FAQs: Checking Out Materials

The following list contains links to descriptions of possible variations to the standard check out process.

For variations to the standard check out process for non-permanent materials, see FAQs: Checking Out Impermanent Materials.

Can I charge a sequence of consecutive item IDs by entering wildcard characters or a truncated item ID?

No. Using wildcard characters or truncated item IDs to charge a sequence of consecutive item IDs is not supported. If you want to charge and discharge many copies of non-permanent items quickly, use the Ephemeral Checkout Wizard.

How do I check out materials to an unregistered user?

You can use the Register New User Helper to create a new user record, and then continue with the check out.

Because of the following circumstances, you may need to determine if a user already has a user record before registration.

Library policy may require looking up a user by name or alternate ID before creating a new record.
If one family member is registered, that family member may have registered other members of the family.

How do I check out materials to a user whose card was lost or stolen?

You can use the User Lost Card Helper to assign a new card to the user, and continue the check out. The User Lost Card helper is used to display the user record by name or partial name, user ID, alternate ID, or group ID. Additional user information, such as alternate ID or ZIP code, may display in a glossary link. As the user’s library card and record are updated with a new ID, SirsiDynix Symphony creates a new user record and changes the user profile of the old user record to LOSTCARD.

How do I change a user’s address?

If the user moves and wants to change the address listed in the user record, use the Confirm Address Helper, and continue the check out from the Checkout wizard.

How do I check out materials to a user whose library privileges have expired?

You can renew a user’s expired library privileges automatically during the check out process.

To check out materials to a user whose library privileges have expired

If a user’s library privileges have expired, the Extend Privilege dialog box displays.

You can renew a user’s expired library privileges during check out only if the Extend User’s Library Privilege check box is selected in the Checkout wizard properties.

If SirsiDynix Symphony is configured to charge a fee when the user’s privilege is extended, a bill is only created if the privilege is extended based on policy settings. If a special privilege date is set, a bill will not be assessed.

If the user has a credit account and policies are configured to automatically pay privilege fees with money from the credit account, fees created when renewing a user’s privilege may be paid automatically with funds from the user’s credit account. For more information, see FAQs: Credit User Accounts.

You can also use the Renew Privilege wizard to renew a user’s library privileges.

How do I check out an item to a DELINQUENT user?

If a user with a DELINQUENT status tries to check out an item, you can determine the reason for the status, take actions to change the user’s status (if desired), and then continue the check out process.

To check out an item to a user with a DELINQUENT status

How do I check out materials to a BLOCKED user?

If a user with a BLOCKED status tries to check out an item, you can determine the reason for the status, take actions to change the user’s status (if desired), and then continue the check out process.

To check out an item to a user with a BLOCKED status

Click Pay Bills (if available) to make payments for existing bills.

How do I check out an item that has not been added to the catalog?

If the item presented for check out does not have a barcode label, or the Item Not Found in Catalog message displays when an item barcode is entered, the item should be added to the catalog. Use the Add Brief Title Helper available in the Checkout wizard.

How do I check out an item that has a damaged or missing barcode?

If the item presented for check out has an unreadable barcode or a missing barcode label, use the Change Item ID Helper to replace the barcode, and continue the check out.

This procedure applies when single call number/item titles are most commonly used. If a library search produces many items and call numbers, your library may want to have the Circulation Desk add this item to the catalog using the Add Brief Title helper. The new barcode can then be applied to the item and used during the check out process. By setting the Home Location field to a processing location, such as CATALOGING, the library is ensuring that the item will be trapped for the technical services staff when the item is discharged.

How do I extend an item’s loan period?

You can use the Special Due Date Helper and the Alt Due Date override to extend the item’s loan period.

What do I do if I see the “Item has multiple circulating pieces” message?

If the Multi Circ attribute is selected in a multiple-piece item’s Item Type policy, the following prompt displays when the item is scanned or selected for check out.

Item has multiple circulating pieces.

Type the number of pieces (up to 99) in the Number of Pieces field, and click Checkout Item.

The number of pieces you type will be the number of circulation transactions counted for the single check out. For example, if you type 3 in the Number of Pieces field, the transaction will count as three circulation transactions in the circulation statistics.

The value that displays in the Number of Pieces field in the prompt is the value from the Number of Pieces field in the item record. If you type a different value at check out, the Number of Pieces field in the item record will be updated with this new value. Also, if an item is a multi-circ item type, the current “Item has associated materials” override will not display.

When checking out a multi-part item, and you are prompted to change the number of parts (which, in turn, updates the item record), you may be blocked from changing the number of parts if item maintenance settings prevent you from editing that library's items.

There are two ways to designate an item as a multi-piece item.

