Notices Helper
The Notices helper appears for reports that create and print notices. Use this helper to create or modify notice text.
To modify existing notice text, do the following.
Click the Notices helper. A window opens, displaying the notice text files listed in the default /Unicorn/Notices directory. |
If you want to modify the notices for another language, select a language from the drop-down list. The text files listed in the /Unicorn/Notices/[Language] directory display. |
In the File List, select the notice text file you want to modify. |
Click the file name, and the text will appear in the Content pane. |
Make your modifications in the Content pane, and click Save when you are finished. If you click Cancel, your edits will not be saved. |
To create new notice text, do the following.
Click the Notices helper. A window opens, displaying the existing notice files listed in the default /Unicorn/Notices directory. |
If you want to create notice text for another language, select a language from the drop-down list. The text files listed in the /Unicorn/Notices/[Language] directory display. |
Note: The language directory must exist on the server before you can create and save notice text to that directory. Contact your system administrator about creating directories on the server.
In the Enter File Name box, type a name for this notice text file, for example newnotice. Click OK. |
In the Content pane, type the content for this notice text file. |
Click Save, the new file is saved, and the file list is updated with the new file name. |
The report notice files are found in the default /Unicorn/Notices directory.
It is recommended that no formatting, line wrapping, or justification should be attempted when editing notice text. Hard carriage returns should be used at the end of each line so that notice text will display and print consistently.
Notice texts for the various languages are stored in the /Unicorn/Notices/[Language policy name] directories. When notice reports are run, the reports check the Language field in the user records and pull the notice texts from the specified language directories. The translated notice files must be named the same as the files in the /Notices directory so the system will know which notice text to pull for the report. If the notice text or language directory is not found, the report will pull the corresponding notice file from the default /Unicorn/Notices directory.
Related topics
FAQs: Automatic Emailing and Printing of Notices