Item Selection Tab

The Item Selection tab contains fields that are used to select specific copies for a report. This tab may contain any of the following fields.

Running reports that include item selections will often produce ”Error 111” messages in the report logs. These errors indicate that records with no attached copies otherwise qualified for the report, but had to be excluded because there were no items to select.


This selection is only useful to libraries with the Accountability module. If Yes, the items in the report have had accountability records created for them. If No, only records that do not have an associated accountability will be included. If Both is selected, all copies are included.

Available on Hold

If Yes, the items in the report are currently available for pickup. If No, the report includes only those holds that are still checked out to other users or still on the shelf in libraries that cannot place holds on items in the stacks. If Both is selected, all copies are included.

Blank Field Matches With Not Equals Qualifier

In some reports, if you select the Blank Field Matches Not Equals Qualifier check box on the Item Selection or User Selection tab, records in which the extended information field(s) is blank are not included. If you clear this check box, records in which the extended information field(s) is blank will be included.


Item selection based on this circulate value depends on two factors. The Circulate field must be selected in the item. If an item is charged, then the Recirculate field in the User Profile to whom the item is charged must be selected for the item to be selected. The items selected by this indicator will vary, depending upon the outstanding charges at any given time. If Yes, the items in the report are items that will circulate based on both the item and user characteristics. If No, the items do not circulate, based on both factors. If Both is selected, all copies are included.


Comments may be listed in an item’s extended information entries. If the Comments field is set to Yes, copies that have comments in the item record are selected. If No, copies that do not have comments in the item record are selected. If Both, all copies are included.

Current Location

All items in the report are currently in, or charged to this location. The current location is typically the same as the home location, unless the item is CHECKEDOUT, or charged to a special status user with a location such as MISSING. Use the Policy List gadget to select locations. If no value is selected, all locations are included. Note Items that are an INTRANSIT location type are not charged to a special transit user, so they cannot be part of a charge selection. If you want to select an item which is in transit, you must specify INTRANSIT, or your library’s transit type of location, here at the copy level selection for current location.

Date Created

All items in the report were imported or created in SirsiDynix Symphony on this specified date. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Inventoried

All items in the report were inventoried in SirsiDynix Symphony on this specified date. Inventories are conducted using the Inventory Report Group or by entering the Inventory Item wizard at the workstation. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Important: Before making selections for the Date Inventoried field, review the help topic for the report you are running.

Date Last Charged

All items in the report were last charged to a user on this specified date. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Last Discharged

All items in the report were last discharged from a user on this specified date. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Modified

All items in the report were last modified on this specified date. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Distribution Key

This field is used to determine the number of items added to the catalog that are related to orders. When orders are loaded and items are created, a distribution key is stored with each item. By combining selections for a date range and a distribution key >0, you can get a count of items created through the load order process. Selecting a distribution key >0 will select those items created using the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard in the WorkFlows Java client, or the Link Orderline Holdings to Titles wizard in the WorkFlows C client. Also, selecting a distribution key =0 will select those items not created through the load order process.

Extended Info

Copies selected by the report have text in an Extended Info field that matches the specified entry ID and search text. The Entry IDs that are typically used for item selection are CIRCNOTE, PUBLIC, and STAFF, which are item Extended Information entry IDs delivered with SirsiDynix Symphony. CIRCNOTE is used for comments that will display when an item is charged (in a future release), PUBLIC is used for comments that display in the public web catalog, and STAFF is used for comments that do not display in the public web catalog. Use the VED List gadget to specify the text and entry IDs that will be used to select copies for the report.

Home Location

All items in the report are cataloged to be in this location. Use the Policy List gadget to select locations. If no value is selected, all locations are included.

In the Shadow Catalog

If Yes, the items in the report will include only those items that are ”shadowed,” or coded by library staff to not display to public users. If No, the shadowed items will be excluded from the report results. By default, Both shadowed and non-shadowed materials are selected by the report.

Item Category 1 - Item Category 5

All items in the report have been designated to be of these categories. Use the Policy List gadget to select categories. If no value is selected, all Item Category policy names are included.

Note: The screen label may display more descriptive terms in your library, or they may not display at all. These fields are not required and are used for statistical purposes only. If your library does not apply these fields consistently, or if all of the records have not been edited to include these statistical fields, you may wish to also run a report that limits by Item Type and includes item (category) information in the formatting stage, to compare the accuracy of your results.

Item Type

All items in the report are of this Item Type. Use the Policy List gadget to select Item Types. If no value is selected, all Item Types are included.

Last Activity Date

All items in the report indicates the date the record was last used for any one of a wide range of activities. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Note: Go to the FAQs: Updating the Last Activity Date topic for a list of wizards and reports that update this value.


All items in the report are held by the specified library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.

Media Desk

This selection is only useful to libraries that have the Materials Booking module. All items in the report have the specified Materials Booking Media Desk policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select Media Desk policies. A Media Desk policy determines the following.

The hours of staff availability at the desk or library where the booking for this item occurs
The hours that library staff need to be available for processing, such as room cleanup or storing AV equipment
The amount of time needed for shipping or receiving a booked item

Number of Bills

All items in the report currently have this number of outstanding bills, which have not been paid, or only partially paid. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Charges

All items in the report currently have this number of charges. For most items, this number will be either zero, indicating that the item is not charged, or one, indicating that the item is charged. If the item recirculates, or the circulation override has been used, however, there may be more than one charge. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copy Holds

All items in the report currently have this number of ACTIVE copy level holds, which means that the hold is placed on the specific copy, and not on the ”first available” copy. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Inhouse Charges

Inhouse charges imply that an item was taken from the shelf and scanned with the Mark Item Used wizard prior to being reshelved, but the item was never actually charged to a user. Each item in the report has been used inhouse this number of times since it was created in SirsiDynix Symphony. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Pieces

This field contains the number of pieces as stated in the copy record, which reflects the number of pieces associated with a single barcode. For example, a book on tape may have four cassettes but only one barcode on the case, so it might have one, four, or five, in this field, depending whether your library counts the whole thing as a unit, counts the case as an individual piece, or only each of the cassettes individually. The default is one. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Note: If your library does not enter the number of pieces consistently in copy records, you may get incorrect results in reports and circulation.

The charging and discharging of items with multiple pieces may require an override, depending on the configuration of your library policies.

Number of Times Inventoried

All items in the report were inventoried this number of times in SirsiDynix Symphony. Inventories are conducted using the reports in the All Inventory report group or by using the Inventory Item wizard at the workstation. If no number is entered, all records are included. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Total Charges

Each item in the report has been charged this number of times since it was created in SirsiDynix Symphony, as recorded in SirsiDynix Symphony. If the item circulated prior to cataloging, the number of charges may be entered manually. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.


If Yes, the items in the report are part of the cataloged collection. If No, the items in the report will include only the temporary items in your collection, such as ILL or reserve materials on loan. If Both is selected, all copies are included. Use of this field must be consistent to properly maintain temporary and permanent collections.


All items in the report have this price listed in the item record. This amount is not necessarily the actual price paid. Usually, this amount is the price reported by the publisher along with the ISBN when the title was cataloged, if the record came from a bibliographic utility such as OCLC, or the default SirsiDynix Symphony item price if the record was not imported or updated to reflect the actual price. To select a range of prices, use the Amount Range gadget.

Reserve Status

This selection is only useful to libraries that have the Academic Reserves module. All items in the report have this reserve status. Only one reserve status may be selected per report. Select a specific reserve status from the list. If no value is selected, all reserve statuses are included.

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