Set Destruction Date Report

After all copies on a Certificate of Destruction (CD) are physically destroyed, run the Set Destruction Date (Setdestroyed) report to update the database to reflect the date the items were destroyed, and to set a date that the items will be purged from the database. This report also changes the current location of all selected items to DESTROYED. This report is in the Accountability Group Reports.

Create the DESTROYED policy before running this report.

This report contains the following tabs.

The Purge Date is set based on the Purge Period attribute in the Clearance policy for the classification of the item. The default value in the Purge Date field is defined as NEVER until the date is set to purge this item’s accountability information in one of the following ways.

An accountability operator manually updates a copy’s purge date to any value.
The Set Destruction Date report is run, calculating the copy’s Purge Date based on its classification.
The Change DB to Acknowledge Items (Setacknowledge) report is run, acknowledging that an EXTERNAL user has received materials that will not be returned to the library, and calculating the copy’s Purge Date based on its classification.

The Destruct Date is defined as NEVER until set for a particular document in one of the following ways.

An accountability operator manually updates a copy’s Destruct Date to any value.
The Set Destruction Date report is run, with the Date Destroyed set on the Date Destroyed tab. The Date Destroyed value updates the Destruct Date for all selected copies.
By default, full bibliographic information is printed for each item, along with relevant copy, classification, and destruction information.

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