Order Tab: Acquisitions

The Order tab contains information pertaining to all of the order’s orderlines. The tab may contain the following values. Many of these fields are maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony and cannot be modified, even when modifying an order. The order of the information, field labels, and information headings displayed may vary depending on the wizard you are using.

The following fields are defined for the Order tab.

Amount Paid

SirsiDynix Symphony automatically maintains the amount as orders are placed, removed, and processed. Once an order amount is paid, it is no longer invoiced.

Date Created

Automatically supplied by the system, the date that an order record was created (or duplicated) displays in this field. This date is not modifiable and is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

Date Mailed

The Date Mailed field contains the date the completed order was sent to the vendor. The value NEVER is the default on a new order. If the vendor has already been notified of the library’s order, this field should be set to a specific date. Typically, the Date Mailed is set to the date a purchase order notice was generated by a purchase order report in which the notice was counted as mailed. This date can also be updated manually, or a default value for Date Mailed (such as TODAY) may be set in wizard properties, or a date may be selected using the Calendar gadget. This default property allows you to consider the order mailed as soon as the order is created, and is useful primarily for libraries who place online or phone orders, and do not produce printed purchase orders. If your library uses the Print Ready Purchase Orders report, this value should be NEVER for any order that you want to select for printing. NEVER is the default selection and cannot be modified. It is not possible to print a purchase order using this report if the Date Mailed contains a non-NEVER value.

Date Modified

This field contains the date the order record was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

Date Ready

The Date Ready field contains the date that the entire order was completed. Marking an order as “ready” tells SirsiDynix Symphony that the order is complete, and makes it ready for selection by the Print Ready Purchase Orders report.

The default date ready value is NEVER on a new order unless the order is being marked “ready” as part of the work flow. In such a case, the default value is TODAY. Type T for TODAY, N for NEVER, or type a date in the required date format.
Note If the Enter Date Ready check box is cleared in Acquisitions Session Settings, the Date Ready field cannot be edited.

Date to Cancel

The Date to Cancel field contains the date that ordered items will be canceled if not received. The default is NEVER on a new order unless the order is being marked ready as part of the work flow. In such a case, the Date to Cancel may be entered when the order is finished using the Calendar gadget. Alternately, if orders are not marked ready at the time they are ordered, the Date to Cancel may be set when a purchase order is printed and counted as mailed. In this case, the Date to Cancel is calculated using the Date Mailed plus the number of days in the vendor’s cancel period.

Date to Claim

The Date to Claim contains the date that ordered items will be claimed if not received. The default is NEVER on a new order unless the order is being marked ready as part of the work flow. In such a case, the date to claim may be set using the Calendar gadget in the finish step. Alternately, the Date to Claim may be set when a purchase order is printed and counted as mailed. In this case, the Date to Claim is calculated based on the Date Mailed plus the number of days in the vendor’s claim period.


Order records are associated with a fiscal cycle. The Fiscal field identifies a particular funding period. The funding period can be set up in quarters, calendar years, or fiscal years.

Funded/Not Invoiced

This field displays the total amount encumbered for funds specified in all of the orderlines.

Invoiced/Not Paid

This field displays the total amount that the vendor has invoiced for items on this order or list of orders.


Order records are assigned to a library. Which libraries may display your library’s order records is controlled by the Acquisition Display Libraries attribute of your Library policy. Which libraries may maintain your library’s acquisitions records is controlled by the Acquisition Maintenance Libraries attribute of your Library policy. When you are modifying or displaying acquisitions information, you may only select those libraries who have indicated in their Library policy that you may maintain or display that library’s acquisitions.


Order extended information fields will appear under Extended Information on the Orders tab. These fields may be labeled “Note,” “Comment,” or “Instructions,” depending on the entries defined in your Order Extended Information format. If the Note field is filled in when the order is created, the note will be printed on the purchase order to the vendor.

Order ID (New Order ID)

This field uniquely identifies a single order record. This ID can be generated by SirsiDynix Symphony, and may be used with the fiscal cycle to display order information. If you enter an order ID which includes alphabetic characters, they will be entered in upper case. Note Order IDs must not contain spaces.

When receiving an item, you may identify the Order ID from the packing list for the orderline. When invoicing an item, you may identify the Order ID from the invoice for the orderline.

You may be able to use the Browse Order gadget to uniquely identify an order record.

Order Type

Order types are policies established by the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator. An order type not only categorizes an order but can also determine how the order is treated when received by the library. Each order type is either BASIC, RECURRING, or DATED. When an order is modified using acquisitions wizards, the order type can be modified to any other value that is of the same nature, as in basic, recurring, or dated.

Basic Order Types—A Basic function order is the most basic form of order. It is complete as soon as the ordered material has been received and paid for (if necessary). SirsiDynix Symphony does not do anything special to BASIC order types. Examples of BASIC order types are FIRM, GIFT, and APPROVAL.
Recurring Order Types—A recurring function order is a perpetually open order with no known end date at the time the order is placed. An implied library-vendor agreement facilitates the receipt of certain materials without requiring individual orders from the library. Irregular serials and many annual publications are frequently purchased by standing order, with the vendor sending volumes to the library whenever published. Some publishers offer special discounts if a library purchases a monographic series as a standing order, rather than as individual volumes. Since there is no predictable production of the volumes, they cannot be paid for in advance as a subscription. The library accepts each volume as it arrives and pays for each individually. The order types STANDING and BLANKET are order type policies with a RECURRING functional description.
Dated Order Types —A dated function order is an open order with a known start date and end date at the time the order is placed. A subscription orders a publication issued in successive parts, typically with chronological or numerical designation, over a defined subscription period. Certain publications cannot be purchased or subscribed to directly. Instead, the library must become a member of the organization that produces publications. Often membership includes receipt of more than one journal. Sometimes membership privileges include discounts on the organization’s other publications. Ordering a membership usually involves membership fees, sent on a regular basis to ensure uninterrupted receipt of the membership publication(s). The order types SUBSCRIPTION and MEMBERSHIP are order type policies with a RECURRING functional description.

Ordered/Not Funded

This field displays the cost of all ordered items that have not been assigned a fund in the funding segments.


Each order can have any number of lines associated with it. When basic order information is displayed, the number of orderlines is displayed in this field.

Quantity Canceled

This field displays the total number of items canceled for an order.

Quantity Claimed

This field displays the total number of items claimed for all line items ordered but not received.

Quantity Invoiced

This field displays the total amount invoiced and linked to this order, but not yet paid. This amount includes orders placed from a particular fiscal cycle that have been invoiced, but never paid, canceled, or removed.

Quantity Not Received

This field indicates the number of items that had been ordered but had not yet been received.

Quantity Ordered

SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the total number of items ordered. Canceled items and removed line items are automatically deducted from this figure.

Quantity Paid

This field indicates the total number of items paid for this order. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically maintains the count as orders are placed, removed, and paid.

Total Amount

This field contains the total value of all orderlines on this particular order or list of orders, regardless of their state of being funded, invoiced, or paid.

Vendor ID (New Vendor ID)

Each master vendor record must be assigned a unique identifier (ID). This identifier is used throughout acquisitions and serials WorkFlows to help you quickly identify the vendor. The ID may be up to 20 characters long. For instance, Baker & Taylor might be referred to as BAKER. Publishers have an international standard number (the first digits of the ISBN) assigned to them, and you might want to use this as the vendor ID. For example, the vendor ID for Pierian Press might be 87650.

Note: Vendor IDs must not contain spaces.