Display Bibliographic Description Helper Properties

The Display Bibliographic Description helper allows the following properties to be set.

Changes you make to this helper’s properties apply globally whenever this helper is used.


The format of current printing available in cataloging wizards is controlled by these properties. For example, if you want entry labels to print, be sure to select Display Descriptive Labels. Likewise, if you want tag numbers to print, be sure to select Display Numeric Tags in this helper.


On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the helper.

Library – Select the default display library from the list. The Library list can be used to filter the display of call numbers/items to just one library. If the Library field contains a specific library name, only call number/item records for that particular library are displayed. If the Library field contains the value Full Access to All Libraries, the call number/item records of all libraries are displayed. The Library field does not display in a single library system.

Entries – Select the entries template you want to use when displaying bibliographic records from the list. You have these options.

ALL – Displays all the entries (tags) in the original record, even if those entries are not defined in any of the FULL or BRIEF templates.
BRIEF – Displays entries defined in the BRIEF template for each format.
FULL – Displays entries defined in the FULL template for each format.

Shadow – Select the Shadow option you want. The shadow catalog allows the library to retain full catalog records searchable only by library staff. When qualifying a search using the shadow catalog, you have these options:

Yes – Displays only items that have been shadowed at the title level.
No – Excludes shadowed titles from the display.
Both – Displays all titles, whether shadowed or not. Individual call numbers and items will or will not be displayed based on your shadow selections.

Shadowed items will not display in a title or author browse search. However, you can call number browse shadowed items.

Select or clear any of the following check boxes. The selections you make will also determine how the labels/tag numbers appear when printing current records.

Display Descriptive Labels (for entries) – Displays the MARC entry descriptions. By default, this check box is selected.
Display Numeric Tags (for entries) – Displays the MARC tag numbers.

Select or clear any of the following check boxes.

All Call Numbers – Displays all call numbers associated with an item.
All Items – Displays all items associated with an item.
MARC Holdings – Displays MARC holdings information on viewed call numbers.
Fixed Fields – Fixed fields always display; however, this option determines whether they will display in the Bibliographic Information section as a 000 or 008 field, or at the top of the record in a separate Fixed Fields section. If this check box is selected, fixed fields will display at the top of the record.
Bound-with – Displays both child and parent information with the bibliographic description.
Order Summary – Displays an order summary for the item.

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