Language Wizard

The Language policy allows the library to establish synonyms for searching the catalog by language using the lookup options Language field. The Language policy establishes which 3-letter codes (used in MARC 21 records) are equivalent to which spelled out language names. In this way, users may search by language without having to know the three-letter language code used in the MARC catalog record. This policy also sets a default language for those records that do not contain a language code.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Language policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.

When you copy a default Language policy, and attempt to save this new policy, the wizard will display a confirmation dialog box and ask you whether you intend to set this new policy as the default language. Click Yes to set this new policy as the default language, or No to keep the current default.


The Language wizard displays the following attributes.

Language Code
Set as Default
Writing Direction
ISO 639 Language Code
ISO 3166 Country Code
Character Set


This attribute uniquely identifies a specific Language policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

Language Code

The Language Code is an abbreviation of a language used in cataloging, such as eng, fre, or spa. Language codes are defined in the MARC 21 Code Lists, and are typically found in the 008 fixed fields and the 041 field of MARC21 records. For UNIMARC records, the language code is found in either the 101 or 100 field. Type the three-letter language code.

Set as Default

Select this attribute to determine whether this Language policy is the default Language used for the library. The default Language policy may be used in cases where SirsiDynix Symphony needs to know the language of a record but nothing in the record defines the language (such as in non-MARC records or MARC records that do not have language codes in the 041 or 008 fixed fields).

Writing Direction

This attribute specifies the direction that text should appear, either Left to Right, Right to Left, or Top to Bottom. Click one.


This attribute specifies which language directory to use for displaying field labels and system messages. Type the language directory name. This attribute is not required.

ISO 639 Language Code

This attribute specifies the language code which is recognized by WWW servers and browsers. Examples of codes are en for English, fre for French, and de for German. The code should follow the ISO 639 standard. See the Web page maintained by the Library of Congress, “Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages,”

ISO 3166 Country Code

This attribute specifies the country code which is recognized by WWW servers and browsers. The code should follow the ISO 3166 standard. For more information, see the ISO Web page “English Country Names and Code Elements,”

Character Set

This attribute includes the name of the character set which best displays text in this language. Values must be from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) registry. For more information, refer to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority web page,

Note: The language currently used in an e-Library session determines whether HTML is generated to define the Language Code, Country Code, the Writing Direction, and the Character Set. The presence of this information in the Language policy will cause properly configured browsers to switch to the appropriate font to display characters in the current language. Also, text and tables will appear right-to-left for languages configured that way.

If one of these attributes (Writing Direction, Language Code, Country Code, or Character Set) is cleared, then it will not be included in the HTML. The e-Library will behave as before.

Data in these fields (Writing Direction, Language Code, Country Code, or Character Set) does not control the availability of character sets and fonts on your workstation. For example, in order for the Arabic language to be used, the Arabic language must be installed for your browser.


This attribute specifies the articles that should not be included when filing text. In the Articles box, type the articles to be included in the list. Click the right arrow to add to the list. To remove an article from the list, select the article and click the left arrow.

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