Prediction Selection Tab

Reports that include a Prediction selection may or may not include all of the following selections.

On the Prediction tab, the Any Copies Received has been set to Yes and cannot be modified. The Any Copies Expected defaults to both and Any Copies Claimed defaults to No. Setting the Any Copies Claimed to No prevents you from deleting issues with claims attached.

Any Copies Claimed

If Yes, at least some copies of an issue on the selected predictions have been claimed. If No, only predictions in which no copies have been claimed will be selected. Both selects all.

Any Copies Expected

If Yes, there are still some copies of an issue on the selected predictions that have not yet been received. If No, only completely received predictions will be selected. Both selects all.

Any Copies Received

If Yes, at least some copies of an issue on the selected predictions have been received. If No, only predictions in which no copies have been received will be selected. Both selects all.

Note: This option does not appear on the Prediction Selection tab in the Delete Received Issues report.


All issues selected by the report have this specified comment or comments in the Comment field of the prediction record. To enter a list of comments, use the String List gadget.

Created By

All issue prediction records selected by the report were created by the specified user access. To enter a list of user access values, use the Policy List gadget.

Date Created

All issue prediction records selected by the report were created on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Expected

All prediction records selected by the report are for issues expected to arrive on this specified date. This date is calculated based on the Cycle Type, Receipt Cycle, and Calendar Period of the serial control record. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Modified

All issue prediction records selected by the report were last modified on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Prediction

All prediction records selected by the report contain this specified prediction date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date to Claim

All prediction records selected by the report are for issues scheduled to be claimed on this specified date. This date is a result of the days to wait before claiming added to the Date Expected when the prediction record is generated. The Date to Claim is used by the Prediction As Late report to create claim records for predictions which have not yet been received by the specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Holdings Linking Number

All issues selected by the report have this specified number in the Holdings Link field of the prediction record. This corresponds to the link and sequence number that uniquely identifies a Captions and Pattern (853) field in the MARC Holdings record and links it with the Current Link Number of the serial control record. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Modified By

All issue prediction records selected by the report were last modified by the specified user access. To enter a list of user access values, use the Policy List gadget.


All issues selected by the report have this specified date text in the Chronology field of the prediction record. To enter a list of date texts, use the String List gadget.

Number of Copies Expected

All prediction records selected by the report are supposed to receive this specified number of copies of an issue. This number is defined in the Subscription tab of the serial control record. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Vendor Cycle Key

All issues selected by the report use this specified Vendor Cycle Key. This field does not display, but allows older claims to be made against the correct vendor cycle. After the vendor cycle has rolled over, the claims for issues that should have been received in the previous fiscal cycle will still be made against the previous vendor cycle, even though the current vendor cycle is used for current predictions. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

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