Title Accountability Information Output Selections

The Title Accountability Information selections determine what accountability information for a title will print in the report output. The following Title Accountability Information output selections may or may not be available, depending on the report.

Title accountability information will only display for libraries that have purchased the Accountability module, and will only be available to users who are accountability operators.

If the Item Information output options are selected, item information displays after title accountability information in the report results.

Classification Information

Includes the classification for both the item (at the title level) and its bibliographic record. Information for the title includes the classification level, the user access of the user who modified the title classification, the date it was modified, any pending classification to a different level, the date the regrade is scheduled to occur, and any notes about the regrade. Information at the bibliographic level includes the classification of the catalog record, the user access of the user who modified the bibliographic classification, and the date it was modified.

Example Sample Report Output Using the Classification Information Option

Title: Nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear risk
/edited by James A. Schear.

title accountability--
modified by:COLBURRUSS on:2/12/2001
pending classification: regrade on:NEVER

regrade note:

bib classification:SECRET modified by:COLBURRUSS on:2/12/2001

Create/Modify Information

Prints the user access of the user who created the title accountability, the date it was created, the user access of the user who modified the accountability, and the date it was modified.

Example Sample Report Output Using the Create/Modify Information Option

Title: Nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear risk
/ edited by James A. Schear.

title accountability--
created by:LTWRIGHT on:2/12/2001
modified by:COLBURRUSS on:2/19/2001

Restriction Information

Prints any access restrictions and the need to knows that are associated with the item.

Example Sample Report Output Using the Restriction Information Option

Title: Nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear risk
/ edited by James A. Schear.

title accountability--
access restrictions: CNWDI
need_to_know restrictions: ROCKETS

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