X12 Serial Claim Transactions Report

Before running this report, run the Prediction As Late report to prepare issues for selection. After the staff reviews the list and makes any necessary modifications to the list of late predictions, the X12 Serial Claim Transactions report may be run.

The X12 Serial Claim Transactions (Serclaimx12) report formats claim data into X12 format for export using the EDI Group of reports. This report formats claim data into standard X12 format for export to X12 capable vendors using information in the vendor EDI Address fields. The report outputs an X12 export file(s) and a list of each claim included in the export file. If the Update Issue field in the output options is set to Yes, the selected claim records’ Date Claimed and Times Claimed fields are updated.

This report contains the following tabs.

An issue is not actually claimed in SirsiDynix Symphony until claim notices are generated through the X12 Serial Claim Transactions report or the Serial Claim Notices report with the updating options set to Yes. The X12 Serial Claim Transactions generates claims in EDI claim format for X12 capable vendors. Run the Serial Claim Notices report to generate standard paper letters and claims for serials.

A prediction record must be linked to a vendor cycle record before EDI claiming of the issue can occur. A prediction is linked to the vendor cycle associated with the serial control record when the prediction is created. If the serial control record is not linked to a vendor cycle when the prediction is created, the prediction is not linked either. The selection of issues for claiming in the X12 Serial Claim Transactions report does not automatically provide predictions that are not linked to a vendor with the current vendor cycle associated with the serial control, as the Serial Claim Notices report does. If an issue is not selected because of a missing vendor link, the following message will be printed in the report log and the prediction is skipped.

Prediction is not linked to a vendor, so cannot place EDI claim

Transfer the file to the vendor using the EDI File Transmission report in the EDI Group of reports.

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