Remove Items by Location Report


This report is password protected. If you do not know the password, see your SirsiDynix Symphony administrator. Run this report only after a full system backup.

The SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server needs to be running to schedule and run this report, or the report will fail. Do not halt the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server until the report displays on the finished list.

The Remove Items by Location (Rembylocation) report can be set up to do any of the following tasks.

Combine the change of current location function of the Convert DISCARD Items (Cvtdiscard) report with the item removal function of the Remove DISCARD Items (Remdiscard) report in a single report. The Remove Items by Location report can also perform the change of current location function or the item removal function independently. Since each function may require different selections, no selections are required to run the Remove Items by Location report. The report log indicates any data that must be provided, if it is missing.
Discharge items from a special user ID like DISCARD or MISSING, and remove the items permanently from the collection.
Discharge items from a user who no longer has borrowing privileges and will not return items to the library, and remove the items permanently from the collection.

This report is in the Bibliographic Group Reports.

This report contains the following tabs.

The User ID and Location are required selections when running this report.

If you use the Move Charged Items to This New Current Location option on the Remove Items by Location tab, the User ID field on the User ID tab is required to have a specified user ID. The report discharges all items charged to the specified user (if possible) and moves the discharged items to the location selected in the Move Charged Items to This New Current Location field.

The report’s Item Selection process automatically disqualifies items that meet one or more of the following conditions.

Item has bills
Item is charged
Item has one or more item level holds
Item is on order
Item is under serial control
Item is accountable

Special user IDs like DISCARD or MISSING should contain a User Profile with the Billable check box cleared. If any bills are created during the discharge process, the items cannot be removed. Similarly, any bills for an individual user that are associated with the item to be removed will prevent the removal of the item.

The fields on the Item Selection tab may be modified or removed if only the current location is being changed and the item is not being removed. The Item Selection tab options affect both the current location change function and the item removal function, so these selections can be used when running the report to perform one or both functions.

The fields on the Charge Selection tab may be used if only the current location is being changed and the item is not being removed. Once the item is discharged and the location is changed, the charge criteria no longer exist. If a Charge Selection option is used to select items for the report, and only the removal function is to be performed, no items will be removed because a charged item cannot be removed.

By default, brief title information is printed in the report output. The brief title information includes the call number and publication year, miscellaneous SirsiDynix Symphony title information, and copy identification information. The level of information printed for items whose locations were changed and items that were removed depend on the selections you make on the Print Item tab.

When the report is run with the Update Database Records check box selected on the Update Option tab, the results for the location change function are identified separately from the results for the item removal function in the report output. If the report was run to change the current location and remove items, the location change results are listed first in the report output, followed by the results for the removed items.

The report results may be sorted by title or call number. The default sort is by title. If only titles with the last copy removed are printed in the report output, the results are always sorted by title.

When the report changes the current location of charged items to a new current location, the report first tries to discharge the charged item. Items that are successfully discharged have their current locations changed to the specified new location. The results list of all items discharged and moved to the specified new location display in the report output under the heading Items Moved to New Location. Any attempted discharge commands that failed are reported in an error log file and are listed in a log of failed commands at the end of the report log. The items that could not be discharged cannot be processed with the Remove Items by Location report. The location of the error file is described in the report log. The failed discharges may be reviewed by displaying the user record with the User Display wizard.

When the report removes items, the items whose location was changed to the specified location and all other items in that specified location are checked to see if they can be removed. If so, the title and item information prints in the report output according to the options selected on the Print Item tab. Any items that cannot be removed are listed by item ID in the report log.

This report will create a file with either print output or pipe-delimited output. No matter which option is selected, the initial naming convention for the file is yyyymmdd_internalrptname.prn. However, if you select Generate Pipe Delimited Output on the Print Item tab, the report creates pipe-delimited content in the .prn file, copies it to a similarly named .pipe file, and places the .pipe file in the /Rptprint directory. In this way, the pipe-delimited output is accessible by the Fixed Format helper found in the Finished Reports wizard. The report log lists the pipe-delimited report file name. This pipe-delimited file can be opened using a third-party application, such as a spreadsheet application.

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