Modify Due Dates Wizard
The Modify Due Dates wizard is used to modify an item’s due date. A library can choose to extend an item’s due date temporarily if the user is unable to return the materials by the original due date.
To modify an item’s due date
In the Special Circulation Functions group, click the Modify Due Dates wizard. |
Do one of the following: |
If the User Search Helper is set in properties to display as the first step of the wizard, search for the user. The helper will automatically fill in the User ID box with the ID you select using this helper. See the helper topic for more information. |
In the User ID box, scan the user’s ID. |
Type the user ID in the User ID box, and click Get User Information. |
If the Current button is available, click the button to select the last user record that was displayed, modified, or added. |
The title, date due, and any claimed returns for all items checked out to the user display in the List of Checkouts.
If you select an item or group of items in the checkouts list and right-click, a circulation menu opens. From this menu, you can perform a variety of circulation tasks. See Right-click Menus.
Do one of the following. |
To assign the same due date to all of the items currently checked out to the user, select the Select All check box, select the Apply Same Due Date check box, and specify the due date in the Due Date box. You can use the Calendar gadget in the Due Date box to select a due date. |
To assign the same due date only to selected items in the list of checkouts, clear the Select All check box. Select the check box for each item to which you want to assign a due date, select the Apply Same Due Date check box, and specify the due date in the Due Date box. You can use the Calendar gadget in the Due Date box to select a due date. |
To specify different due dates for items, clear the Select All check box. Select the check box for each item with a due date you want to modify, and use the Calendar gadget in each item’s Due Date field to specify the new due date. |
Click Modify User Due Dates to update the record. |
The “Record updated” text displays next to the item(s) for which the due date was modified.
After the record has been updated, select one of the following options:
Modify Another User’s Due Dates to modify another user’s due dates. |
Close to exit the wizard. |
Important Considerations When Using this Wizard
If the user is blocked, an alert window displays. |
Click the glossary links to display more detailed information. |
You can sort items in the Checkouts list in ascending or descending order. To do this, simply click the column heading of the column you want to sort. |
An item may also have a recall due date, but that date is not modified when you use this wizard. |
When a user’s record is located, information from the user record displays under User Information. User Information only displays if the Configure Display of User Status Header attribute in the Global Configuration wizard is set to Display User Status Header in Circulation Wizards. |
Related topics
Modify Due Dates Wizard Properties
FAQs: Modifying Due Dates