Operator Policy Override Codes

The following is a list of available overrides and their codes. SirsiDynix Symphony Administrators should review the delivered Operator policies and the override codes these policies access. Administrators may need to create new Operator policies to group override codes by library staff functions.

For example, the Operator policy CIRCSTAFF is given to permanent circulation staff. This policy includes nearly all circulation-type overrides, including USER BLOCK, USER EDIT, and CHARGES LIMIT. The CIRCHELP operator is given to temporary and student circulation staff. This policy includes a limited number of circulation overrides, such as USER PRIVILEGE, USER EDIT, and ITEM PIECES. A supervisor is given the operator ALLPOWER which includes all overrides.

Accountability Charge Permitted Override

The Accountability Charge Permitted override appears when a user wants to check out or renew an accountable item. The user’s clearance must be higher than or equal to the item’s classification. If the charge is permitted, the following message appears.

Charge permitted

If the charge is not permitted because the user’s clearance level, the following message appears.

Charge not permitted/clearance

Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override.

Alternate Due Date Override

The Alternate Due Date override appears only on SirsiDynix Symphony systems that are configured to allow library staff to specify a due date when they check out items. If the staff member specifies a due date in the Alt Due Date field that SirsiDynix Symphony will not normally accept, the following message appears.

Override required for alt due date

Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout.

Available Hold Block Override

The Available Hold Block override appears when the user tries to check out an item, and the item has an available hold (a trapped hold sitting on the holds shelf) for another user in place. The following message appears if an override is necessary. This override can also appear when renewing a charge.

Item has available holds

Typing the override code allows the item to be checked out to a user other than the user who placed the hold. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout Item. You have the option of overriding the hold, checking out the item, and canceling the hold for the other user by clicking Override & Checkout Item.

BLUEcloud Staff ID Override

The BLUEcloud Staff ID override appears when you create or modify a user's BLUEcloud Staff ID on the Privilege tab of a user record.

Booking Charge Override

Note: This override is now obsolete and will be removed from the override list in a future version of SirsiDynix Symphony.

Booking End Time Override

The Booking End Time override appears if the booking end time exceeds the loan period. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click OK.

Booking Limit Override

The Booking Limit override appears when a user exceeds the number of bookings allowed by his or her User Profile. Type the code provided by your supervisor.

In Academic Reservations, this override is used when a user exceeds the number of reservations allowed by his or her User Profile. The override message will display as follows:

User exceeds reservation limit

Charge Limit Override

The Charge Limit override appears when a user tries to check out an item, but has reached or exceeded the number of charges permitted by the User Profile policy. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout Item.

Clear Charge Override

The Clear Charge override appears if a user tries to check out an item that has not been discharged from its previous user. Typing the override discharges the item from the previous user and charges it to the current user. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout.

Note: This override clears the charge without billing the previous user for any overdue fines. If you want to bill the previous user for overdue fines, click Do Not Checkout Item, and use the Discharge/Checkin wizard to discharge the item from the previous user. Now, you may check out the item to the next patron, using the Checkout wizard as usual.

Duplicate Hold Override

The Duplicate Hold override appears if a user places a hold on an item for which he or she has already placed a hold. The following message appears when an override is necessary.

User already has a hold on this material

Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Place Hold.

If your system is configured for Traditional Holds, it is possible to place duplicate holds on the same title for a user. The software is working as designed because the holds are for different items linked to the same bibliographic record.

Hold Charged Item Override

The Hold Charge override appears when a user places a hold on an item that she or he currently has checked out. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Place Hold.

Hold Libraries Override

The Hold Libraries override appears when the user tries to place a hold on an item belonging to a library that does not accept hold requests from the user’s library. If the library with the item does not accept hold requests issued from other libraries, the following message appears.

You may not place a hold on an item in another library

Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Place Hold.

Note: This override is used on systems that are pre-version 3.3.1 and that do not use Demand Management Holds.

Hold Limit Override

The Hold Limit override appears when the user tries to place a hold on an item, and that user has reached or surpassed the maximum number of holds permitted in the User Profile policy. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Place Hold.

