Display Bibliographic Description Helper

The Display Bibliographic Description helper is used to display bibliographic, call number/item, and order information about the current item.

This helper may be referred to as the Display Bibliographic Description tool in acquisitions and selection list wizards.

Bibliographic Information

Under Bibliographic Information, the following information may appear.

Publication Information
Physical Description
Subject Term
Holdings statement

The bibliographic information that appears depends on the entries defined in your ALL, BRIEF, or FULL entry templates for the format being displayed.

On a Unicode server where the Paired Fields feature is used, to display 880s that are part of linked pairs in the Display Bibliographic Description helper, make sure you select ALL in the helper Entries default properties and add the 880 tag to the FULL and/or BRIEF templates.

Call Number and Item Information

Under Call Number and Item Information, the following information appears.

Title’s call number
Number of items
Holding library
Item IDs
Item types
Current locations
Whether or not the item can circulate
Number of current holds
Item extended information, such as staff and public notes

If holds are linked to any call numbers or items, a Holds button will appear next to the call number/item. Click this button to view the list of holds.

If applicable, the following type of bound-with information also appears.

Parent call number
Parent title
Children call number
Children titles

If a child record is displayed, bound-with information is not displayed.


Under Orders, order information for the item appears. An order summary list displays order lines (unloaded/unprocessed) linked to the displayed title. Unloaded copies display with a status of On Order or Received. In multilibrary systems, a library name also displays; this is the library collection to which the items will be loaded when processing is complete. The library is extracted from the holding codes assigned to the open orders.

Orderline extended information, such as OPAC notes may also appear.

You can print bibliographic information displayed in this helper by selecting the Print command from the File menu, or by clicking the Print wizard, if present, on the toolbar.

In cataloging wizards, the format for printing the current record is controlled by the Display Bibliographic Description helper properties. For example, if you want entry labels and/or tag numbers to print, select Display Descriptive Labels and/ Display Numeric Tags in this helper.

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