Peripherals: Defining Workstation Peripherals
The Peripherals option on the Preference menu can be used to configure workstation peripherals.
• | Receipt Printer Setup Information |
• | Barcode Reader Setup Information |
• | Barcode Configuration |
• | Smart Card Configuration |
• | Mag Stripe Configuration |
• | RFID Pad Configuration |
This topic also provides instructions for Programming the CAERE Barcode Reader Using a Keyboard Wedge.
Receipt Printer Setup Information
The following section describes the steps for configuring receipt printing.
For specific information regarding printer features, refer to the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation.
For more information about which wizards support receipt printing, see What types of slips and receipts are available in the Circulation module? What wizards and helpers print receipts?.
To configure a receipt printer for a particular workstation
1 | On the Preference menu, point to Peripherals, and click Receipt Printer. |
2 | Select Receipt Printer Available. |
3 | On the Basic tab, select the Display Receipt Printer Dialog check box to allow changing the printer used for receipt printing on-the-fly. If selected, as you print receipts, a dialog box opens, allowing you to select from a list of available printers. If cleared, printing will default to the printer selected in the Receipt Printer box. |
Note: Macintosh workstations always display the Receipt Printer dialog box, regardless of the setting of the Display Receipt Printer Dialog check box.
4 | In the Receipt Printer box, from the list, select an available printer that will be used for printing receipts by default. |
5 |
Note: The Cash Drawer Supported check box does not display in libraries using the Macintosh operating system because the cash drawer feature is not supported for Macintosh workstations.
6 | If the receipt printer does not support printing raster images, such as a raster printer or text printer, select the No Built In Raster Driver check box. This check box displays only if you are running the client on a Windows platform. (Check the receipt printer’s manufacturer’s documentation to confirm whether or not raster image printing is supported.) |
Consider the following when selecting (or not selecting) this option:
• | If you select this option, the checkout information on the date due slip will be printed immediately following the check out. |
• | If you select this option, the Display Receipt Printer Dialog box is disabled (the dialog will not display). |
• | If you do not select this option, then the entire slip will be printed when you close the wizard or when you select the Checkout to New User next step. |
• | Do not select this check box if you want to print hold wrappers. If this check box is selected, hold wrappers will not print. (Hold wrappers require a printer that supports raster printing.) |
7 | If you selected No Built In Raster Driver, the following check boxes become available. Select these check boxes only if your printer supports these features. See your receipt printer documentation for more information. |
• | Printer Code Page – Some printers support printing multi-byte diacritics/characters, and some do not. Code pages translate these multi-byte characters for the printer. Select the code page your printer supports from the list, either CP437 or CP850. See your receipt printer documentation for more information. |
• | Cut Paper Supported – Type the ASCII Sequence values for Cut Paper. See your receipt printer documentation for these values. |
• | Form Feed Supported – Type the ASCII Sequence values for Form Feed. See your receipt printer documentation for these values. |
Important: If you select the No Built In Raster Driver option, the Display Receipt Printer Dialog box is disabled (the dialog will not display).
Also, if you select this option, the date due slip will print immediately after each checkout rather than at the end of the entire checkout session.
8 |
9 | In the Font box, use the Font Chooser Gadget to select a font, font style, and font size. A sample font will appear in the Preview section. |
10 | Select a Name of Unit for the page width and margins from the list, either Inches or Centimeters. |
11 | Type Page Width, Left Margin, and Right Margin values in the corresponding boxes. |
12 | Click OK. |
Barcode Reader Setup Information
To set up a barcode reader for a particular workstation
1 | On the Preference menu, point to Peripherals, and click Barcode Reader. |
2 | Select Barcode Reader Available. |
3 | Under Port Information, if you are connecting the barcode reader using a serial port, select Attached to Serial Port, which is the default. Select the appropriate communications port, speed, parity, flow control, data bits, and stop bits from the lists for the serial port. To attach the barcode reader to the keyboard instead, select Attached to Keyboard. The serial port selections become unavailable. |
4 | Under Barcode Settings, enter values for the barcode Preamble and Postamble. Default values are supplied for the preamble and postamble. |

Go to the documentation for your barcode reader for more information.
