Serial Control Selection Tab

Reports that include a serial control selection may or may not include all of the following selections.

InfoVIEW Fields

Automatically Predict Issues

If Yes, the Allow Automatic Prediction of Issues check box is selected in the Patterns tab. If No, the Allow Automatic Prediction of Issues check box is not selected. If Both is selected, all serial controls are selected.

Automatically Update MARC Holdings

If Yes, serial controls selected by the report have the Automatically Update MARC Holdings attribute selected. This attribute allows you to select/clear the automatic update of serials holding information in the bibliographic record using information from the serial control. If No, only serial controls that are not automatically updating serial holdings data are selected. If Both is selected, all serial controls are selected.

Binding Color

All serial controls selected by the report use this specified binding color. If your library or binding company uses special color names or codes for the binding or ink used in binding, they should be recorded in this field. To enter a list of binding colors, use the String List gadget.

Binding Material

All serial controls selected by the report use this specified binding material. This field is used to record special information about the binding materials used for a particular title. To enter a list of binding materials, use the String List gadget.

Binding Title

All serial controls selected by the report use this specified binding title. In cases where the complete title cannot fit on the spine or when titles are bound using a title other than the title in the 245 tag entry, this field is used to record the title for binding. To enter a list of binding titles, use the String List gadget.

Binding Type

All serial controls selected by the report use this specified binding type. In cases where the library binds materials in different ways, such as hard bound or spiral bound, this field is used. To enter a list of binding types, use the String List gadget.

Category 1

All serial controls in the report have been designated to be of this serial category. Use the Policy List gadget to select categories. If no value is selected, all Serial Category 1 policy names are included.

Note: The screen label may display a more descriptive term in your library, or it may not display at all. This field is not required and is used for statistical purposes only.

Category 2

All serial controls in the report have been designated to be of this serial category. Use the Policy List gadget to select categories. If no value is selected, all Serial Category 2 policy names are included.

Note: The screen label may display a more descriptive term in your library, or it may not display at all. This field is not required and is used for statistical purposes only.

Chronology Type

Serial controls selected by the report have this specified chronology type given to each issue. The chronology type provides a structure for the date information in the chronology of each issue. Your library may have defined additional Chronology Type policies in Serial Control configuration. The naming conventions take the following forms. The custom option provides an option to manually enter a list with specific named chronologies, but they must meet one of the specified forms.

Chronology Type

Example Form


JAN 26, 2004


FEB 2004


MAR/APR 2004


SUM 2004



Classification Scheme

All serial controls selected by the report have been assigned the class scheme which determines the sorting and display of call numbers. Use the Policy List gadget to select class schemes. If no value is selected, all class schemes are included.

Created By

All serial controls selected by the report were created by the specified user access. To enter a list of user access values, use the Policy List gadget.

Current Link Number

All serial controls selected by the report have the specified number in their Current Link Number field. The current link number is the same as the |8 of the 853 entry of the holdings record. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Date Created

All serial controls selected by the report were created on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date First Prediction

All records selected by the report are set so that the first prediction will be on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Modified

All serial control records selected by the report were last modified on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Sent to Bind

All serial controls selected by the report last had issues sent to the bindery on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadgets.

Date to Bind

All serial controls selected by the report are next scheduled to be sent to the bindery on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadgets.

Days Before Subsequent Claim

All reports selected by the report allow this specified number of days to pass after the first claim before an issue qualifies for subsequent claiming. This number corresponds to the Days to Wait Before Subsequent Claim field on the Patterns tab. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Days to Wait Before Claiming

Serial controls selected by the report will be considered late after this specified number of days after the date the issue was expected. This is the period the library agrees to wait before claiming an issue from the vendor. To select a range of numbers of days, use the Number Range gadget.

Extended Information

Serial Controls selected by this report will have the specified text in a specific field of the Extended Info section. To select a specific entry ID and text, use the VED List gadget.

Form of Name to Display

Serial controls selected by the report have this specified form of display in the catalog, either NAME (same as Chronology) or ENUMERATION (Numeration) or BOTH. Descriptive text notes and/or new volume numbers in the catalog that use the CHRONOLOGY option display only the date or chronology, and those using the ENUMERATION option display only volume and number information. Use the Policy List gadget to select the display used in the catalog. If no value is selected, all catalog displays are included.


All serial controls selected by the report belong to this specified library or libraries. The serial control library is either the library associated with the user access of the user who created the control, or the default library in the Create Control Records for Library property when the control was created, or the value selected in Library for New Control when the Prompt for Library when Creating a Serial Control property was enabled. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included.

Note: When a default library is supplied in serial control selection, it may not be possible to modify the library value.

Modified By

All serial controls selected by the report were last modified by the specified user access. To enter a list of user access values, use the Policy List gadget.

Next Date Expected

All serial controls selected by the report have a Date Expected for the next prediction to generate with this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Number of Copies to Bind

Serial controls selected by the report send this specified number of copies of the journal to be bound. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Copies to Receive

Serial controls selected by the report have received this specified number of copies of an issue received. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Issues in Subscription

Serial controls selected by the report have this total number of issues to be received during the current subscription period. For instance, a monthly subscription would be likely to include 12 issues. This field is defined on the Subscription tab. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Issues to Bind

Serial controls selected by the report generally include this specified number of issues per bound volume. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Recently Arrived Issues

Serial controls selected by the report will have this specified number of latest issues displaying in a descriptive text note. A descriptive text note that displays the specific issue identification (chronology name or numeration) using a special note field can be created by the serial control record when the issue is checked in. This note field, Latest Issues, is usually the 599 entry of the bibliographic record. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Publication Cycle

All serial controls selected by the report are defined to have this specified publication cycle. The text that is used to select data must be entered exactly as it displays in the Publication Cycle field on the Patterns tab. To enter a list of publication cycles, use the String List gadget.


All serial controls selected by the report have the specified status. The status provides information about the serial subscription such as whether it is new, renewed, active, or canceled. Your library can create status policies to meet your needs. Use the Policy List gadget to select statuses. If no value is selected, all statuses are included.

Note: The screen label for the Status field may be defined by the library.

Subscription Expiration Date

All serial control subscriptions selected by the report are scheduled to expire on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.


The following serial control selections are specific to InfoVIEW style serial control records which were created using the Create Control command wizard instead of the Create a Serial Control wizard in WorkFlows. These selections may be used to identify prediction calendars used prior to the development of the Publication Cycle.

Cycle Type

All serial control records selected by the report hold in common the specified cycle type. The Cycle Type field specifies how the number in the Receipt Cycle field is counted, as in days, weeks, months, or years. Use the Policy List gadget to select cycle types. If no value is selected, all cycle types are included.

Position of Future Checkin

All serial controls selected by the report have a Calendar period for the next prediction to generate equal to the specified number. The calendar period is based on the cycle types (1–7 if DAYS;1–52 if WEEKS;1–12 if MONTHS;1–10 if YEARS). This value refers to where the ”*” is on the calendar of expected issues. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget. If you use this selection, you should limit the report to one cycle type at a time.

Receipt Cycle

All serial control records selected by the report have this specified number of days, weeks, months, or years between issues. The Receipt Cycle field determines how often the library should receive the material and contains the number of Cycle Types that come between receipt of issues. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

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