Recall Notice On Charged Items Report

Use the Recall Notice on Charged Items (Recallntc) report to generate notices to users requesting that charged items be returned to the library. Although you may generate recall notices using overdue notice reports, this report is the SirsiDynix recommended recall notice report. The default notice texts and the notice type are specific to recall notices.

This report contains the following tabs.

Use the Sorting tab to sort the report results by user ID, user name, or zip code. Address labels may also be printed using the Produce Mailing Labels tab.

The type of notice generated by this report is a recall notice. You cannot change the type of notice generated by this report. Therefore, if you select the Count as a Notice Sent check box on the Charge Notice tab, the number of recall notices is incremented.

Pipe-delimited Output

If Generate Pipe Delimited Output is selected on the Charge Notice tab, the report creates a pipe-delimited file and places it in the
/Rptprint directory with the naming convention of yyyymmdd_internalrptname.pipe. The report log lists the pipe-delimited report file name. This pipe-delimited file can be opened using a third-party application, such as a spreadsheet application.

Sorting selections made within the report are not applied to pipe-delimited files. For example, if you sort the report by zip code, the zip code sort is not applied to the contents of the pipe-delimited file

The entries listed in the Brief Entries attribute of the User Address Format wizards are used to supply information for the address fields in the pipe-delimited file. The City/State field (if it is used) is evaluated as one field, not as two separate fields for the city and the state. The report will check user records for the fields listed in the Brief Entries attribute and print only the populated fields in the pipe-delimited output.

Pipe-delimited Key File

The pipe-delimited key file defines each field of the pipe-delimited file for a particular notice.

The following pipe-delimited key file defines the fields for a recall notice for a charged item.

|date|Library|street|line|city, state|zip|user ID|user name|street|line|city, state|zip|group ID|salutation|notice text|call number|item id|title|author|original due date|recall due date|price|accrued fine|closing text|

For example, this is a pipe-delimited key file for a recall notice for a charged item, and the notice output that is produced from the file.

|Friday, May 12, 2006|Rockerfeller Public Library|123 Main St.||St. Louis, MO|35801|ID: 6580|Tom Patron|1234 Fair Oaks Lane||St Louis, MO|55555|Group ID:|Dear Tom Patron,|”FIRST RECALL NOTICE” The following Library materials are required by the Library. Please return as soon as possible. If you would like to check the materials out again, notify the Librarian when you return the items. Thank you. |PN2297 .B7 B74 1988|9715-1001|Peter Schumann’s Bread and Puppet Theatre / Stefan Brecht.|Brecht, Stefan, 1924-|4/26/2006,23:59|5/13/2006,14:23|$25.00|$1.60||

Friday, May 12, 2006
Rockerfeller Public Library
123 Main St.
St. Louis, MO
ID: 6580
Tom Patron
1234 Fair Oaks Lane
St Louis, MO
Group ID:

Dear Tom Patron,
The following Library materials are required by the
Library. Please return as soon as possible.
If you would like to checkthe materials out again,
notify the Librarian when you return the items.

Thank you.

1 call number:PN2297 .B7 B74 1988 ID:9715-1001
Peter Schumann’s Bread and Puppet Theatre /
Stefan Brecht.
Brecht, Stefan, 1924-
original date due:4/26/2006,23:59
recall date due:5/13/2006,14:23
price:$25.00 accrued fine to date:$1.60

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