For information about barcode configuration options, see Barcode Wizard.
The Barcode Configuration option should be used when running WorkFlows in Offline mode (the SirsiDynix Symphony server is not available), and you need to define barcode policies in order to properly process barcodes being scanned in. For more information about configuring barcodes, see the Barcode Policy wizard topic.
Programming the CAERE Barcode Reader Using a Keyboard Wedge
This table is for use with the Easy-Scanner Model 1021 Installation and Programming Guide.
Page |
PC AT or Higher |
PS/2 (8086) |
7 |
Enter |
Enter |
Enter |
Enter |
22 |
Reset |
Reset |
Reset |
Reset |
8 |
Terminal |
Terminal |
Terminal |
Terminal |
23 |
A01 |
A00 |
Terminal |
A12 |
A10 |
9 |
Pre-amble |
Pre-amble |
A10 |
Pre-amble |
Pre-amble |
23 |
I02J76B2 |
I02J01A0 |
I02J01A0 |
I02J358B |
9 |
Post-amble |
Post-amble |
Post-amble |
Post-amble |
23 |
I02J76A3 |
I02J01A0 |
I02J01A0 |
I02J3582 |
20 |
Codabar |
Codabar |
Codabar |
Codabar |
23 |
BE |
BE |
BE |
BE |
17 |
Code 128 |
Code 128 |
Code 128 |
Code 128 |
23 |
BE |
BE |
BE |
BE |
7 |
Exit |
Exit |
Exit |
Exit |
For specific models, follow these recommendations.
• | For IBM PS/2 Model 77 only, set the Pre-amble to A02J701B0 and the Post-amble to A02J701A0. |
• | For Gateway systems, use A03 as the terminal type. |
• | For Windows Server systems, use A03 as the terminal type. |
The Smart Card Configuration peripheral option displays in the Preferences/Peripherals menu. Default settings are delivered that can be used for both USB and TCP Smart Card Reader types. You can change these values, if needed. The Smart Card configuration information will only be required to be set up once.

Refer to your Mifare Smart Card reader vendor documentation for the Smart Card Configuration settings.
To configure a Smart Card reader
1 | On the Preference menu, point to Peripherals, and click Smart Card Configuration. |
2 | If you are connecting a Mifare Smart Card reader to this workstation, select the Smart Card Reader Is Available check box. The Smart Card setup fields become available. |
3 | Under Smart Card Reader Set Up, make selections for the following. If no selections are made, the default options will be applied. |
• | Smart Card Reader Type — You can obtain the Smart Card Reader type from the Mifare documentation or from the device label. For multi-application use, select X1010 (default) or X1000. (Multi-application use means that more than one application installed on the workstation uses the same Smart Card reader.) |
• | Smart Card Reader Interface — For multi-application use, select TCP_INTERFACE (default). |
• | MultiApp Proxy — For multi-application use, type the proxy process to be used. The default value is GemTagNetProxy.exe. (Currently, this file is downloaded with the WorkFlows client install.) |
• | Remote IP Address? — For a local IP (connected to the workstation), clear this check box. Select this check box if the the reader is remote. Type an IP Address and Port number for remote access. |
4 | Under Security Access, make selections for the following: |
• | Polling Time — Type the time specified in milliseconds. Every “n” number of milliseconds, the card reader will be polled to read the card. The default setting is 1000. If you experience timing issues with scanning the card, increase the poll time in batches of 10 milliseconds, such as 1010, 1020, and so forth, until the card is read satisfactorily. |
• | Default Key A — Type the default access key. This value is provided by your Mifare Smart Card reader vendor. |
5 | Type values for the four sector keys, Sectors 1-3 (personal sectors), and Sector 7 (library). These values allow the system to read the card. These values are provided by your Mifare Smart Card reader vendor. |
Type names for the following keys:
• | Sector 1 Key A |
• | Sector 2 Key A |
• | Sector 3 Key A |
• | Sector 7 Key A |
6 | Click OK to save these settings. |
If you click Cancel, your Smart Card configuration settings will not be saved.
