Display Funds Summary Helper
When working with invoice wizards, the Display Funds Summary helper may be available for you to view specific invoice fund information related to the invoice, including summarized fund encumbrances and payments.
To use the Display Funds Summary helper
1 | In the Display Invoice window, click the Display Funds Summary helper. |
2 | A table listing funds summaries related to the current invoice search will appear. The Fund ID, Fiscal Cycle, Account Number, Amount Invoiced, and Amount Paid display for each listed fund. |
3 | After viewing the funds summaries, click OK to return to the wizard. |

Display Funds Summary is also available as a tool on the Invoice Lines tab.
You can save the funds summary information to a file using the Save Funds summary Helper.
When an invoice is in a foreign currency, the fund summaries are displayed in the native currency.
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