Reset Checkout Tracking Report

The Reset Checkout Tracking (Resetmybistro) report allows the system administrator to clear the ”I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” value in the MyProfile profile record for some or all users at one time.

This report is in the e-Library tab of reports.

The workstation server needs to be running to schedule and run this report, or the report will fail. Do not halt the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server until the report displays on the finished reports list.

The Reset Checkout Tracking report contains the following tabs.

When the e-Library is delivered, each user’s MyProfile value for ”I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” is selected. If a library does not want this to be default value for some or all users, this report may be used to disable the field. This report may also be run at any time after installation to disable the charges tracked as favorites feature for all or selected users. You may select a specific list of users or limit users by the user or MyProfile selection options on the MyProfile Selection tab. Any change to MyProfile data is recorded in the history logs only.

In the standard delivery of the e-Library, the Tell Me When, Favorites, and MyProfile features are turned on. If they are turned off, the Reset Checkout Tracking report should be run immediately so all existing MyProfile records no longer track checkouts. Then the Remove Patron Favorites (Remfavorites) report should be run to remove any existing favorites.

When a new user is created, even if the standard delivery for MyProfile features are turned off, the ”I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” feature is automatically turned on for that user. When the MyProfile features are turned off, the Reset Checkout Tracking report and Remove Patron Favorites report should be scheduled monthly to run against user records created in the last month so the new MyProfile records will not track checkouts, and any existing favorites will be removed.

The Reset Checkout Tracking report can only clear the “I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” value for all or selected users. It is not possible to run a report to turn this value on some or all users. The only way the value can be turned on is for a user to access My Profile in e-Library and select the “I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” check box.

The results of this report are embedded in the report log. Do not select to view, print, or email results only, or the system will return an error message. In the View Finished Reports window, if you select the View Results check box but do not select the Format Report check box, WordPad may open and begin the unformatted report output with the following formatting text.


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