Copy Accountability Information Output Selections

The Copy Accountability Information selections determine what accountability information for items will print in the report output. The following Copy Accountability Information output selections may or may not be available, depending on the report.

Copy Accountability Information will only display for libraries that have purchased the Accountability module, and will only be available to users who are accountability operators.

Charge Information

Includes information about the charge, such as the user ID and user name, whether the user is internal or external, which operator charged the item to the user, the date it was charged, the date it was sent (if the user is external), and the date the user acknowledged receipt. Also included is the receipt number, the contract number, the transmittal method, and the postal registration number of the dispatch.

Classification Information

Prints the item’s classification, the user access of the user who either created or modified the classification, and when the classification was modified.

Create/Modify Information

Prints the user access of the user who created the accountability, the date it was created, the user access of the user who last modified the accountability, and the date it was modified.

Destruction Information

Prints the date that the item is scheduled to be destroyed, the Certificate of Destruction number, the user access of the user who destroyed the document, and the date that the document was destroyed.


Prints the number of notes associated with the item accountability, and the note type, the user access of the user who created the note and the date created, the user access of the user who modified the note and the date modified, and the text for each accountability note.

Receiving Information

Includes information about the user or organization who provided the item, the user access of the user who received the item, the date received, and the date returned, including the transmittal method, and the postal registration number of the transmittal.

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