Convert DISCARD Items Report

The Convert DISCARD Items (Cvtdiscard) report selects items based on the user ID to which they are charged and (optionally) on title or charge characteristics, and changes the current location of the selected items to DISCARD. The Convert DISCARD Items report is often used for the following tasks.

To discharge items from the MISSING user
To discharge items from the LOST user
To discard a full collection or a portion of a collection
To discharge items from a user who no longer has borrowing privileges

This report is the first step in the discard process. Once this report has been run, it must followed by Remove DISCARD Items to completely remove the items from the catalog.

If you want to prepare items to discard based on location and catalog, call number, or item characteristics, use the Set Items to DISCARD report instead of this report.

This report is in the Bibliographic report group. It is named the Step 7) convert DISCARD Copies in the All Inventory report group.


The SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server needs to be running to schedule and run this report, or the report will fail. Do not halt the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server until the report displays on the finished list.

This report contains the following tabs.

The User ID field on the User ID tab is required to run the Convert DISCARD Items report. At least one user ID must be typed or selected in the User ID field for the report to run. Use the Browse User gadget to select user IDs.

By default, the Number of Copies field on the Call Number Selection tab is set to greater than zero to reduce the occurrence of ”error 111” messages in the report output.

When the report is run to update database records, it does the following.

Discharges items from the selected users. The users can be special status users like the MISSING user or the LOST user, or a user who has been denied borrowing privileges and will not be returning charged items.
Discharges items charged by intra-library loan.
Changes the current location of the item to DISCARD.

The Convert DISCARD Items report’s selection process automatically disqualifies copies that meet one or more of the following conditions.

Item has bills
Item has one or more Copy level holds
Item is on order
Item is under serial control
Item is accountable

By default, the Convert DISCARD Items report does not update selected records, and prints a list of items that will be modified. If the Update Database Records check box on the Update Option tab is selected, the report modifies the database records, and does not print the list of changed items.

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