User Selection Tab

The User Selection tab contains options that are used to select user records when the report is run. This tab may include any of the following fields.


This field displays only for libraries who have purchased the Accountability module. If Yes, the users in the report have had accountability records created for them. If No, only users that do not have associated accountability records will be included. If Both, all user records are included.

Address1 Entry

Users selected by this report will have the specified text in a specific field of the first address. To select a specific entry ID field and text, use the VED Address List gadget.

Address2 Entry

Users selected by this report will have the specific text in a specific field of the second address. To select a specific entry and text, use the VED Address List gadget.

Address3 Entry

Users selected by this report will have the specific text in a specific field of the third address. To select a specific entry and text, use the VED Address List gadget.

Birth Date

All users in the report have the specified birth date. To select a single date or range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. This field is not required and is used for statistical purposes only. If your library does not apply this field consistently, or if all of the records have not been edited to include these statistical fields, you may wish to test run the report without selecting on Birth Date to compare the accuracy of your results.

Blank Field Matches With Not Equals Qualifier

In some reports, if you select the Blank Field Matches Not Equals Qualifier check box on the Item Selection or User Selection tab, records in which the extended information field(s) is blank are not included. If you clear this check box, records in which the extended information field(s) is blank will be included.

Date Created

User records selected by this report were created on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.


All users in the report belong to this Department. To enter a list of departments, use the String List gadget. This field is not required and is used for statistical purposes only. If your library does not apply this field consistently, or if all of the records have not been edited to include these statistical fields, you may wish to test run the report without selecting on Department to compare the accuracy of your results.

Extended Info

Users selected by this report will have the specified text in a specific field of the Extended Info section. To select a specific entry ID and text, use the VED List gadget.

Last Activity Date

User records selected by this report had their Last Activity Date updated. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

For information about the actions that update a user's Last Activity Date, see FAQs: Updating the Last Activity Date.


All users in the report are registered in the specific library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.

Number of Bills

All users in the report have this number of outstanding bills, which are either not paid, or partially paid. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Bookings

This field is only useful for libraries that have the Materials Booking module. All users in the report currently have this number of outstanding bookings for library materials or equipment. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Charges

All users in the report currently have this number of items charged. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Claims Returned

All users in the report have claimed to have returned items to the library this number of times since they have had privileges to use the library. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Distributions

This field is only useful for libraries that have the Acquisitions module. All users in the report have requested this number of items to be purchased for personal use, not added to the library collection. This number is selected from open orders only. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget. The Open status is determined by the Date Delivered: NEVER field in the order record.

Number of History Charges

All users in the report have the specified number of charges in their loan histories. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget. The gadget range will go up to 32,000. This option is useful only in libraries that retain charge histories for users.

Number of Holds

All users in the report currently have this number of ACTIVE holds placed on items at either the copy, call, title, or system level. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Open Orders

This field is only useful for libraries that have the Acquisitions module. All users in the report have requested this number of items to be purchased for the library, and the order status is still ON ORDER or RECEIVED, but the copy has not yet been loaded into the catalog. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget. The Open status is determined by the Date Loaded: NEVER field in the order record. In some cases, you will not want to load copies into the catalog, but want to ”close” open orders. This may be accomplished by entering a date (or selecting TODAY) in the Date Loaded field.

Number of Reserve Charges

This field is only useful for libraries that have the Academic Reserves module. All users in the report currently have this number of charges for items at the reserve desk. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Reserves

This field is only useful for libraries that have the Academic Reserves module. All users in the report are instructors who currently have this number of items on reserve for students. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Routings

This field displays only for libraries who have purchased the Serial Control module. All users in the report are scheduled to have this number of serial titles routed to them as they are received and processed for routing by the library staff. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Total Bills

All users in the report have been billed this number of times since they have had privileges to use the library, or since the last Remove Bills report or Remove Paid Bills report affected the user record. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Total Charges

Each user in the report has had this number of charges from the time the user was originally granted privileges. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Outreach User

This field displays only for libraries who have purchased the Outreach module. If Yes, the users in the report have had outreach records created for them. If No, only users that do not have associated outreach information will be included. If Both, all user records are included.

Privilege Exp. Date

Users selected by this report are scheduled to have library privileges expire on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Privilege Granted Date

Each user record selected by this report was either created or had the privilege extended on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Routing Active

This field displays only for libraries who have purchased the Serial Control module. All users in the report have been allowed to have materials routed to them as defined by their user record. If Yes, user records with the Allow Routing check box selected are included. If No, user records with the Allow Routing check box cleared are included. If Both, all user records are included.


User records selected by this report include this exact text in the Title field. This one to four character field contains a user’s title, such as Mr, Ms, or Dr, and is used primarily for addressing notices. Ending punctuation is automatically included in the notice text and should not be typed in the Title field. To enter a list of titles, use the String List gadget.

User Access

All users in the report have this User Access policy value. Use the Policy List gadget to select User Access policies. If no value is selected, all users are included.

User Category 1-User Category 12

All users in the report have been designated to be of this category. Use the Policy List gadget to add or remove a User Category. If no value is selected, all values of that User Category policy are included. These labels may display a more descriptive term in your library. These fields are not required and are used for statistical purposes only. If your library does not apply these fields consistently, or if all of the records have not been edited to include these statistical fields, you may wish to test run the report without selecting on User Categories to compare the accuracy of your results.

User Profile

All users in the report have this User Profile policy value. Use the Policy List gadget to select user profiles. If no value is selected, all users are included.

Note: In the Remove Users report, User Profile is a required field. You must select a User Profile.

User ID

Each user must have a unique identification called the user ID. The user ID can be a number or name assigned by the library according to some scheme such as a Social Security number or driver’s license number. The library can instruct SirsiDynix Symphony to assign a unique numerical ID to the user automatically when the user is registered. Typically, libraries use random numbers for unique user identification, such as barcodes. When a user registers, the staff member assigns the next number from a sheet of labels. It is not necessary for the assigned user ID to be memorable, significant, or even affixed on a library card. Library staff can always look up the user’s name and find the corresponding user ID. The User ID field is limited to a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters. A user can be assigned an alternative user ID, or alt ID. Many libraries use a random barcode number as the user ID because it can be quickly scanned to check out materials, place holds, and create bills. The alt ID can be an individually significant number like a Social Security number, student ID number, or driver’s license number. The alt ID, along with the user’s name, provides additional access to the user’s record when the barcode number is not available. The alt ID can also provide a link to a user record in another automated system, such as personnel system or student registration system. The alt ID field is limited to a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters.

User identification can be a user ID or an alternative user ID. The system configuration determines if a user ID or alt ID can be used, or if only one or the other can be used to access SirsiDynix Symphony. In addition, SirsiDynix Symphony can be configured to require entry of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to double-check the user identification.

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