Style Sheet Tab

The Style Sheet tab displays for non-notice reports that can produce results in EXtensible Markup Languange (XML). The Default Style Sheet field on the Style Sheet tab specifies the EXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) file that is to be used to display and print the report output.

In the Default Style Sheet field, select a style sheet from the list. You can select a delivered style sheet, or you can select a custom or generic style sheet created by your library.

The delivered style sheets are stored by default in the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL directory. Each type of report print output has its own directory in the the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL directory. For example, the XSL files for the Print Item output are stored in the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL/prtitem directory. These XSL files will display in the Default Style Sheet list in the Style Sheet tab for reports that include a Print Item tab for printing.

Custom style sheets can be created and used instead of the delivered style sheets. To make a custom style sheet available on the Style Sheet tab for reports that can produce printed output or notices, place the custom style sheet in the print output’s directory in the Unicorn/Rptcustom/XSL directory.

If a custom style sheet file in the Unicorn/Rptcustom/XSL directory has the same name as the delivered style sheet in the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL directory for the same printing output, the custom style sheet will always override the delivered style sheet, and you cannot select the delivered style sheet. For example, if you put a custom style sheet in the Unicorn/Rptcustom/XSL/prtuser directory, your custom style sheet will override the delivered style sheet in the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL/prtuser directory. The delivered style sheet in the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL/prtuser directory will not be available for selection in the Style Sheet tab.

Generic style sheets can be created and used instead of the delivered style sheets. You can make generic style sheets available for any non-notice report that prints XML output by placing the XSL file in the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL directory. For example, if you place a style sheet file in the Unicorn/Rptscript/XSL directory, the style sheet will display in the Default Style Sheet list in the Style Sheet tab for non-notice reports that can print XML output.

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