Environment Wizard

The Environment policy defines a named set of screens, a set of key definitions, a help directory, a gateway, and other information that comprises the overall appearance and other configuration settings in the SirsiDynix Symphony workstation. Every user record has an Environment policy definition associated with it, either as a field in the user record or as an attribute of the User Profile policy in the user record.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Environment policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Environment policy includes the following attributes.


This attribute may be any word or any name. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute describes the purpose or intended users of a given environment. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

Screens Directory

Each Environment policy must include a Screens Directory attribute that specifies a directory on the server which contains the screens used by a group of users. A screen directory, Generic, with the library’s standard configuration defaults and values, is always available. Other screen directories, each with some different input fields, field labels, default field values, and other library configuration options as defined for use by a certain department or for a particular procedure, may also be available.

The screen directory assigned to an Environment depends on its function. If you have a screen directory, Public, and a directory, Tech, each might contain special input fields and screens which appear for certain commands and wizards. Screen directories supply the screens used in SirsiDynix’s Terminal workstation clients and are the source of the screens downloaded and stored locally on the WorkFlows workstation clients. Select a screen directory from the list.

System Logging

System logs are daily records of every command (request and response) issued by a particular workstation client. This is an optional log and is never done on a full time basis, since it consumes an enormous amount of disk storage. If system logging is being used, the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator must monitor disk storage on the server daily. System logging is used mainly for training and/or investigative purposes. As a general rule, this attribute should always be unselected.

Host Timeout

This attribute sets the number of seconds before the workstation client logs out if a response is not received from the server. The timeout interval can be from 60-500 seconds. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to specify the number of seconds.

This attribute is also used as a timeout value for displaying a large report

Note: Zero is a valid value for the Host Timeout attribute. A zero value clears this attribute. By disabling Host Timeout, the workstation will not log out, regardless of how long it takes the server to respond.

If users are having difficulty displaying large finished reports, increase the value in the Host Timeout attribute.

Search Output Limit

This attribute specifies the greatest number of search results the user can mark to be printed, downloaded, or emailed at one time. The limit can be from 0-24,999 records. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to specify the limit.

Note: This limit only applies to the Print/Capture functionality in WebCat.

Search Sort Limit

This attribute specifies the maximum number of search results that are sorted. Search results are only sorted if the number of retrieved records is less than the specified Search Sort Limit number. The limit can be from 0-24,999 records. By default, the Search Sort Limit value is 200. This value is delivered for performance reasons. Sites which have enough system memory to support searching larger result sets without degrading performance can increase this value. If you want all search results sorted regardless of the number of records retrieved, the limit should be set to 25,000.

Note: The Search Sort Limit attribute affects search results sorting whether configured in a helper like the Configure Options for Item Search helper, or if you simply click column headings in the search list tables.

For example, if you perform an item search, and the number of hits for your search exceeds the 200 search sort limit value, the results are returned in the order they are stored in the text index regardless of the sort selections you have made. If the records are stored by catalog key order, the results will appear in no perceptible order. If the records are stored in publication year order, the results will display in that order. How the records are stored depends on the selection made by the SirsiDynix Symphony Administrator when the Rebuild Text Databases report was run.

Gateway Database

This attribute specifies the gateway to be used for anyone whose user record references this environment. Gateways determine which destinations and services are available to a user in the e-Library. Select a gateway from the list. The Gateway Policy helper button is available for you to create a new gateway or modify an existing one, if needed.

Search Source Group

The Search Source attribute specifies a group under the user’s default gateway for which Z39.50 destinations will be available in the Search Source wizard. The Public Access group is specified so that all available group elements, regardless of where they are organized in the gateway, appear as available choices. Z39.50 destinations in the specified group, or in subordinate groups, will be available unless a particular destination is designated as not available. A default gateway database must be selected for this attribute to become active. Select a Search Source Group from the list.

For example, a library may wish to allow library staff access to all available Z39.50 destinations, but may also wish to limit public users to a certain subset of Z39.50 destinations. Z39.50 destinations could be in two groups, Z39.50 Public and Z39.50 Staff, under the Knowledge Portal/Z39.50 Sites gateway. For environments used by library staff, the Z39.50 Staff group is used as the Search Source Group. For environments used by public users, Z39.50 Public could be used as the Search Source Group.


This required attribute specifies a Language policy. On systems which support multiple languages, this attribute sets the system’s default language for the workstation session. When a user logs in, the default language specified in the user’s environment is used for WorkFlows workstation buttons, field labels, fly by and balloon help, window titles, and messages. Select a language from the list. The Language Policy helper is available for you to create a new Language policy or modify an existing one, if needed.

Note: Contact SirsiDynix Client Sales at 1-800-91-Sirsi to purchase additional languages for your system.

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