Title Information Output Selections

The Title Information selections determine what title information will print in the report output. The following Title Information output selections may or may not be available, depending on the report.

Control Record Data

Select this option to print control record information associated with the catalog record, such as the title control number, the number of title holds and total holds, number of call numbers, the bibliographic level, the bibliographic record format, whether the record was created by a particular user or in batch, the date created or loaded, the date cataloged, and any modifications to the title record and user who modified the record.

Example Miscellaneous Information

a40 title holds:0 total holds:3 call numbers:1
bibliographic level:FULL format:MARC created by:BATCH on:12/9/1999

Entry Labeling Options

Select one of the following options to print or hide field labels.

Descriptive Labels displays the bibliographic record with labels, as it displays in the catalog.

Example Descriptive Labels

ISSN: 0065-6275
Key title: Aliso
Title: Aliso.
Publication info: Claremont, Calif. [etc.] Rancho : Santa Ana Botanic
Garden, 1948-
Current frequency: Semiannual
Volume/date range: v. 1- Apr. 1948-
Held by: MAIN
subject term: Botany--California.

Entry IDs as Labels displays the numeric MARC tags (or alphabetic tags for non-MARC formats) without description.

Example Entry IDs as Labels

050: HV12 .Y6 1948
245: The dictionary of social welfare.

This option can be used in conjunction with the Show Indicators and Subfields check box to print records in MARC format without fixed fields.

Data Only does not display any field identifier. It can print bibliographies, sorted by title, if the Entry ID selections are 245, 100, 110, and 260.

Example Data Only

Mehrabian, Albert.
Silent messages : implicit communication of emotions and attitudes /AlbertMehrabian ; [senior editor, Rebecca Hayden, production editor, Pamela Evans ; cartoonist, David Broad, technical illustrator, Virginia Mickelson].
Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1981.

Entry List

This box regulates which bibliographic information displays in your report. Any time this field contains data, the Entry List reflects the bibliographic information that is printed. Use the Entry ID gadget to select a specific entry ID list. You have the option to print the fields as they display in the ALL, FULL, BRIEF, and TEMPLATE entry lists your library has defined for each of the record formats, such as SERIAL or MARC.

All prints the most complete entry list. This option prints all of the tags, or entry IDs, originally found in the record that was loaded or created.
Brief prints the brief entry list, which contains more concise bibliographic information.
Full prints extensive bibliographic information in the entry list. This option is selected by default.
Template prints the entries that display for completion when a new record is created.
List allows you to list specific entry IDs, separated by a comma, to pinpoint exactly the fields you wish to display. If you only need the title to display, select the 245 entry ID that is based on the MARC tag for the title field. If you select specific entry IDs, they will display in the report in the order in which you select them.

Note: MARC Holdings entries (852-88x) are maintained in a BIBHOLD record format, separate from bibliographic entries. All MARC Holdings entries are printed regardless of the Catalog Entry List selection you make.

Entry List Only

Select this option to print only the entries specified in the Entry List. If there is no value in the Entry List box, complete catalog information prints.

First Call Number, Publication Year, Entry List

Select this option to print each item’s publication year and call number, followed by the entries specified in the Entry List. If there is no value in the Entry List box, the publication year and call number precede brief title information that includes the title and author.


If you click None, the preceding bibliographic information selections are cleared and have no effect on the output.

Publication Year, Then Entry List

Select this option to print each item’s publication year followed by the entries specified in the Entry List. If there is no value in the Entry List box, the publication year precedes brief title information that includes the title and author.

Show Indicators and Subfields

If this check box is selected, all of the subfields that display in the MARC record (including |?UNAUTHORIZED in authority headings) display along with the text in the field, without spaces. This selection additionally prints the indicators for each tag.

Note: Subfields |? and |= are used internally by SirsiDynix Symphony and will display in this report when the Show Indicators and Subfields option is selected.

Example Show Indicators and Subfields

022: 0 : |a0004-3222
222: 0 : |aArt index
245: 00 : |aArt index.
260: : |aNew York,|bH. W. Wilson.
310: : |aQuarterly with an annual cumulation,|b1967/68-
362: 0 : |av. 1- Jan. 1929/Sept. 1932-
596: : |a1 650: 0 : |aArt|xPeriodicals|xIndexes.|=^A731
650: 0 : |aArt|xBibliography.|=^A2715