overdue items, the STAFF User Profile would prevent SirsiDynix Symphony from automatically adding a overdue fine bill to the staff member’s user record.


User profiles have the capacity to protect user records from being deleted. User records in a user profile that has been marked as protected cannot be deleted. You can change the Protect setting for any profile. The following user profiles are protected by default:


If you attempt to delete a user record assigned to a protected profile, the program will display a message letting you know that the record is protected. If you need to delete a user record in a protected profile, change profile assigned to the user to a profile that is not protected, then delete the record. When you change the user to an unprotected profile, the program prompts you to confirm that you want to apply an unprotected profile.


This attribute indicates that users with this user profile represent a location as understood by SirsiDynix Symphony rather than human users. Specifying a user profile as Location-based indicates that any users with this profile can bypass any applicable checkout limits, which may be useful for checking out items to system users. Examples of system users that could benefit from a location-based user profile may be DISCARD, LOST, or MISSING.

Privilege Limit

When a user is added to the system or has her privilege extended, the user’s profile determines when the privilege expires. There may be no time limit on a privilege or the limit can be set so that the privilege expires in a certain number of days, weeks, months or years, or on a specific date. This attribute allows you to specify the type of privilege limit and specify the duration of the limit. To select a specific date, use the Calendar gadget.

For example, if through their profiles, users’ privileges could be set to automatically expire three years after being entered into SirsiDynix Symphony. In another use of this time limit, consider a group of users who are visitors at an institution and will be leaving on August 31. The time limit in their profiles could be set to August 27. They would be unable to charge out items after August 27.

Privilege Fee

Whenever a user is added to the system or has existing circulation privileges extended, the user may be billed according to the Privilege Fee attribute. Type a privilege fee amount.

For example, a user who is not a member of the library’s general public might be billed $5.00 for the privilege of charging and renewing library items.

Note: A bill for a extending a user’s privilege is only created if there is a privilege fee defined in the User Profile policy. If a special privilege date is set at the workstation, a bill will not be created.

Allow Online Privilege Renewal

This attribute allows online privilege renewal of users through Symphony Web Services. This attribute only displays when configured by SirsiDynix. To allow online renewal, this option must be selected.

For example, if a user’s account is about to expire they can renew it online through the library’s OPAC when this option is selected.

Circulation Tab

Charge Limit

The Charge Limit attribute is the maximum number of items any user may have checked out at one time. If the Charge Limit is UNLIMITED, a user may have up to 25,000 items checked out simultaneously. Unlike the Overdue and Bill Thresholds, the user’s status is not updated automatically at the workstation when the Charge Limit is met. When the user’s Charge Limit is reached, regardless of the delinquency status, only an operator override allows that user to check out items. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a limit between 0-24,999, or select UNLIMITED.

Note: The Charge Limit is not linked to the user status. Even when the Charge Limit has been reached and an override is required, and the Update User Delinquency Status report has been run, the user status does not change.

Charges Allowed

When a user is added to the system or has his privilege extended, the User Profile policy determines how many charges the user can make before their privilege expires. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number between 0-24,999, or select UNLIMITED.

For example, if the user’s profile says she is allowed a total of five charges, then after the user checked out her fifth item, her privilege must be renewed before she can charge out more items. Each time her privilege is renewed she may charge out five more items.

An application of this attribute might be to allow temporary guest users of the library to charge out a total of only six items. Another application might be to define a NEWUSER profile that prohibits newly registered patrons from checking out more than three items. After a new user has returned all three items, his user profile could be changed from NEWUSER to a different (full privilege) User Profile.

Hold Limit

The Hold Limit is the maximum number of items any user may have on hold at one time. If the Hold Limit is UNLIMITED, there is no limit on the number of items a user may have on hold simultaneously. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a limit between 0-24,999, or select UNLIMITED.

Note: Hold Limit is used for placing, not satisfying, holds.

Hold Rank

Each title and item in the SirsiDynix Symphony database may have a list of users who are waiting for it to become available. This is the holds queue. Among other criteria, a user’s place in a hold queue is determined by the User Profile’s hold rank number. Type a number from 100-199, or use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number.

For example, the User Profile STUDENT might assign all student users a hold rank of 150. Faculty registered with the User Profile FACULTY might get a hold rank of 125. When only students place holds on items, the hold queue is first come, first served (given that other hold criteria are equal). But if a faculty member places a hold on an item, his higher hold rank would mean that he is ranked above any students in the hold queue. Additional faculty placing holds on that item are ranked after the first faculty member, but before all the students in the hold queue.

All User Profiles can be given the same rank allowing everyone the same opportunity to request material (given that other hold criteria are equal).

