Orderline Tab: New Orderline

The Orderline tab values when modifying or creating an orderline can vary depending on the wizard properties, session settings, and whether your order is of Basic Order Types or Dated Order Types. When an orderline is displayed, the Title Info, Orderline, and Segments tabs appear. The Order ID, Fiscal Cycle, Library, and Vendor ID always appear in the title bar. Use the Display Bibliographic Description Helper to view detailed title information.

The Orderline tab typically contains the following fields.

If selected in Session Settings, the following fields may appear.

Basic Order Types

Parts in Set – Appears when a Basic or Firm order type is created.

Dated Order Types

If the order is a Dated order type, these additional fields appear.

The following fields are defined for the Orderline tab.

Unit Price

The Unit Price field contains the price the vendor wants you to pay for the orderline item in the vendor’s currency. It is for only one copy, prior to discount, and does not include tax. It does not matter if the unit price is in dollars or in another currency. The application of any TABLE discount by the vendor, any foreign currency exchange rate, and the multiplication by the number entered into the Quantity field occurs automatically to provide the extended price. A Unit Price default value may be entered from the order wizard default properties. If you are entering a unit price, type it without any symbol, such as a dollar sign.

For example, type 25.00 not $25.00

When a standing or blanket recurring order is created or modified, the Unit Price field of the first orderline cannot be modified. These order types represent an open order, for which the initial price may not be known.

Sum Distribution Quantities

Depending on the Session Settings selection, Sum Distribution Quantities, the Sum Distribution Quantities check box may appear. You can click this check box to sum distributed quantities and automatically calculate the orderline quantities. This feature is useful when you are ordering many copies of a title and don’t want to be concerned with adding up the funded quantities to calculate the total quantities.

When you select this check box, the total Quantity field on the Orderline tab is unavailable. After typing values for Unit Price, Parts in Set, and so forth, when you click Continue, you will see that the Funded Quantity field on the Segments tab is also unavailable. But as you add distributions and distribution quantities, the Funded Quantity fields will be automatically updated, as well as the Quantity field on the Orderline tab.

If you start the order, but then decide to use Sum Distribution Quantities, you can use the Recalculate Funding and Orderline Quantities Helper to update the Quantity and Funded Quantity fields from the distributed quantity. This helper is also useful when using Modify Order to modify orderline quantities.

Material Type

The value specifies the acquisitions material type of the orderline item. The acquisitions material type specifies the item’s material characteristics. This designation is useful when running reports that select orderlines and orders. The available Material Type list selections are defined by the library’s Acquisitions Materials Type policies.


This value refers to the number of copies of the title or the quantity of supplies that you want to order on this particular orderline. When creating an orderline, if you do not put anything in this field, the default is 1.


A standard title ID field, labeled ISBN/ISSN, displays in orderlines when an orderline is created or modified. The ISBN/ISSN values are provided by default from the corresponding tags in the bibliographic record in the catalog, with the ISBN coming from the 020 and the ISSN coming from the 022. The ISBN is displayed as a 10 character string with no spaces or punctuation. The ISSN displays as a pair of four character strings separated by a hyphen.

For example:

ISBN: 0345026713

ISSN: 0095-7119

WorkFlows validates ISBNs and ISSNs in orderline records. Anytime you type an ISBN or ISSN that contains invalid characters, or whose digits do not pass the validation calculation as described in the standard for these numbers, WorkFlows displays a warning. However, you are not prevented from saving an invalid ISBN or ISSN to the orderline record.

When an orderline is created, the first ISBN or ISSN found in the bibliographic record is inserted in the ISBN/ISSN field according to the following rules. For dated orders, the ISSN will be used first, and the ISBN will be used if no ISSN is available. For all other orders, the ISBN will be used first, and the ISSN will be used if no ISBN is available. For orderlines not linked to the catalog, the ISBN/ISSN field will be empty.

Note: If a title is added for ordering using SmartPort, the ISBN/ISSN is not available in the orderline at the time of creation, although it does display in the orderline when the orderline is later modified.

