Print Item Tab

The Print Item tab displays for reports that print bibliographic information in the report output. The following Print Item tab options may or may not be available, depending on the report.

The Print Item tab also includes the following types of selections.

Title Information Output Selections shows title level information, including the information to be included in the bibliographic display.
Call Number Information Output Selections shows call number level information, including bound-with information.
Item Information Output Selections displays circulation and inventory statistics, bills, charges, and holds information.
Copy Accountability Information Output Selections lists charge and copy level accountability information.
Title Accountability Information Output Selections shows title and bibliographic classification and restriction information.
MARC Holdings Information Output Selections displays the MARC holdings information with a variety of format variations, and limited by library and/or by location.

Output format for printed reports

The printed report data can display in one of three formats:


The report data displays in a plain text format. The file is saved in the /Rptprint directory with the naming convention internalrptname.prn, such as ahdb.prn. The report log lists the report file name.

Pipe Delimited

The report data is saved in a file in which every entry is delimited by pipes (||). The data can then be exported to a third-party application, such as a spreadsheet application. The file is saved in the /Rptprint directory with the naming convention yyyymmdd_internalrptname.pipe, such as 20100802_ahdb.pipe. The report log lists the report file name.


The report data is saved in a visually enhanced text format (EXtensible Markup Language). The data can then be exported to a third-party application, such as a spreadsheet application. The file is saved in the /Rptprint directory with the naming convention internalrptname.prn, such as ahdb.prn. The report log lists the report file name.

The appearance of the data is defined by the style sheet used. For more information about selecting a style sheet, see Style Sheet Tab.

Printed Arrangement

Item information may be arranged in the report output. Select one of the following options to determine how the item information in the report output is to be arranged.

Catalog Shelflist

The catalog shelflist option prints a single bibliographic record and lists all call numbers and copies attached to the selected title. Each title’s call numbers are printed in order by library and shelving key.

Call Number Shelflist

This option prints a bibliographic record for each call number, and lists all copies attached to the selected title and call number.

Record by Record

This option prints a bibliographic record for each copy or Item ID selected. In a Record by Record list, it is not possible to also use the Shadow Filtering options.

Note: If you are working with a report that selects specific items, such as the List Items with Bills report, the Call Number and Record by Record options display only the call numbers and copies that meet the selection criteria (that is, bills), while a Catalog option prints all items for the title, even if only a single copy has an associated bill.

Record Per Page

You can choose whether to print one record per page. This may be advisable for records that are printed with a full entry ID list. A record includes all information output for each bibliographic description printed.

Shadow Filtering

Shadowed information is usually unavailable to public users, and is used primarily by library staff. The Shadow Filtering options allow you to control whether shadowed information is to print in the report output. Select one of the following options.

Public Items

Prints only public information.

Shadowed Items

Prints only shadowed information.

Public and Shadowed

Prints both public and shadowed information.

Note: If the Record by Record printed arrangement option is selected, all of the Shadow Filtering options are disabled.

If you do not want shadowed items to display at all, select Public Items.

If the No Call Number Information option and No Copy Information option are selected when the Catalog Shelflist printed arrangement option is selected, only bibliographic information displays for shadowed titles. However, if the call number or copy are shadowed, item information is also printed.

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