Note: For Demand Management, hold priority is determined in the following order.

Highest priority from the Hold Map policy
Highest priority specified in the hold record (based on the hold rank number in the User Profile policy)
Earliest date/time the hold was placed

Overdue Threshold

The system monitors the number of items overdue for every user. If a user has a certain number of items overdue which is equal to or passed that user’s profile Overdue Threshold, then the user is blocked from further checkouts. To set an Overdue Threshold, type a number between 0-32,000, or use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number. If set to 0, the Overdue Threshold is unlimited. The Overdue Threshold is considered in determining the user’s blocked status only, and is determined dynamically at the workstation.

Note: The DELINQUENT status and the BLOCKED status are not set automatically in the workstation when the cause of the status change is overdue items or overdue reserves. The Update User Delinquency Status report must be run for the status field to be updated.

Bill Threshold

The system monitors the amount of money owed by every user; this amount includes both bills and accruing fines. If a user owes an amount which is equal to, or passes the Bill Threshold set in the user’s profile, then the user is blocked from further checkouts. The Bill Threshold may be set to any amount desired ($.00–$10000.00) for each User Profile. If set to $.00, the Bill Threshold is unlimited. Type an amount, or use the Minimum/Maximum amount gadget to select an amount.

The Bill Threshold is considered in determining the user’s DELINQUENT and BLOCKED statuses. The DELINQUENT status is displayed automatically in the workstation when the user has a bill. The BLOCKED status is displayed automatically when the user meets or exceeds the Bill Threshold amount.

Note: If you change a user’s profile, the Update User Delinquency Status report must be run for the status field to be updated.

For example, if you change the 123456 user to have an STAFF profile with a $0.00 Bill Threshold, which is unlimited, instead of a PUBLIC Profile with a $5.00 Bill Threshold, and if the 123456 user has $5.00 in bills, the Update User Delinquency Status report will need to be run for the status to change from BLOCKED to DELINQUENT.

Overdue Recall Threshold

This attribute allows users to be blocked based on the number of overdue recalls associated with a user. To define this Overdue Threshold, type a number between 0-32,000, or use the Minimum/Maximum gadget. The Overdue Recall Threshold attribute does not display for SirsiDynix Symphony K12 systems.

Note: The DELINQUENT status and the BLOCKED status are not set automatically in the workstation when the cause of the status change is overdue items or overdue reserves. The Update User Delinquency Status report must be run for the status field to be updated.

An item will be counted against the Overdue Recall Threshold if both of the following conditions have been met.

The item has been recalled.
The item is overdue.

If the number of overdue recalls with at least one recall notice is equal to or greater than the number specified by the Overdue Recall Threshold attribute, the patron’s user status will be set to BLOCKED, once the Update User Delinquency Status report is run.

For example, the Brooksdale Academic Library typically allows a semester loan period for students and faculty. The library will recall a charged item prior to the actual due date if the item is needed by another student or faculty member. The library will then send a recall notice to the original patron which notifies the patron that the material must be returned by a new due date and that fines will be assessed if the material is not returned. Since another patron is waiting for the material, the library may assess recall overdue fines at a higher rate than a standard overdue fine. The library may also wish to block patrons who have recall overdues from charging additional items.

Maximum Suspension Amount

Some libraries prefer to suspend a user’s privilege for overdue items rather than bill the user. If a user’s privilege has been suspended because of overdue materials, this attribute specifies the maximum number of units (days, months, weeks) the privilege is suspended. Library closed days and dates can be counted in this suspension period if the Accrue Fine attribute in the Library policy is selected. Type the maximum number of suspension units, or use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number.

If the Maximum Suspension in the user’s profile is greater than the Maximum Suspension for a particular item type (as defined in the Billing Structure policy which is linked to the Circulation Rule for the item type), then the suspension will be reduced to the maximum defined in the Billing Structure.

For example, the Maximum Suspension for a STUDENT is 60 days; however, the Maximum Suspension for overdue books is 30 days. If a STUDENT only has overdue books, his privilege will only be suspended a maximum of 30 days.

Note: In order for a user’s privilege to be suspended, the Billable attribute must also be selected.

Prevent Users From Checking Out Two Copies of the Same Title

This attribute specifies whether WorkFlows should prevent users from checking out more than one copy of the same title. This does not affect copies of the same title that differ in their volumetric information, or copies that belong to a circulation set.

If you want to allow staff users to override this behavior, enable the Allow Override attribute.