An item may be designated as a multiple-piece item by typing a number in the Number of Pieces field in the item record. If the Number of Pieces field is populated in the item record, the “Item has associated materials” override displays. You then type the override code and click Override & Checkout Item.
An item may be of a Multi Circ item type. Selecting the Multi Circ attribute in the Item Type policy differs from the Number of Pieces field in the item record. Selecting the attribute causes the Checkout wizard to prompt you for the number of pieces during check out. The number of pieces typed in this check out prompt determines the number of charge transactions counted for the single check out, which will be included in the library's circulation statistics.

How do I check out multiple items using a wedge RFID scanner?

When using a wedge RFID scanner, consider selecting the property Cache Item IDs in the Checkout wizard’s behavior properties. Cache Item IDs allows you to scan multiple IDs with a wedge RFID scanner into the Item ID field. You can use the scroll bar to view all scanned IDs. These IDs will be cached in the Item ID field until you click the Checkout Item to User button. WorkFlows will then send each item ID to the server for check out. Overrides that display can be handled individually, and after an override is handled, WorkFlows will continue to send the remaining IDs. By default, the Checkout wizard’s Cache Item IDs property is disabled.

How do I check out multiple items using an RFID pad?

Place items on the RFID pad for checkout. WorkFlows sends each item ID to the server for check out. Users can handle overrides that display individually.

Checking in items with multiple pieces

Place all pieces on the RFID pad.

If any items are missing, WorkFlows displays the following message:

RFID pad could not scan all pieces. Place any other associated materials on RFID pad, and type the total number of pieces present.

WorkFlows then opens a prompt where you can type the number of pieces the user wants to check out. Click OK, and WorkFlows attempts the checkout again.

Important: SirsiDynix Symphony modifies the total number of pieces in the item record to be the number of pieces you type in the Number of Pieces field.

If the RFID pad software reports that some RFID tags associated with an item are missing, WorkFlows displays the following message:

Some tags for this item are not present on the RFID pad.

If this occurs, ensure that the proper number of pieces are present; if they are not, place all the pieces on the RFID pad and click Scan again. If you confirm that the proper number of pieces are in fact present, type the code provided by a supervisor in the override dialog box, and click Override.

The following wizards support RFID pad scanning:

Bill a User
Cash Management
Check Item Status
Checkin Bookdrop Items
Display Item Holds
Display Title Holds
Fine Free Discharge
Inventory Item
Item Search and Display
Item Search Helper
Mark Item Used
Modify Item Holds
Place Blanket Hold
Place Hold
Receive Transit
Remove Item Holds
Renew Item
Reorder Hold Queue
Trap Holds

For information on using an RFID pad for check ins, see the FAQs: Checking In Materials help topic.

You need to configure WorkFlows to use your RFID pad device before you can use it for circulation operations. For information on configuring WorkFlows to use an RFID pad device, see the RFID Pad Configuration section of Peripherals: Defining Workstation Peripherals.

How do I check out an item that is currently charged?

If the item is already charged to another user, one of the following happens, depending on the setting of the Charging of Items Already Charged global policy.

If the global policy is set to Don’t Discharge Already Charged Items When Charging Again, the “Item is charged and can’t be recirculated” message displays. Enter an override code to keep the item charged to the previous user while also charging the item to the current user.
If the global policy is set to Discharge Already Charged Items with Override, the Item was not discharged, override to clear charge message displays. Enter an override code to discharge the item from the previous user before charging it to the current user.
If the global policy is set to Discharge Already Charged Items Without Override, the item is automatically discharged from the previous user and charged to the current user without an override.

How do I check out a noncirculating item?

Generally, if an item normally does not circulate or if the user is not permitted to check out the item, you can enter an override code to continue the check out. If the item has a noncirculating Item Type, the “User cannot check out this item message” displays. In the User Checkout Block Override dialog box, type the override code provided by your administrator, and then click Override and Checkout Item to continue with the check out process.

If the item has a circulating item type, but the Circulate flag in the item record is unavailable, the field is labeled Circulate Override, and the Item may not be circulated message displays. You can set up noncirculating item types that cannot be overridden in the policy file.

How do I check out an item that a family member has placed on hold?

If a hold placed by one family member becomes available, another family member (or proxy user) can check out this item. If your library encounters this situation, you should permanently save the Checkout wizard properties on the SirsiDynix Symphony server so that this capability is automatically presented as a step in WorkFlows.

To check out an item to a proxy user

To verify that the proxy user is most likely related to the user who placed the hold, click the Address button to confirm the address of the user who placed the hold.

If you click Override & Checkout Item instead of the Override, Checkout Item & Cancel Hold button, the hold will not be canceled.

