Invoice Tab

The Invoice tab displays basic information about an invoice, including totals for quantity of items ordered, invoice lines, amount invoiced, and amount paid. If selected in properties, invoice extended information may display.

Tax-related fields display only when the Invoice Tax features are configured. For more information, see Invoice Tax Overview.

The Invoice tab may display the following information about an invoice.

The following fields are defined for the Invoice tab.

Control Number

This field contains a unique control number for this invoice. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically assigns this number, and it cannot be modified. The invoice control number is logged in history logs when an invoice is created, and it will remain consistent, even if an invoice is recreated through a restore of transactions. This field provides a unique, searchable key number for invoices. It can be useful to output invoices to external accounting software programs.

Created By

This field displays the fiscal cycle during which the invoice was created. When creating an invoice, this field is required. When modifying an invoice, it is possible to modify this field. It is possible to qualify invoice ID and vendor ID invoice searches by fiscal cycle.

Created In Fiscal Cycle

This field displays the fiscal cycle during which the invoice was created. When creating an invoice, this field is required. When modifying an invoice, it is possible to modify this field. It is possible to qualify invoice ID and vendor ID invoice searches by fiscal cycle. A default fiscal cycle value can be set in session settings. Note SirsiDynix Symphony allows invoice lines for a mixture of fiscal cycles on one invoice.


The currency used to pay the vendor displays in this field. When you order or invoice material, the vendor’s default currency appears. The default currency is the native currency of the vendor, which is specified in the Currency field of the vendor record. If no currency is entered for the vendor, the native currency of your library is the default. The vendor currency cannot be changed after orders or invoices have been placed with the vendor.

Date Invoiced

This field defaults to the date a particular invoice line was created. This date may be edited to the date printed on the vendor’s invoice. You may type this date as any MM/DD/YYYY date, the word “NEVER,” or the word “TODAY.”

Date Created

This field contains the date the invoice record was created. This field is automatically populated when an invoice record is created.

Date Locked

This field contains a date when an invoice is locked. Locked invoices are finalized, and you cannot make any more changes to the invoices, with the exceptions that you may modify the Invoice Extended Information fields and you may pay the invoices. When a new invoice is created, this date is set to NEVER. To set a date locked, use the Lock Invoice helper in the Add Invoice, Add Invoice Lines, and Modify Invoice wizards. To set the date locked back to NEVER, use the Unlock Invoice wizard.

Note: It is not possible to set a date locked when an invoice needs proration.

Date Modified

This field contains the date the invoice record was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

Date Ready

This field contains the date the invoice is ready to send electronically to a finance or accounting office. When a new invoice is created, this date is set to NEVER. Type T for TODAY, N for NEVER, or type a date in the required date format. Note It is not possible to set a date ready when an invoice is locked.

Extended Information

Invoice extended information fields may be labeled “Note” and “Comment” and more, depending on the entries defined in your Invoice Extended Information format.

Invoice ID

When creating an invoice, you may type any number or name in this field, up to 20 characters. Typically, the identification for the invoice supplied by the vendor is used. The invoice ID does not have to be unique, but the combination of the invoice ID and the vendor ID must be unique. Your system may be configured to generate automatic invoice IDs in the absence of an actual invoice ID from the vendor.

Invoice Lines

When an invoice is displayed, the number of invoice lines for that particular invoice displays.

Last Modified By

The user access of the user who last modified the invoice record (or any linked invoice line) displays in this field. Changes to an invoice line that can affect the invoice’s Last Modified By value include adding or deleting an invoice line, editing a line, or paying or reversing payment of a line.


Order records are assigned to a library. Which libraries may display your library’s order records is controlled by the Acquisition Display Libraries attribute of your Library policy. Which libraries may maintain your library’s acquisitions records is controlled by the Acquisition Maintenance Libraries attribute of your Library policy. When you are modifying or displaying acquisitions information, you may only select those libraries who have indicated in their Library policy that you may maintain or display that library’s acquisitions.

Native Library Currency

This is the library’s native currency. The currency values are defined by the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator in the Currency wizard in Acquisition Configuration. A Currency policy is created for each of the potential currencies that will be used to pay vendors. You can select or clear the Native option in each Currency policy.

Note: Only one of the Currency policies can be native.

For example, a public library in Washington, DC contains materials from several different nations. The library creates currencies for Canadian dollars (CAN), Mexican pesos (PESO), British pounds (UK), etc. Materials are primarily ordered in the same currency that is used in the country where the library resides. So the native currency of the library is United States dollars (US). Only the US Currency policy would be selected as Native, making US the library’s native currency.