Allow Override

This attribute specifies whether or not WorkFlows can allow staff users to override the behavior of the Prevent Users From Checking Out Two Copies of the Same Title attribute. The corresponding override is the Title Already Checked Out override. For more information on this override, see Operator Policy Override Codes.

Note: The Title Already Checked Out Override needs to be configured before staff users can override the Prevent Users From Checking Out Two Copies of the Same Title behavior.

Maximum Suspension Unit

This attribute specifies how the user’s suspension is calculated in daily, weekly, or monthly units. Click one. The maximum number of units is defined in the Maximum Suspension Amount attribute. For more information, see FAQs: Suspending a User’s Loan Privileges.

Track Dates

The Track Dates field will only display on K12 systems.

Some schools cannot accommodate all students at the same time. So, they have what is called "tracks." Students are divided into batches and each batch is assigned a track. For example, if there are four batches, each batch is assigned a track. The first batch, may have the track only on the first week of the month, second batch on the second week only, and so on. When the track is off for that student, she may not come to school and may be on vacation. When the student checks out a book, and if his due date falls on a day when her track is off, the due date for the book may roll forward or backward, depending on how SirsiDynix Symphony is configured.

Use the Track Dates gadget to indicate the track starting dates and track ending dates. If student tracks is defined in user's profile, and if due date falls on a day in which the track is off, then the due date is changed either to the starting date of next track or to the ending date of previous track.

Library Precedence

If the library has set a date for items to be due through the Loan Period attribute of the Library policy, regardless of when the item would normally be due, and the Library Precedence field is selected, then the item due date the library has set takes precedence over the item’s normal due date (which is determined by the user’s profile). If the Library Precedence field is cleared, the Loan Period attribute of the Library policy is ignored and the date the item would normally be due stays in effect.

For example, the Library policy contains a Loan Period attribute that sets a date of December 15 for all items to be returned to the library for inventory. An item has been checked out by a user on December 7. The due date for this item would normally be January 7, but since the Library Precedence field is selected in this user’s profile, the library’s due date of December 15 will take precedence.

Increment Item Record Charge Counter

This attribute specifies whether an item’s charge should be counted for statistical purposes, based on the user profile of the user checking out the item. If selected, the number of concurrent and total charges placed on the item is incremented. If cleared, the number of concurrent and total charges for the item is not incremented. For example, this attribute should not be selected for a LIBRARYUSE user.

For example, if an item is charged to a user with a profile of LOST, the Increment Item Record Charge Counter would not be selected. If an item is charged to a user with a profile of PUBLIC, the Increment Item Record Charge Counter attribute would be selected.

Note: This attribute has no effect on history logs, which include the charge transactions. Reports which generate statistics based on information from the history logs (such as Transaction Statistics) will still count all charges, although inhouse charges can be dropped from the counts by not including inhouse user profiles when setting up the report.

Recirculate Item

The Recirculate Item feature is intended for library in-house use only. It is particularly useful for library functions, such as circulating items from a New Book shelf or for sending items to the Bindery. If the Recirculate Item attribute is selected, it is possible to charge an item again to another user without discharging it from the first user. In effect, the item is double-charged, and a complete record of the item’s location is maintained.

For example, an item returned with a damaged cover is charged out to Technical Services. This department is a user in SirsiDynix Symphony with a User Profile of LIBRARYUSE which says that items charged out to this kind of user may recirculate without discharge. Technical Services staff charge out this damaged item to the Bindery (also a SirsiDynix Symphony user). When the item is returned from the Bindery and discharged, SirsiDynix Symphony shows that it should be routed to the Technical Services.

Recirculating an item to another user can cause the item to go in transit to the library of the charging user. As items are returned, they may need to be discharged twice to remove the item from transit.

General public user profiles should not have this attribute selected. To automatically clear a user’s previous charge when checking out an item to a new user, a Global Configuration policy must be set. For more information, go to the Charging of Items Already Charged Policy.

Materials Booking Tab

Booking Limit

The Booking Limit attribute indicates the number of items that can be booked at a time. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number between 0-24,999, or select UNLIMITED.

Delivery Shipping

This attribute indicates the Delivery Shipping Schedule policy attached to this user. This schedule is used to record the amount of time required to ship the booked item from the library or media center to the user. This additional time needed for shipping is reserved on the item’s booking calendar. When an item is booked, the booking calendar displays the date that the item must be checked out and sent to the user to reach the user by the time it is needed. This amount of time is calculated automatically by SirsiDynix Symphony. Select a shipping schedule from the list. The Shipping Schedule Policy helper (Shipping Schedule Wizard) is available for you to create new shipping schedules or modify existing schedules, if needed.

