Basic Tab: Reports

The Basic tab is common to all reports. It lists the report name, a brief description, and the title and footer used on each page of the report.

The Basic tab includes the following fields. These fields may have default values, but can be edited.

The report source name is read-only and cannot be changed.


This field describes the report results. The default value describes the report if it is run without making any changes to the selections or output options. The maximum number of characters and spaces that can be put in a description is 80.


When used, this field displays on the last line of each formatted page of the printed report. It can be used to record a date or range of dates that a report covers. Footers are optional. The maximum number of characters and spaces that can be put in a footer is 80. Note The use of footers is not supported for reports that generate notices. For notice reports, the Footer field does not appear in the Basic tab.

Report Name

This name displays in the finished or scheduled report lists. It is also the name displaying in the new report or template list. The maximum number of characters and spaces that can be put in a report name is 30. Do not use the following characters when naming a report.


Dollar sign


Left bracket


Right bracket






Greater Than sign


Less Than sign


This title displays on the first line of each formatted page of the printed report. The date and time that the report was produced follows the title. The maximum number of characters and spaces that can be put in a title is 80.