When an order is received, ISBN/ISSN is displayed as Orderline ISXN.

Date Ordered

The Date Ordered is the date a particular orderline is added to an order. The date the order was created (Date Created) may be earlier than the date the orderline was created.

Date Mailed

The Date Mailed field contains the date the completed order was sent to the vendor. The value NEVER is the default on a new order. If the vendor has already been notified of the library’s order, this field should be set to a specific date. Typically, the Date Mailed is set to the date a purchase order notice was generated by a purchase order report in which the notice was counted as mailed. This date can also be updated manually, or a default value for Date Mailed (such as TODAY) may be set when using order wizards, or a date may be selected using the Calendar gadget. This default property allows you to consider the order mailed as soon as the order is created, and is useful primarily for libraries who place online or phone orders, and do not produce printed purchase orders.

If your library uses the Print Ready Purchase Orders report, this value should be NEVER for any order that you want to select for printing. NEVER is the default selection and cannot be modified. It is not possible to print a purchase order using this report if the Date Mailed contains a non-NEVER value.

Orderline Extended Info

Orderline extended information fields may be labeled “Note,” “Comment,” “Catalog #,” and more depending on the entries defined in your Orderline Extended Information format.

Parts in Set

If the orderline represents a multi-part work, such as a kit or a set, the part or volume names are recorded this field. When you receive the set, the parts that were received are listed together in a holdings statement in the order record, and the unreceived volumes are listed in a different holdings statement. This allows you to keep track of what volumes you did not receive, if any. Parts in Set can also be used when call number records are created using the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard. The special syntax of Parts in Set is used to add analytics to a base call number.

If available, you may use the Parts in Set Gadget to select the proper parts syntax. If the gadget does not display, type parts according to the syntax defined in FAQs: Typing Orderline Parts.

In a claim segment, the Parts field represents the number of unreceived volumes for a multi-part set. Information must be entered into the Unreceived field to create the second holdings distribution and/or the claim.

In a cancel segment, the Parts field represents the number of volumes of a multi-part set for which the order was canceled. Remember, when you cancel any one part of a multi-part orderline item, the number of items ordered does not change. Only if you cancel all ordered parts does the number of items ordered change. If the entire set is canceled, you must adjust the appropriate funding and distribution segments; otherwise, the workstation sends segment status alerts such as “ORDER OVER FUNDED” and “SEGMENT OVER DISTRIBUTED.”

Volume specifications are also used to assign call numbers to items when the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard is used to load the items into the catalog.

Days in Subscription Period

This field represents the period that the subscription (or possibly membership) covers. It is expressed in number of days.

For example, a single year subscription would cover a 365-day period, so you would type 365 in the Days in Subscription Period field.

Note: The Days in Subscription Period field automatically updates the Renewal Date field in the orderline when the dated order is rolled over to the next fiscal year.

Renewal Date

The Renewal Date field contains the date that a subscription or membership order is to be renewed. You may use the Calendar gadget to enter a renewal date in your library’s format. Typically, the renew date is the order date plus the number of days in the subscription period field.

For example, if you type 365 in the Days in Sub Period field, you may set the Renewal Date by clicking the Date Range gadget. The current date is the default. To set the Renewal Date for the same day the following year, click Specific Date and the right arrow until the same month for the following year appears. Click OK.

Note: When rolling over dated orders, the Renewal Date field is used to select which orders are to be rolled over.


The currency used to pay the vendor displays in this field. When you order or invoice material, the vendor’s default currency appears. The default currency is the native currency of the vendor, which is specified in the currency field of the vendor record. If no currency is entered for the vendor, the native currency of your library is the default.

The vendor currency cannot be changed after orders or invoices have been placed with the vendor, but each orderline may have its own currency specified. However, once an orderline is created using a particular currency, the currency may no longer be modified.

