MyProfile Selection Tab

In reports that select data in libraries using the MyProfile features of the e-Library, the following MyProfile selection options may be available.

Charges Tracked as Favorites

Each MyProfile profile record selected by the report based on whether the ”I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” value is selected or cleared.

Yes selects the MyProfile profile records that have the ”I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” value selected. This option is the default selection.
No selects only the MyProfile profile records that hat have the ”I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” value cleared.
Both selects all MyProfile profile records regardless of the ”I want all authors and subjects of items I check out be counted automatically as My Favorites” value.

Date Accessed

Each MyProfile profile record selected by the report was last accessed by the user in the e-Library on this specified date. Access is defined as any time the user enters his personal login, such as logging in for more benefits, or for other account activities such as reviewing the account, changing a pin, or renewing materials. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Changing an address is really a library request, and does not count as account access.

Date Created

Each MyProfile profile record selected by the report was created by the user in the e-Library on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Modified

Each MyProfile profile record selected by the report was last modified on this specified date. A profile may be modified by either the user in the e-Library, or by the Reset Checkout Tracking (Resetmybistro) report. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Days Between Notices

Each MyProfile profile record selected by the report is defined to request notices of new Tell Me When materials at intervals specified by this number of days. This value may be set by the user in MyProfile in the ”I want to be notified every __ (days) about new Tell Me When authors and subjects” field. When the Notify Users About Favorites (Searchfavorite) report is run, users are automatically selected based on the value specified in this field. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Days to Show Favorites

Each MyProfile profile record selected by the report is defined to display favorites only for the specified number of days. This value is currently set to a specified time frame at the time of installation. The default period is 365 days. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Number of Times Accessed

Each MyProfile profile record selected by the report was accessed by the user in the e-Library this specified number of times. Access is defined as any time the user enters his personal login, such as logging in for more benefits, or for other account activities such as reviewing the account, changing a pin, or renewing materials. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

Changing an address is really a library request, and does not count as account access.

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