Holds Block Override

The Holds Block override appears when the user tries to check out an item, and the item has a hold for another user in place (the item was on the shelf in the stacks and not trapped to fill a hold). The following message appears if an override is necessary.


Typing the override code allows the item to be checked out to a user other than the user who placed the hold. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout Item. You have the option of overriding the hold, checking out the item, and canceling the hold for the other user by clicking Override & Checkout Item. If the Proxy Checkout with Cancel Hold check box is selected in the Checkout wizard properties, you have the option of overriding the hold, checking out the item, and canceling the hold for the other user by clicking Override, Checkout Item & Cancel Hold.

Note: The Holds Block override also appears when a user tries to renew a charge for an item that has a hold for another user in place; however, the dialog box does not display the name of the user who placed the hold.

If your computer can play sounds and the Play Sound For User Blocked Alert property is selected in the Checkout wizard, the specified.WAV file plays when the Holds Block override appears.

Item Lost Override

The Item Lost override appears when an item is being charged or renewed and has been previously marked as CLAIMS LOST or ASSUMED LOST either by the Mark Item Lost wizard or the Assumed Lost report. The following message appears in the override dialog box.

Warning!! This item is a claims or assumed lost item.

If this message appears when using the Checkout, Renew Single Item, or Renew User Charges wizard, type the code provided by your supervisor, and click Renew Item or Do Not Renew Item.

Item Pieces Override

The Item Pieces override appears in each of the following contexts:

The Item Pieces override appears when an item being charged or discharged has multiple associated pieces. For example, a library may offer a kit available for checkout and the kit contains four separate pieces, but the kit has only one item barcode. The Number of Pieces field on the override dialog box should display the number 4. The following message also appears in the override dialog box.

Item has associated materials

Staff should confirm that the proper number of pieces are present, type the code provided by the supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout or Override & Discharge.

Note: If the multiple-piece item being charged was not discharged from the previous patron, the Clear Charge override appears after the staff member types an override code in the Item Pieces override. When the staff member types the override code for the Clear Charge override, the Item Pieces override appears again. Since the Item Pieces override appears for a checkout or a discharge of a multiple-piece item, the override appears once when it is discharged from the previous patron, and then again when it is charged to the next patron.

The Item Pieces override also appears when the number of pieces configured for an item within the associated RFID pad software does not match the number of pieces being scanned on the RFID pad device. The following message appears in the override dialog box:

Some tags for this item are not present on the RFID pad.

Staff should ensure that the proper number of pieces are present; if they are not, staff should place all the pieces on the RFID pad and click Scan again. If staff confirm that the proper number of pieces are in fact present, they should type the code provided by the supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override.

No Hold Allowed Override

The No Hold Allowed override appears when a user whose current status is BLOCKED places a hold on an item. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Place Hold.

No Hold Allowed for SYSTEM-Range Hold

The No Hold Allowed override appears when the user tries to place a Title level hold across the System range of records in Demand Management. The following message appears in the override dialog box.

Override required to place SYSTEM-range hold

Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Place Hold.

Nonchargeable Item Override

The Nonchargeable Item Override dialog box appears if the user tries to check out materials that cannot usually be checked out for the user. This means that the user’s profile was set up with checkout limitations. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout Item.

Noncirculatable Item Override

The Noncirculatable Item override will appear if a user selects an item that cannot be checked out, such as a reference book. The following message will appear if an override is necessary.

Item may not be circulated

Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout.

No Qualified Items Override

The No Qualified Items override appears if the user places a hold on an item that does not qualify for a hold (that is, the item is not in a location that allows holds, or copies of the item are already available for checkout). Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Place Hold.

No Sale Transaction Override

The No Sale Transaction override appears if you attempt to start a no sale transaction in the Cash Management wizard. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click OK.

Not Recirculated Override

If the item is already charged to a user whose user profile does not allow recirculation to another user, the Not Recirculated override will appear. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout Item.

Price Change Override

The Price Change override appears if you attempt to change the price of a sale item using the Edit Transaction Item button or right-click option within the Cash Management wizard. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click OK.

