Add Recurring Order Wizard

The Add Recurring Order wizard guides you through the process of creating an order that has multiple receipts that are not pre-determined, such as a blanket order selection plan for multiple titles from a single vendor or a standing order for a single title with pocket parts or loose-leaf updates that are not based on a particular subscription period.

For more information about recurring order types, see FAQs: Adding Recurring Orders. The following procedure is for a typical STANDING order for a single title with updates.

To add a recurring order

You can do one of the following if you are not simply ordering an existing title.

Select a vendor using the Browse Vendor Gadget.

Select the Order Type from the list, such as STANDING or BLANKET. Only recurring order types are available for selection. This procedure is for a typical STANDING order.

Accept the session default fiscal cycle for the order, or select another fiscal cycle from the Fiscal Cycle list.

Note: You many type additional values controlled by Session Settings when creating an order. If a value that you need is not available, begin the wizard again, this time selecting Session Settings to display as needed.

Because this is a recurring order and you are creating the pattern orderline, you cannot type a unit price. The Unit Price field displays a $0.00 default value that cannot be modified. Materials received on the order are priced separately in subsequent orderlines. Type the Quantity for which you are creating your standing order. The Quantity field is required.

You can select the Sum Distribution Quantities check box to sum distributed quantities and automatically calculate the orderline quantities. The Quantity field is unavailable when you use this option. See the tab topic for more information.

If you start the order, but then decide to use Sum Distribution Quantities, you can use the Recalculate Funding and Orderline Quantities Helper to update the Quantity and Funded Quantity fields from the distributed quantity.

In the Material Type field, you may select an acquisitions material type to be associated with the orderline. Specifying an acquisitions material type is useful when you want to run reports and select orders or orderlines by an item’s material characteristics. The acquisitions material type can also play a role in determining tax handling when the orderline is invoiced later.

Do not type a Parts in Set value. This field should not be set on the pattern orderline because you cannot know what volumes, parts, editions, or years will be published and sent. Instead, every orderline created when receiving the order or invoicing the order that represents a real volume will be loaded into the catalog with a volume number. Each orderline item after the pattern line can be marked to indicate what part or volume it is.

See the Orderline Tab: New Orderline topic for more information.

If you will be linking the order record to a serial control record for check in, you may want to put a reminder in the COMMENT field for staff, such as, “When first issue arrives mark the order as received and create a serial control record.” COVERAGE is used to differentiate the coverage dates of a subscription when there are multiple orders for the same title.

If the Use Quantity Matching for Order Maps property is selected, and you had ordered a quantity matching an existing Order Map, those defaults would display. If you had ordered a quantity matching more than one existing Order Map, you would be prompted to select from a list of Order Maps.

Note: If you selected Sum Funded Quantities on the Orderline tab, there is no orderline quantity to be used with quantity matching, and Quantity Matching for Order Maps is disabled. You may use the Replace Fundings & Distributions helper to select an order map from a list.

The Order tab displays summary information about the order. The Orderlines tab displays a table of orderlines. Use the tools in the Orderlines tab toolbox to display selected orderlines, add new orderlines, and modify and delete existing orderlines. The availability of the tools depends on behavior properties and Session Settings. See the tab topics for more information.

No more than 32000 copies may be added on one order in a given fiscal cycle.

After an orderline has been ordered, you can click one of the following options.

Save Your Changes to save order and orderline modifications
Finish to mark the order as finished, and set the Date Mailed, Date to Claim, Date to Cancel
Close to exit the Add Recurring Order wizard

Important Things to Consider when Using this Wizard

Recurring orders are processed differently. Refer to the wizard FAQs for information about receiving, paying, or loading orders.
You can use the OPAC_NOTE in the Additional Orderline Information field to indicate to the public that the ON–ORDER status in the e–Library was for updates to a title.
As a precaution, if at any time you click Close before saving the order, a confirmation dialog box will appear asking you to confirm removing the order, or to close without removing the order, or to return to the wizard without removing the order.
If you had created a title and then decided that it was incorrect, you will need to remove the title using cataloging wizards.
ISXN warnings may appear when creating orders. Correct the ISXN value before continuing. For more information see FAQs: ISBN/ISSN Validation.
In multilibrary systems that use the Fund Library Authorization policy, a message displays when the holding code library is not authorized in the associated fund cycle. When the message window is closed, the insertion point will be placed in the first fund ID field on the Segments tab that did not pass validation. An invalid fund cycle/holding code pair will not be saved. See FAQs: Understanding Fund Library Authorization for more information.

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