Native Subtotal

This field displays when the SirsiDynix Symphony tax features are configured and Order In Foreign Currencies is selected in Session Settings. This field contains the subtotals in the library’s native currency of invoice lines with the following link types.

Copy proration
Line proration
Price proration

Tax amounts are not included in the native subtotal.

Native Subtotal Amount Paid

This field displays when the SirsiDynix Symphony tax features are configured and Order In Foreign Currencies is selected in Session Settings. This field contains amounts in the library’s native currency subtotaled from paid invoice lines with the following link types.

Copy proration
Line proration
Price proration

Tax amounts are not included in the native subtotal amount paid.

Native Tax Total Tax 1, 2, 3

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured and Order In Foreign Currencies is selected in Session Settings. These fields display, in the library’s native currency, the total Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3 amounts. Whether no taxes, or one, two, or three taxes are used in an invoice is determined by the Tax Structure policy associated with the invoice. For example, when a tax structure that does not use Tax 3 is associated with an invoice, the Tax 3 total will not display. The same can be true for Tax 2 and even Tax 1. Further, labels used in invoice wizards make use of the Acquisitions Tax policy names. For example, instead of Tax 1 total, you might see a field labeled “Tax Total CITY.”

Native Tax Total Amount Paid Tax 1, 2, 3

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured and Order In Foreign Currencies is selected in Session Settings. These fields display, in the library’s native currency, the total Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3 amounts paid. Whether no taxes, or one, two, or three taxes are used in an invoice is determined by the Tax Structure policy associated with the invoice. For example, when a tax structure that does not use Tax 3 is associated with an invoice, the Tax 3 total will not display. The same can be true for Tax 2 and even Tax 1. Further, labels used in invoice wizards make use of the Acquisitions Tax policy names. For example, instead of Tax 1 total, you might see a field labeled “Tax Total CITY.”

Native Tax Total

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured and Order In Foreign Currencies is selected in Session Settings. This field contains the total for all invoice taxes in the library’s native currency. This total is accumulated from all invoice lines with link types Tax/Adjust or Tax/Fund.

Native Tax Total Amount Paid

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured and when Order in Foreign Currencies is selected in Session Settings. This field contains the paid amount for all invoice taxes in the library’s native currency. This total is accumulated from all paid invoice lines with link types Tax/Adjust or Tax/Fund.

Native Total Invoiced

When an invoice is displayed, this field displays the total amount invoiced across all invoice lines of the order. If the vendor currency is not the same as the native currency, this field contains the amount in the library’s native currency.

Native Total Paid

When an invoice is displayed, this field displays the total amount paid across all invoice lines of the order. If the vendor currency is not the same as the native currency, this field contains the amount in the library’s native currency.

Paid to Vendor

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. This field indicates whether taxes are paid directly to the vendor. If Y, taxes are paid to the vendor. If N, the library pays taxes directly to the government agency that levies the tax.


In an invoice, the Quantity field contains the number of copies invoiced across all invoice lines. In an invoice line, the Quantity field contains the number of copies invoiced for that particular line.

Remit to Vendor

In an invoice when tax is configured, this field displays the total amount to be paid to the vendor. The Remit to Vendor amount is in the vendor currency. It is updated when invoice lines of the following link types are added, deleted, or the amount is modified:

Price prorate
Copy prorate
Line prorate
Tax fund (when Tax Paid to Vendor is yes)
Tax adjust (when Tax Paid to Vendor is yes)

Note: When Tax Paid to Vendor is no, the Remit to Vendor and the invoice Subtotal is equal.


This field contains the subtotals in the vendor’s currency of invoice lines with the following link types.

Copy proration
Line proration
Price proration

Tax amounts are not included in the subtotal.

Subtotal Amount Paid

This field contains amounts in the vendor’s currency subtotaled from paid invoice lines with the following link types.

Copy proration
Line proration
Price proration

Tax amounts are not included in the subtotal.

Tax Amount Paid

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. This field displays the total amount of taxes paid in the vendor’s currency. The total is the sum of invoice lines with types Tax/Adjust or Tax/Fund.

Tax Calculated

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. This field indicates whether or not SirsiDynix Symphony has automatically performed a tax calculation on an invoice. If Y, tax was calculated for an invoice line or lines. If N, tax calculations were not performed on the invoice, or the invoice line or lines created by a SirsiDynix Symphony tax calculation were removed.

