Maintaining the Integrity of Your Data with Reports

SirsiDynix Symphony uses reports to keep your bibliographic, item, authority, and user data properly indexed, ensuring that searches retrieve the bibliographic, item, or user information you would expect, and that appropriate authority cross-references are provided for bibliographic data. Because many reports are used to maintain the data, it is important to have an overview of how the reports interact and the order to run the reports.

If you are not familiar with the Rebuild reports, you should contact SirsiDynix Customer Support prior to running them. Rebuild reports always remove and recreate a data structure and can disrupt service.

Bibliographic Data Reports

If you want to update both your Browse and Keyword indexes, you would run these reports in the following order.

Item Data Reports

If you want to update or recreate your item databases, run the following reports.

Run the Add, Delete, Update Item (Aduitemtext) report daily to incorporate item record modifications to the item database.
Run the Rebuild Item Database (rebuilditem) report to remove and recreate the item database from the SirsiDynix Symphony database.

Authority Data Reports

If you make changes to authority related policies in catalog and/or authority formats, you may need to run the following reports.

Run the Rebuild Authority Index (Rebuildauth) report to remove and recreate the authority index. Run this report after making changes to authority index variations in authority formats. If you run this report, you must run the Delete Authority Entries report, and then the Rebuild Text Database report.
Run the Delete Authority Entries (Auth_maint) report to compare existing bibliographic entries to the current authority index and add and remove |?UNAUTHORIZED headings as needed. Run this report if you run the Rebuild Authority Index report, or you change authority index variations in cataloging formats. For ongoing cataloging, this function is handled by the Add Delete and Update Databases report.
Run the Rebuild Text Database (Rebuildtext) report to remove and recreate the Keyword index. This report can be run independently of the Delete Authority Entries report, but it should always be run afterwards.
Run the Rebuild Authority Thesauri (Rebldthesauri) report to remove existing authority thesauri and establish new ones. Run this report if you change any of thesaurus attributes in authority formats.
Run the Add, Delete, Update Databases report daily to incorporate modifications to the authority database.

User Data Reports

If you make changes to user records, you may need to run the following reports.

Run the Add, Delete, Update User (Aduusertext) report daily to incorporate modifications to the user database.
Run the Rebuild User Database (Rebldusertext) report as needed to remove and recreate the user database. Run this report to rebuild the User Text Database and the User Dynamic Database index if you are having difficulty retrieving recently added users or are retrieving incorrect users soon after they were added or modified.
Run the Reorganize User Text Dictionary (Reorgusertext) report to reclaim disk space released by modifications to the user database. If this report is not run frequently enough, there may not be enough disk space to run the report and your user database will need to be rebuilt. It is recommended that this report be run a minimum of once per week.

Using Reports to Rebuild After a System Restore

In the event of a situation that requires a system restore, you can run the entire set of rebuilding reports to get your SirsiDynix Symphony system running again. The following list shows the suggested order of running these reports.

Run the Rebuild User Database (Rebldusertext) report to recreated the user database from the SirsiDynix Symphony database. Although this report can be run at any time in the rebuilding process, it is recommended that you run it first or early in the process since user searching is needed for circulation.
Run the Rebuild Authority Index (Rebuildauth) report to rebuild the authority indexes.
Run the Delete Authority Entries (Auth_maint) report to delete unnecessary 960 entries in MARC authority records and remove |?UNAUTHORIZED headings as needed. This report can be run before or after the Rebuild Heading Databases report.
Run the Rebuild Heading Databases (Rebuildheading) report to recreate the heading index. This report can be run before or after the Delete Authority Entries report.
Run the Rebuild Text Database (Rebuildtext) report to recreate the text database, which is used for keyword searching.
Run the Rebuild Authority Thesauri report (Rebldthesauri) to rebuild thesauri using the authority database.

If your SirsiDynix Symphony system requires a system restore, contact Customer Support for additional advice. A system restore may require additional tasks before SirsiDynix Symphony is ready to be returned to service.


If your SirsiDynix Symphony system does not have authority records, you may omit the Rebuild Authority Index report, the Delete Authority Entries report, and the Rebuild Authority Thesauri report from the previous list.

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