Add Selection List Wizard
The Add Selection List wizard guides you through the process of creating a selection list control record and linking titles to the selection list.
To create a selection list
Click the Add Selection List wizard. |
Under Enter Selection List Information, type a List ID, or select AUTO from the list. Select a fiscal cycle and type a list owner, or use the gadget to select a list owner. If not selected in properties, the list owner defaults to the user ID of the login user. Click Create Selection List. |
The Add List Line interface automatically opens. Use the Item Search to identify a title for the first list line. Click Add List Line. |
Or, if the title you want to order is not in the catalog, click the Add Temporary Title Helper, if available, to create a title for this list. Alternately, you may click the SmartPort helper (SmartPort Wizard), if available, to capture a selection list title.
On the List Line Tab, type the unit price, ISBN/ISSN, parts in set, and binding information. Additional list line information, such as reviews, citations, and comments can be added. For more information about the fields on this tab, see the tab topic. |
Click Add List Line to save the list line. If you click Cancel, the line is not added. |
While creating selection lists, you can add decision records dynamically, as long as the status of the selection list is ACTIVE. You may create multiple decisions for each list line using this wizard. If you do want to add a decision to this list line, click the Decision Tab, then click the Add Decision Tool. Select a decision value, either BUY, DONTBUY, or MAYBE, and type the quantity to purchase. Click Add Decision. |
Under Ordering Details, add fundings and distributions segments. See the Segments Tab topic for more information about adding fundings/distributions. Click Modify Decision, and return to the Lines tab. |
On the Lines Tab: Selection List, use the following tools to add more list lines, or modify, remove, or display list lines. For more information, see the tab topic. |
Click the Selection List Tab, and type selection list control information, including extended information. It is important to select an applicable selection list status. For more information about the Status field and other fields on this tab, see the tab topic. Click Modify Selection List. |
You may only create selection lists for the libraries allowed by the acquisitions maintenance libraries settings.
For more information about working with decision records, go to the My Decisions Wizard topic.
ISXN warnings may appear when creating selection lists. Correct the ISXN value before continuing. For more information see FAQs: ISBN/ISSN Validation.
After creating a selection list, you may click one of the following options.
Modify Selection List after making more changes to the current selection list |
Add Another Selection List to create a new selection list |
Close to exit the Add Selection List wizard |
Related topics
Add Selection List Wizard Properties
Add Temporary Title Helper
SmartPort Helper (SmartPort Wizard)
Getting Started with Selection Lists