Tax Exempt Vendor

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured, and the Vendor Tax Exemptions policy in the Global Configuration wizard is set to Use Vendor Tax Exemptions. This field specifies whether the vendor has a tax exempt status. If a vendor has a tax exempt status, materials ordered from the vendor are not subject to taxes. This field displays as a check box if the setting can be modified; otherwise, the field is read-only and displays the current setting. If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is selected or the field is set to Y (Yes), the vendor has a tax exempt status. If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is cleared or the field is set to N (No), the vendor does not have a tax exempt status, and materials ordered from the vendor are subject to taxes. By default, the Tax Exempt Vendor field is set to N.

Note: If the invoice is locked, the Tax Exempt Vendor field is read-only.

Note: If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor field and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount field (if available) must be cleared because they do not apply to a vendor who supplies ordered materials that are exempt from taxes.

Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured, and when the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount policy in the Global Configuration wizard is set to Use Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount. This field indicates whether invoice line amounts include tax. By default, the field inherits its setting from the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount field in the vendor record. The Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount field can be changed when the invoice is created, or when the invoice is modified after its creation.

Note: If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is available and selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor field and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amounts field must be cleared because they do not apply to a vendor who supplies ordered materials that are exempt from taxes.

Tax Paid to Vendor

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. This field indicates whether taxes are paid to the vendor. Some sites prefer to have the taxes accrue, and pay them directly to the government agency that levies the tax. If this field is selected (or Y), tax will be paid to the vendor. If this field is cleared (or N), the library will pay the taxes directly to the government agency.

Note: If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor field and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amounts field (if available) must be cleared because they do not apply to a vendor who supplies ordered materials that are exempt from taxes.

Tax Structure

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. This field displays the Tax Structure policy applied to this invoice. When the Invoice Taxes feature is configured, this field is required.

Note: If you change the tax structure policy, the following message displays:

Please verify invoice tax line exemptions.

When the tax structure policy is changed, the invoice tax lines are automatically changed to reflect the new tax structure. In each invoice tax line, the Tax Handling fields are set to Exempt or Standard according to the Allow Tax Exemptions settings in the newly-selected tax structure. You must verify each invoice line and manually change the Tax Handling value, if necessary. To change tax handling settings, you must select a value in the Tax Handling field on invoice lines; you cannot modify the Tax Handling fields on automatically generated invoice tax lines.

Tax Total

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. This field displays the total amount of taxes assessed in the vendor’s currency.

Tax Total Tax 1, 2, 3

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. These fields display, in the vendor’s currency, the total Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3 amounts. Whether no taxes, or one, two, or three taxes are used in an invoice is determined by the Tax Structure policy associated with the invoice. For example, when a tax structure that does not use Tax 3 is associated with an invoice, the Tax 3 total will not display. The same can be true for Tax 2 and even Tax 1. Further, labels used in invoice wizards make use of the Acquisitions Tax policy names. For example, instead of Tax 1 total, you might see a field labeled “Tax Total CITY.”

Tax Total Amount Paid Tax 1, 2, 3

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. These fields display, in the vendor’s currency, the total Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3 amounts paid. Whether no taxes, or one, two, or three taxes are used in an invoice is determined by the Tax Structure policy associated with the invoice. For example, when a tax structure that does not use Tax 3 is associated with an invoice, the Tax 3 total will not display. The same can be true for Tax 2 and even Tax 1. Further, labels used in invoice wizards make use of the Acquisitions Tax policy names. For example, instead of Tax 1 total, you might see a field labeled “Tax Total CITY.”

Total Amount Invoiced

When an invoice is displayed, this field displays the total amount invoiced across all invoice lines of the order. If the vendor currency is not the same as the native currency, this field contains the amount in the vendor’s currency.

Total Amount Paid

When an invoice is displayed, this field displays the total amount paid across all invoice lines of the order. If the vendor currency is not the same as the native currency, this field contains the amount in the vendor’s currency.

Vendor ID

Each master vendor record must be assigned a unique ID. This identifier is used throughout acquisitions and serials WorkFlows to help you quickly identify the vendor. The ID may be up to 20 characters long. For instance, Baker & Taylor might be referred to as BAKER. Publishers have an International Standard Number, the first digits of the ISBN, assigned to them, and the library might want to use this as the vendor ID. For example, the vendor ID for Pierian Press might be 87650.

Note: Click the vendor ID glossary to see detailed vendor information.