FAQs: Printing Receipts and Slips

This FAQ topic explains how to configure receipt printers to be used with WorkFlows, points out the types of receipts and slips used in Circulation wizards, and specifies the property check box that must be selected in the wizard properties to print receipts.

The terms receipt and slip are used interchangeably.

How do I print receipts and slips?

To print receipts and slips, you must connect a receipt/slip printer to the workstation, configure the receipt printer for the workstation, and select the receipt/slip printing property check box in the appropriate Circulation wizard or helper.

To print receipts and slips

The Configuration window displays.

The selections on the Basic and Attributes tabs become available.

You can specify that this printer is the default printer by clearing the Display Receipt Printer Dialog check box. When this check box is cleared, WorkFlows uses the printer selected in the Receipt Printer list as the default receipt printer.

Note: Macintosh workstations always display the Receipt Printer dialog box, regardless of the setting of the Display Receipt Printer Dialog check box.

Basic Tab Options

The Basic tab contains the following options for you to select features for receipt printing.

Display Receipt Printer Dialog

Specifies whether the Receipt Printer dialog displays when a receipt is to be printed. If this check box is cleared, WorkFlows does not display the Print Receipt dialog box and prints the receipt on the printer selected in the Receipt Printer field. If this check box is selected, the Receipt Printer dialog box displays each time a receipt is to be printed and allows the user to select the receipt printer and printing options.

Note: Macintosh workstations always display the Receipt Printer dialog box, regardless of the setting of the Display Receipt Printer Dialog check box.

Receipt Printer

Specifies the printer to be used by default to print receipts.

Cash Drawer Supported

Specifies if the receipt printer supports the cash drawer function. If you select this check box, you must complete the ASCII Sequence for Cash Drawer fields.

Note: The Cash Drawer Supported check box does not display in libraries using the Macintosh operating system because the cash drawer feature is not supported for Macintosh workstations.

ASCII Sequence for Cash Drawer

Specifies the ASCII sequence to open the cash drawer.

Note: See your receipt printer documentation for these values.

The ASCII Sequence for Cash Drawer check box does not display in libraries using the Macintosh operating system because the cash drawer feature is not supported for Macintosh workstations.

No Builtin Raster Driver

Select this check box if the receipt printer does not support printing raster images, such as a raster printer or text printer. This check box displays only if you are running the WorkFlows client on a Windows platform.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation to confirm whether or not raster image printing is supported.

Consider the following when selecting (or not selecting) this option:

If you select this option, the checkout information on the date due slip will be printed immediately following the check out.
If you select this option, the Display Receipt Printer Dialog box is disabled (the dialog will not display).
If you do not select this option, then the entire slip will be printed when you close the wizard or when you select the Checkout to New User next step.
Do not select this check box if you want to print hold wrappers. If this check box is selected, hold wrappers will not print. (Hold wrappers require a printer that supports raster printing.)

Printer Code Page

Specifies the code page to be used in translating multi-byte diacritics and special characters for the printer. This option is useful if the printer does not support the printing of diacritics and special characters. The available code pages are CP437 and CP850.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation for these values.

This option is available only for libraries using the Windows operating system.

This option is available only when the No Builtin Raster Driver check box is selected.

Cut Paper Supported

Specifies if the receipt printer supports an automatic paper cutting function. If you select this check box, you must complete the ASCII Sequence for Cut Paper fields.

Note: This check box is available only if you are running the client on a Windows platform.

ASCII Sequence for cut paper

Specifies the ASCII sequence to cut the receipt paper.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation for these values.

This option is available only for libraries using the Windows operating system.

This option is available only when the No Builtin Raster Driver check box is selected.

Form Feed Supported

Specifies if the receipt printer supports an automatic advance of paper function. If you select this check box, you must complete the ASCII Sequence for Form Feed fields.

Note: This check box is available only if you are running the client on a Windows platform.

ASCII Sequence for form feed

Specifies the ASCII sequence to advance the receipt paper.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation for these values.

This option is available only for libraries using the Windows operating system.

This option is available only when the No Builtin Raster check box is selected.

Attributes Tab Options

The Attributes tab contains the following options for you to set the physical parameters of the printed receipt.