How do I check out a booked item?

Because the procedure for checking out a booked item is the same as a regular check out, you can use the Checkout wizard. If the user checks out the booked item on time (that is, before the booking end time), the item charge is associated with a booking record.

If a patron is late in checking out a booked item, is a booking record still associated with the check out?

If the user checks out a booked item after the booking end time such as during the cleanup period, the item is charged as a booked item or a normal charged item depending on which check out method is used.

If you use the Charge Booking command, the item is always charged as a booked item. The charged item will be associated with a booking record whether or not the user is late in picking up the booked item.
If you use the Checkout wizard, the item is charged as a regular charged item instead of a booking charge. Regular circulation rules are applied to the charged item. The item will not be associated with a booking record if the user is late in picking up the booked item.

How do I prevent a user from using a lost library card to check out an item?

If a user loses a library card and reports the loss to the library, the library should set the card’s user ID to LOST. If the old library card’s barcode is scanned, the User cannot checkout message displays. This procedure is valid only if your library has defined the Circulation Map policies so that users with a profile of LOSTCARD are not permitted to circulate any item type.

What do I do if the item has holds message displays?

If you scan an item that has holds, the Holds Block Override window displays with the Item has holds message (holds are not trapped and are sitting on the shelf in the stacks). Information about the user who placed the hold and the item displays. Do one of the following.

In the Hold Block Override dialog box, type the override code, and then click Override & Checkout Item to override the hold and continue the check out for the current user ID.
In the Hold Block Override box, type the override code, and then click Override Checkout Item & Cancel Hold to cancel the hold.
Click Do Not Checkout Item to cancel the check out. The item is neither routed nor put in transit.

The Cancel Hold option displays only if the Proxy Checkout with Cancel Hold property is selected in the Checkout wizard properties.

What do I do when the “Item has available hold” message displays?

If you scan an item that has an available hold (a hold that has been trapped to fill a hold and is sitting on the holds shelf), the Available Hold Block Override window displays with the “Item has available hold” message. Information about the user who placed the hold and the item displays. Do one of the following.

In the Available Hold Block Override dialog box, type the override code, and then click Override & Checkout Item to override the hold and continue the check out for the current user.
In the Available Hold Block Override box, type the override code, and then click Override Checkout Item & Cancel Hold to cancel the hold.
Click Do Not Checkout Item to cancel the check out. The item is neither routed nor put in transit.

The Cancel Hold option displays only if the Proxy Checkout with Cancel Hold property is selected in the Checkout wizard properties.

What do I do if the Item in transit message displays?

If you scan an item that has not been taken out of transit, the Item in transit -- cannot charge message displays. Because the item has not been taken out of transit, SirsiDynix Symphony records will indicate that the item is still in transit. Do one of the following.

Click Release Item to take the item out of transit, and continue the check out to the current user ID.
Click Do Not Checkout Item to cancel the check out and to keep the item in transit.

How do I check out an item that is on reserve?

Setting the Checkout Reserve Desk Items property for the Checkout wizard determines how items on reserve are handled.

If the Checkout Reserve Desk Items property is set to No, the Item on reserve message displays, and the check out stops.
If the Checkout Reserve Desk Items property is set to Yes, the reserved item is checked out as usual.

If the property is set to allow reserved items to be checked out, the Checkout wizard also does the following.

If a Reserve Desk has not been specified, the wizard asks you to select a Reserve Desk. The wizard displays the Set Session Settings dialog so you can select a Reserve Desk.
If the user has too many reserve charges or overdue items, the wizard displays the appropriate override window for you to enter the override code to continue the check out.
If the Reserve Desk is closed or about to close, the Reserve Desk policies allow a manually entered alternate circulation rule, and the Alternate Circ Rule Helper property is set to Yes, the wizard prompts you for an alternate circulation rule. The Alternate Circ Rule Helper will then display on the Checkout helper menu bar.

How do I check out an accountable item?

The procedure for checking out an accountable item includes an accountable item override. If the item is an accountable item, the Accountable Item Override dialog box displays. You must enter the override code to complete the check out process.

How do I check out items belonging to a circulation set?

If your system is configured to use the Circulation Sets feature, you can use the Checkout wizard to check out circulation sets.

Checking out parent type item circulation sets

When you check out a parent type circulation set, the system checks out the parent item and each of the child items using the circulation map for the parent item.

