Vendor Cycle Selection Tab

The following Vendor Cycle selections may be available.

Amount Funded

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total monetary amount for items that have been ordered and encumbered against a fund. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Amount Funded/Invoiced

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total monetary amount for items that have been encumbered against a fund, and are also invoiced. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Amount Paid

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total monetary amount paid for items that have been invoiced. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Amount Unpaid

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total monetary amount of invoice lines that are not yet paid in full. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Average Days to Receive

All vendor cycles selected by the report have been determined to have this specified average number of days to receive an order. This value is maintained by the system based on when the orders for this vendor are placed and received. Use the Number Range gadget to select a range of numbers.

Cancel Period

All vendor cycles selected by the report allow the vendor this specified period of time, in days, after the order is placed before a cancellation letter should be generated for orders not yet received. When cancellation notices are generated using Acquisition Group reports, SirsiDynix Symphony determines the date to cancel based on the number of days set in this field. To select a range of days, use the Number Range gadget.

Claim Period

All vendor cycles selected by the report allow the vendor this specified period of time, in days, after the order is placed before a claim should be generated for orders not yet received. When purchase orders are generated using Acquisition Group reports, SirsiDynix Symphony sets the date to claim based on the number of days set in this field. To select a range of days, use the Number Range gadget.

Discount Type

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified discount type. Vendors may offer discounts to libraries, either by quantity or by line item amount. This field allows you to specify the automatic discount to apply to copies ordered from the vendor in the current fiscal cycle. The discount type can be set to MONETARY, QUANTITY, or NONE. If the vendor allows a discount based on the number of copies ordered, it is a quantity discount type. If the vendor allows a discount based on the amount of the order, it is a monetary discount type. Use the Policy List gadget to select a discount type or types.

Note: If a vendor has different discount rates for monographs, standing orders, or rush orders, it may be necessary to have separate vendor records for each type of discount.

Fiscal Cycle

All information selected by the report is associated with this specified fiscal cycle. Each vendor’s orders and subscriptions are associated with a fiscal year or portion of a year for accounting purposes. Examples include quarter, semester, calendar year, or fiscal year. Your library determines the format of the fiscal cycle, which should be used consistently across vendors to accurately use this selection. For example, 1999 and 99 could both be created, but they would not be retrieved at the same time using this selection. This field in the vendor cycle record accepts numeric values only. To select a range of fiscal cycles, use the Number Range gadget.


All vendor cycles selected by the report are associated with this specified library. Use the Policy List gadget to select a library. Only the acquisitions maintenance libraries for the station library can be selected.

Number of Claims Sent

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified number of claims sent to the vendor regarding line items ordered but not received. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Cancelled

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total number of copies that have been canceled for all line items ordered but not received. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Claimed

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total number of copies that have been claimed for all line items ordered but not received. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Invoiced

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total number of copies for all line items that have been invoiced at the workstation and have not yet been paid in full. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Paid

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total number of copies for all line items that have been paid in full. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Ordered

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified number of copies attached to associated orders. This value includes both encumbered and paid orders. Individual copy orders as well as multiple copy orders are totaled. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies Received

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total number of copies for all line items that have been ordered and received. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Orders

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified number of associated orders. This value is the total number orders for a particular vendor’s cycle, and includes both encumbered and paid orders. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

% Encumbrance Allowed

All vendors selected by the report allow this specified percentage of their deposit amount to be encumbered before an encumbrance alert is displayed. This value represents the percent of the encumbrance allowed on the vendor’s deposit amount. If this value is set at less than 100% (the default), a system alert displays when the deposit encumbrance threshold defined by the library is met. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Note: If the vendor amount deposited value is $0.00 or the % Encumbrance Allowed value is 100%, encumbrance alerts will only display for funds, not vendors.

Total Amount Ordered

All vendor cycles selected by the report have this specified total value of all orders placed with this vendor in the current fiscal cycle. This value includes both encumbered and paid orders. Use the Amount Range gadget to select an amount.

Total List Price

All vendor cycles selected by this report have this specified total list price for all orders placed with the vendor during the cycle. This value is calculated from each order’s unit price before any vendor discount is subtracted. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.

Vendor Amount Deposited

All vendor cycles selected by this report have this specified total amount of library funds deposited with the vendor during the cycle. Every time you order from the vendor, the deposit amount decreases as amounts are encumbered/paid to the vendor. SirsiDynix Symphony monitors the deposit amount, and, based on the percent encumbrance allowed, alerts you when the deposit amount has been encumbered/spent to the specified percentage. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.

Vendor Total List Price

All vendor cycles selected by this report have this specified vendor total list price for all orders placed with the vendor during the cycle. This value is calculated from each order’s unit price after any vendor discount is subtracted. Use the Amount Range gadget to select a price.

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