MARC Holdings Information Output Selections

The MARC Holding Information selections determine what MARC holdings information will print in the report output. The following MARC Holding Information output selections may or may not be available, depending on the report.

Entry List

The Entry List selection is only available if you selected one of the unformatted MARC holdings options. This selection controls what MARC Holdings entry information displays in your report. Use the Entry ID gadget to select a specific entry ID list. You also have the option to print the fields as they display in the ALL, FULL, BRIEF, and TEMPLATE entry lists of the MARC Holdings format.

All outputs the most complete entry list. This option outputs all of the tags, or entry IDs, originally found in the record that was loaded or created.

Brief outputs the brief entry list, which contains more concise MARC holdings information.
Full outputs extensive MARC holdings information in the entry list. This option is selected by default.
Template outputs the entries that display as a template when a new record is created.
List allows you to pinpoint exactly the fields you wish to display. You can list the entry IDs, separated by commas, and the entry IDs will display in the report in the order in which you select them.

Formatted MARC Holdings

This selection outputs a textual description of the MARC holdings information.


This selection allows you to limit the MARC holdings output by a library or specific libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries.


This selection allows you to limit the MARC holdings output by a location or locations. Use the Policy List gadget to select locations.

No MARC Holdings

Select this option to suppress MARC holdings information in the report output. This option is selected by default.

Unformatted MARC Holdings With Descriptive Labels

This selection outputs the MARC holdings entry data with descriptive labels for these entries. In the Entry List box, use the Entry IDs gadget to select the MARC holdings entries to output.

Unformatted MARC Holdings With Entry IDs

This selection outputs the MARC holdings entry data along with the entry IDs for these entries. In the Entry List box, use the Entry IDs gadget to select the MARC holdings entries to output.

Unformatted MARC Holdings Without Tags

This selection outputs the MARC holdings entry data without the entry IDs or labels. In the Entry List box, use the Entry IDs gadget to select the MARC holdings entries to output.

Restrict MARC Holdings by Item Library

Select this check box to restrict the MARC holdings output to the item library (or owning library) of these items only. This list is restricted by the libraries previously selected in the Library field. This prompt is only available in those reports which do not include bibliographic selections.