Minimum/Maximum Gadget
The Minimum/Maximum gadget does the following, depending on how it is used in a field.
Checks the validity of a typed number or amount. |
Selects UNLIMITED as a valid value, where applicable. |
To use this gadget
Click the Minimum/Maximum gadget.  |
If the UNLIMITED option and the Specific Number options are available, do one of the following. Otherwise, skip to the next step. |
To enter UNLIMITED in the text box, click the UNLIMITED option. When you click this option, the number entry text box becomes unavailable. Go to the last step. |
To type a number or amount in the number entry box, click the Specific Number option. |
Type a number that falls within the available number or amount range, or use the arrows to increase or decrease the value in the number entry box. |
Click OK. If the number you typed is a monetary amount, the gadget places a currency symbol at the beginning of the text box and adds a decimal point where appropriate. |
If the number or amount you typed is invalid, a message displays when you try to save your changes. You must correct the number or amount before you are permitted to save your changes.