Call Number Selection Tab

The Call Number Selection tab contains fields that are used to select titles with and call numbers for a report. This tab may contain any of the following fields.

In most reports, all call numbers are printed for selected titles, even if specific call number selections were made. You must use the List Bibliography report to print only selected call numbers.

This tab displays the following selections.


All call numbers in the report may be bound with either a parent item (PARENT), or with a child item (CHILD), or with no other item (NONE). Parent items have a distinctive item ID at the copy level, while the child record is cataloged separately and displays no copy, but a bound with note to the user. If no bound with value is selected, all call numbers, both with and without bound with records, are selected. Use the Policy List gadget to select Bound-with policies.

Call Number Range

All call numbers in the report fall within the specified call number range. Use the Call Number Range gadget to select a range.

Class Scheme

All call numbers in the report have been assigned the specified class scheme. One reason to specify a class scheme is to exclude call numbers that would fall within a specified range, but are not actually a part of the shelf listing that you require. For instance, the alphanumeric PERIODICAL will show up between the PE and PF titles in the Library of Congress scheme, unless only call numbers in the class scheme LC are selected. Use the Policy List gadget to select class schemes. If no value is selected, all class schemes are included.

Note: If your library has not been consistent when creating and loading catalog records to distinguish between alphanumeric and other class schemes, this selection will not return the desired results.

Date Modified

All call numbers in the report were last modified on this specified date. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.


All call numbers in the report are held by the specified library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.

Number of Call Holds

All call numbers in the report have the specified number of holds at the call number level. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies

All call numbers in the report have the specified number of copies. This is based on the actual number of copies, not the copy numbers, which may or may not reflect the actual number of copies. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies on Reserve

This selection is only useful to libraries with the Academic Reserves module. All call numbers in the report have the specified number of copies at the reserve desk. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.


If Yes, all call numbers selected by the report are in the shadow catalog, which is searchable by staff only. If No, none of the call numbers selected by the report will be in the shadow catalog. If Both, both shadowed and non-shadowed materials are selected by the report. Both is the default selection.

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