Return Shipping

This attribute indicates the Return Shipping Schedule policy attached to this user. This schedule is used to record the amount of time required to ship the booked item from the user back to the library or media center. When an item is charged and sent out, its return date contains the date that the item is expected back from the user. This date includes the shipping time from the user after the last date needed and is automatically entered by SirsiDynix Symphony. Select a shipping schedule from the list. The Shipping Schedule Policy helper (Shipping Schedule Wizard) is available for you to create new shipping schedules or modify existing schedules, if needed.

Consecutive Booking Allowed

This attribute specifies whether or not users with this profile can book items in consecutive fixed time slots. This attribute corresponds to the Fixed Time Slots attribute of the Booking Profile policy.

For example, the library has defined fixed time slots for COMPUTER in the COMPUTER Booking Profile policy. These time slots are 10:00–11:45, 12:00–13:45,14:00–15:45, and so on. The TEACHER user profile has the Consecutive Booking Allowed attribute selected. A patron whose user profile is TEACHER may book computers 10:00–11:45, 12:00–13:45, 14:00–15:45, and so on.

Login Attributes Tab

User Access

If the system is configured to embed access attributes as part of the User Profile policy instead of displaying them as fields in the user record, the User Access attribute is included as part of the User Profile policy. The User Access attribute contains one of the User Access policy names defined in the Access Control policies. The User Access attribute assigned to a user through the User Profile defines which SirsiDynix Symphony utilities, reports, command list, request list, and other functions that user can access. Select a User Access policy from the list. The User Access Policy helper (User Access Wizard) is available for you to create a new user access or edit an existing user access if needed.


If the system is configured to embed access attributes as part of the User Profile policy instead of displaying them as fields in the user record, the Environment attribute is included as part of the User Profile policy. The Environment attribute contains one of the Environment policy names defined in the Access Control policies. The Environment attribute assigned to a user through the User Profile defines which screens, keys, help topics, and printers that user can access. Select an Environment from the list. The Environment Policy helper (Environment Wizard) is available for you to create new Environment policies or edit existing policies if needed.

Reserves Tab

Reserve Charge Limit

The Reserve Charge Limit attribute is the maximum number of items on academic reserve any user may have checked out at one time. If the Reserve Charge Limit is UNLIMITED, a user may have up to 25,000 items checked out simultaneously. Unlike the Overdue and Bill Thresholds, the user’s status is not updated automatically at the workstation when the Reserve Charge Limit is met. When the user’s Reserve Charge Limit is reached, regardless of the delinquency status, only an operator override allows that user to check out items. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number between 0-24,999, or select UNLIMITED.

Note: The Reserve Charge Limit is not linked the Minimum user status. Even when the Reserve Charge Limit has been reached and an override is required, and the Update User Delinquency Status report has been run, the user status does not change.

Reservation Limit

This attribute establishes the maximum number of outstanding reservations a user may have at one time. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a value between 0 and 25000, or select UNLIMITED.

Eligible for Reservation

This attribute determines whether or not a user is eligible to make advance reservations for reserve materials. Select the check box and the user with this profile can make reservations. Clear the check box and users with this profile are ineligible. By default, this check box is cleared.

Consecutive Reservation Allowed

This attribute determines if a user is allowed to make consecutive reservations, for instance, the first reservation ends at 11:00 a.m. and the next reservation begins immediately afterward. By default, this attribute is not selected.

Note: For more information, see Policy Configuration for Academic Reservations.

Miscellaneous Tab

Routing Rank

The Routing Rank attribute is a number from 1-999 used to prioritize a user’s placement on a routing list. If the order of users on a routing list is important, a routing rank must be assigned to each individual user on the list.

For example, the STAFF User Profile might assign all staff users a routing rank of 150. Managers registered with the MANAGER User Profile might get a routing rank of 125. When only staff request to be added to a routing list, the routing list is first come, first served. But if a manager requests to be added to a routing list, her higher routing rank would mean that she would be placed above any staff in the routing list. Additional managers added to a routing list for that item would be after the first manager, but before all the staff in the routing list.

All User Profiles can be given the same rank allowing everyone the same opportunity to be added to a routing list. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a Routing Rank.

Request Limit

The Request Limit is the maximum number of unanswered requests any user may have at one time. If the Request Limit is UNLIMITED, there is no limit on the number of unanswered requests a user may have simultaneously. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number from 0-24,999, or select UNLIMITED.

Last Activity Date Rule

The Last Activity Date Rule attribute specifies which Last Activity Date Rule policy should affect users affected by this user profile. The Last Activity Date Rule determines which actions update the Last Activity Date value in the user's record. For more information, see Last Activity Date Rule Wizard.

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