For example, a resource box has been created for a science project. A circulation set record and set ID were created for the box with a type of Parent. The box consists of several books, videos, and a model. Each item within the box has its own bibliographic record and item characteristics. The resource box as a whole also has its own bibliographic and item record. The Circulation Map policy for the resource box indicates the14DAY circulation rule. When the set ID (parent ID) is scanned in the Checkout wizard, the following occurs:

The wizard verifies that the patron has privileges to borrow the parent item, based on the Circulation Map policies.
The wizard verifies that the circulation set is available to be checked out.
The library staff member may see a prompt to display items in the set and, if Yes is selected, a list of items in the circulation set is displayed with options to select which items are checked out.
Selected items (or all items) associated with the set will be checked out using the circulation map for the parent item (resource box item record) and be due on the same day (all charges will have the 14DAY circulation rule).

Checking out a non-parent type item circulation sets

When you check out a non-parent type circulation set, the system checks out the items associated with the set using the individual items’ circulation policies.

For example, the library has an audio book for the Da Vinci Code. The set consists of several cassettes, and each cassette has its own barcode. A non-parent circulation set has been created for the audio book and a separate barcode has been attached to the cassette box. When the audio cassette is charged, the library staff member can scan the ID from the box, and each individual item included in the box is checked out. Each item's due date is calculated using the circulation map for that item.

When the staff member scans the set ID in Checkout wizard, the following occurs:

The wizard verifies that the circulation set is available to be checked out.
The library staff member may see a prompt to display items in the set and, if Yes is selected, a list of items in the circulation set is displayed with options to select which items are checked out.
Selected items (or all items) associated with the group will be checked out using the circulation map for each individual item.
Overrides and exception messages may display for each individual item in the set at check out. The staff member will be required to address each item override.

Checking out a large set with many items

Overrides/exception messages will display for each individual item in the circulation set at check out. You will be required to address each item override. For example, if two of the five items in a set are currently checked out to another user, the clear charge override will display for each of the items when the set is checked out. This is also true for holds, renewal limits, and more.

If your library has a large set with many items that could potentially cause you to use the item type override, it is suggested that the set be created as a parental type set. The item type of the parent item should be associated with a circulation rule that has a charge limit high enough to meet the number of items in the set.

For more information about circulation sets, see FAQs: Circulating Items in Groups.

What do I do if I see the Item already charged to this user message?

If the Do Not Automatically Renew Items Already Checked Out option is selected in the Checkout wizard properties, and you try to check out an item to a user who already has checked out the item, the following message displays.

Item already charged to this user.

Do you want to renew this item for this user?

Click one of the following options.

Renew This Item As Seen renews the item and records the renewal as a “seen” renewal (that is, the item is physically present for the renewal).
Renew This Item As Unseen renews the item and records the renewal as an “unseen” renewal (that is, the item is not physically present for the renewal). This option is useful for renewals by telephone.
Do Not Renew cancels the renewal transaction and returns to the Checkout wizard.

If the renewal is recorded as a seen renewal, the unseen renewal counter is reset to 0. The unseen renewal counter records the number of consecutive unseen renewals, and determines when the number of consecutive unseen renewals permitted by the Circulation Rule policy is reached. Therefore, when a renewal is recorded as a seen renewal, the unseen renewal counter is reset to 0.

What do I do if I see the “Warning!! This item was reported as lost or assumed to be lost” message?

The following message displays if the user tries to check out an item that was marked as Lost by the Mark Item Lost wizard or the Assumed Lost report.

Warning!! This item was reported as lost or assumed to be lost.

Do one of the following:

To check out the item to the user, type the override code in the Lost Item Override box, and click Override & Checkout Item.
To cancel the check out, click Do Not Checkout Item.

When I charge an item to a Recirculating User, why does the item go in transit to that user’s library?

Charging an item to a Recirculating User temporarily moves the item to a library or location other than its own library or location. If you charge an item to a Recirculating User in another library or location, a message displays asking you to put the item in transit to that user’s library. When the item is charged again to another user and later discharged, the item is put in transit to the Recirculating User’s library even if the item is discharged at its home library. An item will return to its home library for reshelving only when the item is also discharged from the Recirculating User.

What do I do if I am notified that the loan period for the checked out item has been shortened?

WorkFlows will alert you if the item’s loan period is shortened to the date the user’s privileges will expire, or to an alternate due date for a high-demand item, a booked item, or an item needed for a reservation. Note the date shown on the alert message and inform the user of the new due date.

What do I do if I am notified that the user has previously had a copy of this title on loan?

If the Charge History feature is used in the library, and the user checking out items has a charge history, the Checkout wizard will display the following message if the user attempts to check out an item that he or she had previously checked out.

User has previously had a copy of this title on loan.

Do one of the following:

Click Checkout to User to continue checking out the item to the user.
Click Display Charge History to display the charge history record of the user. The list shows the items that the user has previously checked out and returned.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

For more information on the Charge History feature, see FAQs: Using Charge History.

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