Remove Items by Location Tab

The Remove Items by Location tab contains selections for changing the current location of items and selections for removing items. You may select options for one or both functions.

Options for Changing Locations

The following selection should be made only if the report is being run to change the location of charged items to the specified location.

Move Charged Items to This New Current Location

Select a location from the list for this field, and the current location of a charged item is changed to the specified location after the report successfully discharges the item. The item is discharged only from the user ID selected in the User ID field on the User ID tab.

Note: The User ID field selection on the User ID tab is required.

If the Move Charged Items to This New Current Location field is cleared (no value is selected), the report does not change the current location of items selected by the report.

If this field is cleared, you must select one or more current locations in the Current Location field on the Copy tab for the report to select any records.

If you want the report to only change the current location of the selected charged items, you must clear the Remove All Items in the Designated Location check box to prevent the items from being permanently removed from the collection.

Options for Removing Items

The following selections should be made only if the report is being run to remove items from the collection. Unless the Remove All Items in the Designated Location check box is selected, the other options related to removing items are ignored.

Copy/Title Information to Report when Removing Items

This option customizes the amount of copy and title information that is included in the report output. Select one of the following options.

Information for Each Discarded Copy prints item information for each discarded item under the heading ”All Discarded Items” in the report output.
Information Only for Titles with the Last Copy or Volume Removed prints title information for each discarded title under either the ”Discarded Titles” heading or the ”Titles with No Copies” heading.
No Copy or Title Information does not print any copy or title information in the report output.

Note: If the Information Only for Titles with the Last Copy or Volume Removed option is selected, title information is printed in the report output only for the last removed copy even though more than one copy may have been removed. It is recommended that you select the No Call Number Information option and the No Copy Information option on the Print Item tab when selecting the Information Only for Titles with the Last Copy or Volume Removed option.

By default, information is printed for each removed item. If the Information Only for Titles with The Last Copy or Volume Removed option is selected, the information included in the report output depends on the setting of the Remove Title When Removing Last Copy or Volume option.

If the Information Only for Titles with The Last Copy or Volume Removed option is selected, and the Remove Title When Removing Last Copy or Volume check box is selected, the report output includes the titles that were removed.
If the Information Only for Titles with The Last Copy or Volume Removed option is selected, and the Remove Title When Removing Last Copy or Volume check box is cleared, the report output includes the title records with no copies.

Remove All Items in the Designated Location

This option determines whether or not the item removal function is performed on selected copies. By default, this check box is cleared. If this check box is selected, items in the Current Location selected in the Move Charged Items to This New Current Location field are removed. Existing items in the current location as well as any moved during the location changing process are removed.

Note: If the Remove All Items in the Designated Location check box is selected and no value is selected in the Move Charged Items to This New Current Location field, a Current Location must be specified on the Item Selection tab instead.

If the Remove All Items in the Designated Location check box is selected, and a value is selected in the Move Charged Items to This New Current Location field, the Current Location field on the Item Selection tab must be cleared (no value selected(.

Remove Title When Removing Last Copy or Volume

This option determines whether the whole title may be removed by the report when the last copy is removed. By default, this check box is selected, and the report removes the title and last call number when the selected item is the last copy associated with the title. If the check box is cleared, the title and a call number with 0 (zero) copies is retained if the last copy is removed.

Note: On a SirsiDynix Symphony system configured to use non-unique call numbers, if the Remove Title When Removing Last Copy or Volume check box is cleared, the last copy on a title cannot be removed if its call number is non-unique. A unique call number must be created so that the copy may be removed, and the title and call number may be retained.

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