Gateway Database Wizard
A Gateway Database policy represents the hierarchical tree structure of a Gateway policy. Gateway Database policies include two types of gateway elements: Group elements and Destination elements. The “root” element of the tree structure is the main gateway. Typically, Public Access Choices is the “root.” Branching from this “root” are the group elements and from these group elements are the destination elements. Click a gateway element folder in the tree and the associated group and/or destination elements appear. You can create, modify, shift, move, copy or remove gateway elements and destinations. Selecting an element and clicking Create or Modify displays the following tabs.
• | Basic Element Tab |
• | Destination Element Tab |
• | Search Field Tab |
• | WWW Information Element Tab |

The Search Field tab only appears for catalog access, Z39.50 search, and reference database gateway element types.

When you open the Gateway Database wizard, if there is a mismatch between the
There is mismatch between the version of your
Server software version: xxxx
Client software version: yyyyy
Client build number: zzzzz
Related topics
Policy Operations for the Gateway and Gateway Database Policies