Refund Override

The Refund Transaction override appears if you attempt to create a refund transaction in the Cash Management wizard. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click OK.

Renew Limit Override

The Renew Limit override appears when the user tries to renew an item and has reached or surpassed the maximum number of renewals permitted in the associated Circulation Rule policy. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Renew Item.

Renew Unseen Item Override

The Renew Unseen Item override displays when the user tries to renew an item and has reached or surpassed the maximum number of consecutive unseen renewals permitted in the associated Circulation Rule policy. (Unseen renewals are renewals for which the item is not present, such as telephone renewals.) Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Renew Item.

Reserve Charge Limit Override

This override code allows an item on reserve to be charged to a user who has exceeded the number of reserve charges permitted in his User Profile policy.

Reserve Overdue Override

This override code is used to permit a user to checkout reserve items, even though the user has current overdue reserve charges. Type the code provided by your supervisor, and click Override & Checkout Item.

Save Without User Signature Override

This override code is used to permit staff users to save a new user record without adding a user signature image to the user record. Type the code provided by your supervisor and click OK.

Serial Holding Override

This override code is used when modifying a serial control and changing the link between a control record or prediction record and a MARC holdings record.

Skip Delivery Date Override

This override code is used in the Search Interest wizard to allow items to be suggested for selection during a period in which an outreach user has requested to be skipped.

Transitted Item Override

The Transitted Item override code is used for the following transit overrides: Pending Transits, Receive Transit, and Transit Charge.

Pending Transits — The Pending Transits override appears only in multilibrary systems. This override appears if a staff member tries to take an item out of transit to another library. The following message appears.

Item is needed at another library (LIBRARY)

The name of the library to which the item is in transit appears in the message. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Release Item. Clicking Do Not Release Item cancels the operation and keeps the item in transit to the other library.

Receive Transit — The Receive Transit override appears only on multilibrary systems. This override appears if a staff member tries receive an item that is supposed to be in transit to another library. The following message appears.

Item is needed at another library (LIBRARY)

The name of the library to which the item is in transit appears in the message. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Release Item. Clicking Do Not Release Item cancels the operation and keeps the item in transit to the other library.

Transit Charge — The Transit Charge override appears if a user tries to check out an item that is currently has a location of INTRANSIT, meaning that the item is in transit to another area or library branch. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout Item.

Type Limit Override

The Type Limit override appears if the circulation rule applied to the particular item type has a limit in the Maximum Charges attribute. The following message will appear if an override is required.

User can’t charge out any more of this item type

Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override & Checkout Item.

For example, a patron wants to check out four videos, but the 3DAY circulation rule applied to the VIDEO item type has a Maximum Charges attribute value of 3. The circulation staff member will need to type an override code to check out the fourth video.

User Block Override

The User Block override appears if a user with a restricted status attempts to check out items. Restricted statuses include DELINQUENT and BLOCKED. Click Investigate to learn the reason for the restricted status, or click Checkout to User to move to open the Checkout window. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click OK.

Note: If your computer can play sounds and the Play Sound For User Blocked Alert property is selected in the Checkout wizard the specified .WAV file plays when the User is BLOCKED override appears.

User Edit Override

This override code is used in the Modify User wizard to change the Status or Claims Returned fields in the user record.

User Preferred ID Override

The User Preferred ID override appears when you create or modify a user’s preferred ID on the Privilege tab of a user record.

User Privilege Override

This override code is used in the Modify User wizard to change the Privilege Expires and PIN fields in the user record.

User Suspension Override

The User Suspension override appears if a user attempts to check out items when his or her privilege has been suspended because of overdue materials. Instead of charging overdue fines, some libraries prefer to suspend user loan privileges. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click OK.

User Web Authentication Override

The User Web Authentication override appears when you create or modify a user’s web authentication ID on the Privilege tab of a user record.

Void Transaction Override

The Void Transaction override appears if you attempt to create a void transaction in the Cash Management wizard. Type the code provided by your supervisor in the override dialog box, and click OK.

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