Note: The options on the Attributes tab are not available when the No Builtin Raster Driver check box is selected on the Basic tab. The No Builtin Raster Driver check box displays on the Basic tab only when the client is run on a Windows system.


Specifies the font to be used when printing receipts. Use the Font Chooser gadget to select a font, font style, and font size. A sample font will appear in the Preview section.

Note: For hold wrapper slips, the font, font style, and font size set in wizard properties take precedence over the font settings you configure in the Font field.

Name of Unit

Specifies the unit of measure for the receipt width and margins. For this option, you can select either Inches or Centimeters.

Page Width

Specifies the width of the receipt paper.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation for these values.

Left Margin

Specifies the printed text start position from the left edge of the receipt paper.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation for these values.

Right Margin

Specifies the printed text end position from the right edge of the receipt paper.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation for these values.

Top Margin

Specifies the printed text start position from the top edge of the receipt paper.

Note: Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation for these values.

What types of slips and receipts are available in the Circulation module? What wizards and helpers print receipts?

The following table lists the types of Circulation receipts and slips, the wizards and helpers in which they may be used, and the property check box to select to print the receipt or slip.


Wizard(s) to Configure

Property Check Box to Select

Accountability Receipt

Ephemeral Checkout
Renew Item
Renew User

Print Accountability Receipts

Available Hold Slip

Check Item Status
Checkin Bookdrop Items
Receive Transit
Remove Item Hold
Remove User Hold
Trap Holds
Pending Transits

Print Available Hold Slips

Hold Wrapper Slips

Check Item Status
Checkin Bookdrop Items
Fine Free Discharge
Receive Transit
Remove Item Hold
Remove User Hold
Trap Holds
Pending Transits

Print Hold Wrapper Slip

Date Due Slip (for charged items)

Ephemeral Checkout
Offline Checkout

Print Due Date Slips

Date Due Slip (for renewed items)

Renew Item
Renew User
Offline Renew Item
Offline Renew User

Print Date Due Slips

Charge Receipt

Ephemeral Checkout

Print Charge Receipts

Patron Credit Receipt

Credit User Account

Print Patron Credit Receipt

Payment Receipt

Bill a User
Pay Bill
Pay Bill helper
Pay User Group Bills helper (set in Paying Bills wizard properties)

Print Slip Showing Payment

Reshelving Slips

Check Item Status
Checkin Bookdrop Items
Receive Transit
Remove Item Hold
Remove User Hold
Pending Transits

Print Reshelving Slips

Transit Slips

Check Item Status
Checkin Bookdrop Items
Receive Transit
Remove Item Hold
Remove User Hold
Trap Holds
Pending Transits

Print Transit Slips

Related topics 

How do I configure the slip and receipt headers and footers?

The wizard property for printing a particular receipt (such as Print Due Date Slips) has a corresponding button you select to display a Set Properties window. The fields in this window allow you to create header and footer text, as well as control what kind of information is printed on the type of slip.

For circulation receipt property information (except for hold wrapper slips), see Receipt Printing Properties. For receipt property information for hold wrapper slips, see Receipt Printing Properties for Hold Wrapper Slips.

How do I configure the date display on circulation receipts?

You can control how dates are printed on circulation receipts. The global configuration policy, Configure Display of Date on Receipts, allows you to control whether the month is displayed at text or as a number on circulation receipts.

For example, instead of displaying the date as 12/10/2008 on circulation receipts, the date could be displayed as December 12, 2008 (or 12 October 2008, depending on the date format configuration of the library’s system). All circulation receipt types will be affected, including charge receipts, available hold slips, transit slips, reshelving skips, hold wrappers, payment slips, and credit slips. For more information, see the Configure Display of Date on Receipts policy topic.

I’ve created individualized receipts for each library. How can I save these receipt settings for each library?

When you’ve created individualized receipts for each library (by modifying behavior properties for the various circulation wizards), you will need to save these receipt settings for each library, and for every login at that library that would print receipts. Save these property settings to the server, not just locally to your workstation. When the properties are saved to the server, users will see the individualized receipt settings for their library when they log in. For more information about creating properties files saved to the server, see Save Properties Wizard.