Remove DISCARD Items Report

The Remove DISCARD Items (Remdiscard) report identifies and removes many items with a current location of DISCARD at one time. This report is in the Bibliographic Group Reports.

This report is password protected. If you do not know the password, see your SirsiDynix Symphony administrator. Run this report only after a full system backup.

The SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server needs to be running to schedule and run this report, or the report will fail. Do not halt the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server until the report displays on the finished list.

This report contains the following tabs.

Before running this report, prepare items in one of the following ways.

Determine which items will be selected by charging them to a DISCARD user and running Convert DISCARD Items (Cvtdiscard) report, or by running the Set Items to DISCARD (Setdiscard) report.
Run the List Items (Itemlist) report to select items with a current location of DISCARD to verify the items that will be removed.

The Item Selection tab of the Remove DISCARD Items report has the following two options.

Library specifies the owning library of all the copies that are to be removed by the report.
Extended Info specifies entry ID and search text that will be used to search an item record’s Extended Information for matching text. Use the VED List gadget to specify the entry IDs and search text. Item records that contain the specified search text in the Extended Information will be selected by the report.

Only items in the DISCARD location of the specified library with the specified text in an entry ID field will be removed. The items are completely removed from the database when the report is run.

The report’s selection process automatically disqualifies copies that meet one or more of the following conditions.

Item has bills

Note: This report is configured to disqualify items that have bills by default. You can change the report settings to allow the report to select and delete items with bills under the Item Selection tab using the Number of bills field.

Item is charged
Item has one or more Copy level holds
Item has an associated Academic Reserve record
Item is on order
Item is under serial control
Item is accountable

By default, brief title information, call number, and item information is printed in the report output. Only the items that are actually removed are included in the report output. A list of items not deleted is reported at the end of the log by item ID.

The Copy/Title Information to Report tab options determine what type of discarded item information will be printed in the report output. Select one of the following options.

Information for Each Discarded Copy provides title information for each of the copies that were discarded. By default, this option is selected.
Information Only for Titles Which Have Been Removed reports only the discarded items whose deletion caused the removal of the entire title because no copies or call numbers remained. This option may be used by libraries that are unconcerned about individual copies or call numbers.

If this option is selected, each title is printed only once regardless of the number of copies removed. By default, the item information is printed. Select the No Copy Information option under Item Information on the Print Item tab to prevent the printing of a single copy in cases where multiple copies were removed.

No Copy or Title Information prevents the report from printing any copy and title information for the discarded copies.

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