MARC Order Import Utility Wizard
In SirsiDynix Symphony, it is possible to create both item and order records from a vendor’s file of MARC bibliographic records containing order information if your library has purchased the MARC Order Record Loader feature. Libraries can use book vendor Web sites to make selections or place orders. The book vendor provides a file of MARC bibliographic records with the order information, usually in a 9XX tag. The file is placed on the library staff workstation by a file transfer program, such as FTP. The Marc Import Order Utility wizard uploads the file of MARC records to the SirsiDynix Symphony server.
The Marc Order Import Utility wizard imports and manages vendors’ MARC records and the order records created from them. This wizard imports files of bibliographic records from the workstation to the /Unicorn/Marcordimp/Bibs directory on the SirsiDynix Symphony server. Once the bibliographic record files are imported to this server directory, the wizard can list, view, or remove the files. The bibliographic records can then be added to the SirsiDynix Symphony database with the Load Bibs with Order Info report.
The Load Bibs with Order Info report in the Acquisition Load report group matches and loads bibliographic data into the catalog, creates a file of flat ASCII order records, and tests the order records to verify that they can be loaded correctly into SirsiDynix Symphony. Order loading errors can be corrected using the Marc Import Order Utility wizard. The order files created by the report are placed in the /Unicorn/Marcordimp/Orders directory on the SirsiDynix Symphony server. Once the order record files are placed in this server directory, the Marc Order Import Utility wizard can list, view, modify, or remove the files.
Once any order loading errors are resolved, the Load Flat Order Records report in the Acquisition Load report group loads the order record into SirsiDynix Symphony. The order records can then be managed like any other order entered at the workstation by using the Acquisitions wizards and commands.
To use this wizard, do the following.
Click the MARC Order Import Utility wizard. |
The following tabs display.Click any of the following links to view directions for using each tab. |
The following options appear at the bottom of the MARC Order Import window, and can be used with the MARC Order Import Utility wizard tabs. |
Import uploads bibliographic and authority records. This option is only available for the Import tab. |
View displays the selected file. This option is available for all of the tabs except the Import tab. |
Edit displays the selected order file for you to verify or edit. This option is only available for the Order Files to Load tab. |
Upload prepares the order file to be uploaded by the Load Flat Order Records report. This option appears only after you verify or edit the order record file, and is only available for the Order Files to Load tab. |
Remove deletes the selected file. This option is available for all of the tabs except the Import tab. |
Copy copies the selected file. In the Loaded Bib Files and Bib Error Files tabs, the selected bibliographic data file or bibliographic data error file is copied to the /Unicorn/Marcimport directory so the bibliographic records can be loaded into the catalog. In the Loaded Order Files and Order Error Files tabs, the selected order file or order error file is copied to the /Unicorn/Marcordimp/Orders directory so the order records can be loaded into the database. |
Cancel exits the MARC Order Import Utility wizard. |
Related topics
MARC Order Import Utility Wizard Properties
Load Bibs with Order Info Report
Load Flat Order Records Report
FAQs: Working with Order Files in the MARC Order Import Utility Wizard
FAQs: Displaying MARC Record Data