Native Library Currency — The currency values are defined by the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator in the Currency wizard in Acquisition Configuration. A Currency policy is created for each of the potential currencies that will be used to pay vendors. Select the Native option check box in only one of the Currency policies; this is the library’s native currency.

For example, a public library in Washington, DC contains materials from several different nations. The library creates currencies for Canadian dollars (CAN), Mexican pesos (PESO), British pounds (UK), etc. Materials are still primarily ordered in the same currency that is used in the country where the library resides. So the native currency of the library is still United States dollars (US). Only the US currency would have the Native option selected, making US the library’s native currency.


The Discount field in an order record contains the discount on an item, if any. Valid values for this field are NONE, meaning no discount (0.00 and blank are also accepted for the None value), and TABLE, meaning that the system should use the discount table in the vendor record, or a percentage expressed as a whole number with two decimal places. For example, 15% would be expressed as 15.00. The default value is TABLE.

For example, if a vendor that typically provides a discount, but does not offer a discount on a certain type of material, such as books–on–tape, you may change TABLE to 0.00, because the library will not get the vendor’s standard 10% discount.


This field is used in invoice or orderlines to calculate a foreign currency purchase in native currency. The exchange rate is the number of foreign currency units in a single native currency unit. If the Order in Foreign Currencies field is not selected in Session Settings for acquisitions wizards, this field does not display. The default for the Exchange Rate field is TABLE, which references the exchange rate table defined in the Currency policy. As the Currency policy is updated with different exchange rates, the cost of the line item in native currency changes. If you want to freeze the exchange rate so that it does not fluctuate as the Currency policy changes, you may change TABLE to a specific exchange rate. If you are freezing an exchange rate, you must type the value as a decimal, in the form 99.00, instead of a ratio. An exchange rate takes the form 99.00, meaning the number of foreign currency units in a single native currency unit.

For example, if the price of an item is 25.00, and the currency is Canadian dollars, the amount required in the library’s native currency is calculated internally by identifying the Canadian currency in the exchange rate table and applying ratio of foreign units to local United States units to the Canadian price. If the ratio is 150 to 100, the native currency value would be $16.67. If the Currency policy indicates that the foreign policy is 150 per 100 units and you want to freeze that rate, you would type 1.50.

If the exchange rate at which the order is being invoiced is different from the exchange rate the library ordered under, you may type a different exchange rate directly into this field on the order.

When you pay an invoice, this field gives you one last chance to change the exchange rate for this invoice line(s). If the invoice includes a prorated line and you change the exchange rate, the orders and funds affected are updated with a new proration amount based on the new exchange rate.

Extended Price

The Extended field contains the total cost of the line item. It represents the unit price multiplied by the number of items with any discounts figured in the vendor’s currency.

For example, the library orders two copies of a book from a Japanese publisher with a unit price Y2300. The library gets a 10% discount on all orders. The extended price produced by SirsiDynix Symphony is, therefore, Y4554 (2 x 2300 with a 10% discount).

After SirsiDynix Symphony calculates the extended price, you may still change it when modifying an order. If you change the unit price, SirsiDynix Symphony recalculates the extended price. If the vendor cycle record is updated with a different discount table, the extended price of the line item changes.

Native Price

The Native Price field displays the total cost of the line item in the library’s native currency. The native currency is indicated in the Currency policy.

Requestor User ID

If this orderline has been ordered at the request of a library patron, you may type the requesting user’s ID. This allows you to track the order easily for the user and notify the user when the material has been ordered and later when the material is available. Or, you may use this field to record the user ID of the library staff selector, the library itself, or, if the order is for supplies, the supervisor who authorized the purchase.

Requisition Number

Many libraries’ acquisitions processes use a formal purchase request form often needing supervisory approval. If this is a pre-printed, numbered form, the requisition number may be entered in this optional 1–10 character field. The requisition number acts as an alternative access point to this orderline item. The number can be used later if you want to track down the status of various orders originating from a single requisition. You may type alphabetic characters as well as numbers, but they are automatically converted to uppercase letters.