BLUEcloud Commerce Configuration

BLUEcloud Commerce is a service provided by SirsiDynix that allows users to pay bills and purchase items from the library via a third-party online payment service, such as ProPay.

BLUEcloud Commerce functionality supports the use of a peripheral mag stripe reader to make swiped card transactions for paying bills and purchasing items. The third-party payment service handles the payments and deposits funds into the merchant account created for your library.

At this time, the only payment service compatible with BLUEcloud Commerce is ProPay. ProPay supports only one model of mag stripe reader for BLUEcloud Commerce, which your library must obtain directly from ProPay. Contact ProPay if you want to obtain these devices for your library.

This mag stripe reader is only compatible with Windows workstations; therefore, only Windows workstations can use the BLUEcloud Commerce functionality for WorkFlows.

The third-party payment service may charge a processing fee for each transaction. ProPay charges such a fee. For more information, contact your SirsiDynix sales representative.

This topic covers the configuration to implement the use of the BLUEcloud Commerce functionality for WorkFlows. For instructions on how to implement BLUEcloud Commerce functionality within SirsiDynix e-Library, see the "BLUEcloud Commerce Configuration Overview" help topic in the SirsiDynix e-Library Admin Help.

Before You Begin

Before you begin to configure BLUEcloud Commerce functionality for WorkFlows, your library needs the following:

At least one merchant account set up with the payment service of your library's choice. This will be where the funds received from patrons making payments using BLUEcloud Commerce will be deposited.

Important: At this time, the only payment service compatible with BLUEcloud Commerce is ProPay. Therefore, to use the SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Commerce functionality, you need to have a merchant account set up with ProPay.

A BLUEcloud Commerce server URL. For optimal performance, SirsiDynix recommends using the URL of the BLUEcloud Commerce server geographically closest to your library. If you do not know the URL for your closest BLUEcloud Commerce server, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.
An appropriate number of mag stripe reader devices, one for each workstation you want to enable to make BLUEcloud Commerce transactions.

Note: ProPay supports only one model of mag stripe reader for BLUEcloud Commerce, which is the MagTek Dynamag Card Reader (Part No. 21073075). ProPay will not accept payments made through a workstation for BLUEcloud Commerce if any other model of card reader is used.

BLUEcloud Commerce General Configuration

Some system configuration and policy creation and modification is necessary to implement BLUEcloud Commerce within WorkFlows.

BLUEcloud Commerce Policies

Two policy types, BLUEcloud Commerce Account and BLUEcloud Commerce Service, control how the SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Commerce functionality interacts with your SirsiDynix Symphony server. To use BLUEcloud Commerce, your library needs to configure at least one BLUEcloud Commerce Account policy and modify the DEFAULT BLUEcloud Commerce Service policy. The following wizards allow you to configure these policies; they are both located in the Circulation Configuration group on the Configuration tab.

BLUEcloud Commerce Account Wizard – Use this wizard to create BLUEcloud Commerce Account policies, which define attributes such as which merchant account receives the funds from online payments and which payment service handles the transactions.
BLUEcloud Commerce Service Wizard – Use this wizard to modify the DEFAULT BLUEcloud Commerce Service policy, which defines attributes such as which BLUEcloud Commerce server to use and which BLUEcloud Commerce Account policy should be read when making BLUEcloud Commerce transactions, if a default BLUEcloud Commerce Account policy is set neither in the library nor the library group policy.

Note: Only one BLUEcloud Commerce Service policy exists and WorkFlows does not allow other BLUEcloud Commerce Service policies to be created. The SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Commerce server always uses the DEFAULT policy.

Library and Library Group policies

You should specify which BLUEcloud Commerce Account policy to associate with your library by default in your library's policy using the Library Wizard. You should also specify which BLUEcloud Commerce Account policy SirsiDynix Symphony should use in the absence of a BLUEcloud Commerce Account policy defined for a given library using the Library Group Wizard. In both policies, the attribute for defining a default BLUEcloud Commerce Account policy is BLUEcloud Commerce Account.

Language Policies

For BLUEcloud Commerce labels and messages to translate properly into the language of the staff user, the ISO 639 language code and the ISO 3166 country code attributes must be defined in each Language policy for each possible language in which a user could interface with BLUEcloud Commerce. Use the Language Wizard to modify Language policy attributes.

This configuration is necessary even for SirsiDynix Symphony systems that only use one (default) language.

Currency Policies

To specify which type of currency the payment service should use to charge the card, the ISO 4217 currency code attribute must be defined in the Currency policy that also has the Native attribute defined. Use the Currency Wizard to modify Currency policy attributes.

Payment Type Policies

WorkFlows uses the Payment Type policy to determine whether to use BLUEcloud Commerce functionality to process a payment. WorkFlows checks the BLUEcloud Commerce Payment Type attribute of the Payment Type policy; if this attribute is enabled, WorkFlows uses BLUEcloud Commerce to process the payment. Enable the BLUEcloud Commerce Payment Type attribute for any Payment Type policy you want to use the BLUEcloud Commerce functionality.

For more information on the Payment Type policy, see the Payment Type Wizard help topic.

Card Reader Device Type Policies

ProPay checks the WorkFlows client to ensure that it supports the card reader device that swipes the payment card. To do this, it checks for the name of the device, which is stored in the Card Reader Device Type policy. Create a policy that contains the name of the mag stripe reader your workstation uses. For more information on creating a Card Reader Device Type policy, see the Card Reader Device Type Wizard help topic.

Mag Stripe Configuration

After you have created a Card Reader Device Type policy, you need to associate the policy with the workstation. Use the Mag Stripe Configuration under the Peripherals Menu to configure the device for use with the workstation.

After you complete these configurations, BLUEcloud Commerce will be ready to use within WorkFlows.