Pay Invoice Wizard

Use the Pay Invoice Wizard to locate an unpaid invoice or invoice line, display the invoice or invoice line, and record an invoice payment. It is possible to edit the invoice and invoice line extended information using this wizard.

To pay an invoice or invoice lines

You can use the Display All Invoice Lines Helper to view information for all invoice lines without opening each line individually.

In the Date Paid field, use the Calendar Gadget to select a date. The Date Paid field defaults to the value selected in properties.

If the line was invoiced in a foreign currency, the Exchange field appears. This field cannot be modified.

Important Considerations When Using this Wizard

The wizard will automatically prorate the invoice upon payment.
When paying invoices, the Display Fund Summary helper is available to show how funds are affected by the invoice. The Save Funds Summary helper saves the summary information to a file, which can be viewed using a spread sheet application.
If the Pay Invoice wizard is configured to display a warning message when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item (from the orderline of the displayed invoice) exceeds the threshold set in the Session Settings wizard, the following message displays. “WARNING: The difference between order price and invoice price exceeds the threshold.”
If the Pay Invoice wizard is configured to display a warning message when the total quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received on the orderline of the displayed invoice, the following message displays. “WARNING: The quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received.”
The wizard properties and/or invoice search window can be configured to display a warning message during an invoice search if the invoice being looked up has invoice line validation amount errors, quantity errors, or both. The warning message window can include multiple warnings, depending on how many invoice lines do not pass validation and for what reason(s). The Display Invoiceline tool is available in the warning message window for you to view a specific invoice line that did not pass validation. If the invalid invoice line is linked to an order, the Display Orderline tool is available for you to view the orderline.

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