Testing the Connection to the Card Reader
In the Smart Card Configuration window, you can test the connection to the Mifare Smart Card reader and check that the barcodes (or user identifiers) are being correctly read.
To test the connection to the Smart Card reader
1 | Click Test Connection. |
2 | The Select Reader and Interface fields display the settings you saved. The Smart Card Reader Status field displays a message that the Card Reader is READY. |
3 | To test an NEC barcode, in the Patron Barcode field, scan a card when a card is in proximity to the card reader. On a successful read, the card’s 16 digits will be displayed, and the Smart Card Reader Version will automatically display, such as GEMTAG x501U v20 build 25110401. |
4 | If you encounter reading errors, do the following: |
• | If a “device not found” message displays, the card reader may not be connected to the workstation correctly, or may not be plugged in. Check the connection and retry the Test Connection. |
• | If a “no card in range” message displays, the card may not be close enough to the reader. Re-scan the card. |
• | If a “card bit” message displays, the card is being read too often, not giving enough time in between reads. Incrementally increase the poll time until the card successfully reads. |
5 | Click Cancel to disconnect the Smart Card reader and close the Smart Card Configuration window. |
The Mag Stripe Configuration peripheral option displays in the Preferences/Peripherals menu. The following section describes the steps for configuring a card reader device for use at the workstation.

This Mag Stripe Configuration is only used for configuring a mag stripe reader for use with BLUEcloud Commerce functionality within WorkFlows. For more information, see the BLUEcloud Commerce Configuration help topic.
To configure the mag stripe reader device, you need to have a Card Reader Device Type policy that contains the name of the card reader device. For information on the Card Reader Device Type policy, see the Card Reader Device Type Wizard help topic.
To configure a mag stripe reader
1 | On the Preference menu, point to Peripherals, and click Mag Stripe Configuration. |
2 | If you are connecting a card reader to this workstation, select the Mag stripe reader is available check box. The Card Reader Device Type policy field becomes available. |
3 | Select the Card Reader Device Type policy that corresponds to your card reader from the drop-down list. |
4 | Click OK to save these settings. |
If you click Cancel, any changes to the Mag Stripe configuration settings are not saved.
The RFID Pad Configuration peripheral option displays in the Preferences/Peripherals menu. The following section describes the steps for configuring an RFID Pad device for use at the workstation.
To configure an RFID pad device
1 | On the Preference menu, point to Peripherals, and click RFID Pad Configuration. |
2 | If you are connecting an RFID pad device to this workstation, select the RFID pad is available check box. The RFID Pad policy field becomes available. |
3 | Select the RFID Pad policy that corresponds to your RFID pad device from the drop-down list. The following options are available: |
• | 3M—Select this policy if you are configuring WorkFlows to use the 3M Enhanced RFID Pad. |
• | BIBLIO—Select this policy if you are configuring WorkFlows to use a Bibliotheca RFID pad. |
• | ENVISIONWARE—Select this policy if you are configuring WorkFlows to use an EnvisionWare RFID pad. |
You must have the EnvisionWare RFID Software Suite™ installed and running on the workstation in order for WorkFlows to recognize the RFID pad device. Any EnvisionWare RFID device is compatible with WorkFlows as long as it uses version 3.3 or higher of the EnvisionWare RFID Software Suite™.
• | FETECH—Select this policy if you are configuring WorkFlows to use an FE Technologies RFID pad. |
• | TECHLOGIC—Select this policy if you are configuring WorkFlows to use a Tech Logic RFID pad. |
Note: The devices that correspond to these RFID Pad policies are currently the only RFID pad devices that are compatible with the WorkFlows RFID Pad Configuration.
4 | Click OK to save these settings. |
If you click Cancel, any changes to the RFID Pad configuration settings are not saved.
For information on which wizards support the use of a peripheral RFID pad, see the FAQs: Checking Out Materials help topic.

You may need to have RFID pad software separate from WorkFlows installed on the workstation for WorkFlows to be able to use the RFID pad device. For information on installing RFID pad software on your workstation, see the documentation that accompanies the RFID pad software.