Modify User Bookings Wizard
The Modify User Bookings wizard is used to change an existing booking record. It allows you to search for the booking record with user information.
To modify a user’s bookings
Click the Modify User Bookings wizard. |
User Search (User Search Helper) allows you to search for a booking by user or select the Current user to view the last user record displayed, modified or added. If there is more than one user in your result, select the correct user record. If a booking record has been recently displayed, modified or added there will also be an option to select the Current Booking record. Click Modify Booking. |
You can further filter your search result by pickup library, booking start date and booking end date. |
Your search result shows the following fields.
Select the booking record you wish to modify, and click Modify Booking. If the booking has been checked out, discharged or has expired, the booking will not be able to be modified and appropriate messages will display. |
Click each tab as needed to make changes to the existing booking record. |
On the Booking Info Tab, you may edit the following information
Patron booking start date (if fixed time slots are not used) |
Patron booking end date (if fixed time slots are not used) |
Fixed time slot (if fixed time slots are used) |
Make changes to the fields on the Extended Info tab as necessary. |
After modifying booking information, click Modify Booking. |
After modifying a user’s bookings, click one of the following options.
Make More Changes to make more changes to this user’s bookings |
Return to Search to return to the search list |
New Search to search a new user’s bookings |
Close to exit the wizard |
Related topics
Modify User Bookings Wizard Properties
Replace Item Helper